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![]() Monthly Global Tropical Cyclone Tracks March 1999 [Summaries and Track Data] [Prepared by Gary Padgett] |
GLOBAL TROPICAL CYCLONE TRACKS - MARCH 1999 SOUTH INDIAN OCEAN (SIO) - South Indian Ocean West of Longitude 90E NOTE: The tracking coordinates, 10-min avg MSW, and estimates of central pressure were obtained from the RSMC La Reunion's advisories, while the 1-min avg MSW were taken from JTWC's advisories. In the case of TC Davina and TD E39899, the coordinates and 10-min MSW were taken from an analyzed Best Track prepared by the La Reunion TCWC. A special thanks to Philippe Caroff for sending the track to me. ************************************************************************* Storm Name: DAVINA Cyclone Number: 25S Basin: SIO Date Time Lat Lon Cent MSW MSW Remarks (GMT) Press 1-min 10-min (mb) (kts) (kts) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 99 MAR 01 0600 10.7 S 88.5 E 1003 25 JTWC Formation Alert 99 MAR 01 1800 10.8 S 88.8 E 30 JTWC Warning 99 MAR 02 0600 9.5 S 89.6 E 1001 30 20 La Reunion Best Track 99 MAR 02 1200 9.7 S 90.2 E 999 25 99 MAR 02 1800 10.0 S 90.7 E 999 35 25 99 MAR 03 0000 10.2 S 91.2 E 999 25 99 MAR 03 0600 10.6 S 90.9 E 999 40 25 99 MAR 03 1200 11.2 S 90.6 E 998 25 99 MAR 03 1800 11.7 S 90.0 E 996 40 30 99 MAR 04 0000 11.8 S 89.6 E 995 30 99 MAR 04 0600 12.1 S 88.7 E 994 40 32 99 MAR 04 1200 12.4 S 87.5 E 991 35 99 MAR 04 1800 12.7 S 86.1 E 988 40 99 MAR 05 0000 13.0 S 84.7 E 983 45 99 MAR 05 0600 13.4 S 83.5 E 978 65 50 99 MAR 05 1200 13.9 S 82.6 E 965 60 99 MAR 05 1800 14.4 S 81.2 E 955 90 70 JTWC: 14.6 S, 80.4 E 99 MAR 06 0000 14.7 S 79.8 E 945 80 99 MAR 06 0600 15.0 S 78.4 E 945 100 80 99 MAR 06 1200 15.4 S 77.1 E 945 100 80 JTWC: 15.5 S, 76.3 E 99 MAR 06 1800 15.9 S 75.4 E 950 100 75 JTWC: 15.6 S, 76.0 E 99 MAR 07 0000 16.3 S 73.9 E 945 80 99 MAR 07 0600 16.5 S 72.3 E 938 105 85 JTWC: 16.5 S, 73.0 E 99 MAR 07 1200 16.8 S 70.7 E 930 90 99 MAR 07 1800 17.0 S 69.2 E 930 105 90 99 MAR 08 0000 17.3 S 67.4 E 930 90 99 MAR 08 0600 17.5 S 65.9 E 940 100 85 99 MAR 08 1200 17.8 S 64.4 E 950 75 99 MAR 08 1800 18.4 S 63.1 E 955 100 70 99 MAR 09 0000 19.0 S 61.6 E 960 65 99 MAR 09 0600 19.5 S 60.0 E 955 100 70 99 MAR 09 1200 20.0 S 58.7 E 955 70 99 MAR 09 1800 20.7 S 57.6 E 955 90 70 99 MAR 10 0000 21.1 S 56.6 E 967 60 99 MAR 10 0600 21.8 S 55.4 E 974 85 55 99 MAR 10 1200 22.1 S 54.4 E 978 50 99 MAR 10 1800 22.3 S 53.6 E 983 80 45 99 MAR 11 0000 22.4 S 53.2 E 983 45 99 MAR 11 0600 22.9 S 52.7 E 983 75 45 99 MAR 11 1200 23.0 S 52.6 E 983 45 99 MAR 11 1800 23.1 S 52.5 E 983 75 45 99 MAR 12 0000 23.3 S 52.4 E 985 43 99 MAR 12 0600 23.0 S 52.4 E 987 60 40 99 MAR 12 1200 22.9 S 52.4 E 990 35 99 MAR 12 1800 22.3 S 52.5 E 995 35 30 99 MAR 13 0000 22.1 S 52.6 E 997 30 99 MAR 13 0600 22.0 S 52.8 E 1000 35 25 99 MAR 13 1200 22.1 S 52.9 E 1000 25 99 MAR 13 1800 22.0 S 53.0 E 1000 35 25 99 MAR 14 0000 21.6 S 52.8 E 1000 25 99 MAR 14 0600 21.5 S 52.8 E 1000 35 25 99 MAR 14 1200 21.5 S 52.6 E 1000 25 99 MAR 14 1800 20.9 S 51.6 E 1002 30 20 99 MAR 15 0000 20.5 S 51.0 E 1002 20 99 MAR 15 0600 20.3 S 50.2 E 1002 20 99 MAR 15 1200 20.0 S 49.9 E 1002 20 99 MAR 15 1800 19.9 S 49.6 E 1003 20 99 MAR 16 0000 19.9 S 49.3 E 1003 20 99 MAR 16 0600 20.2 S 49.3 E 1004 15 See Note 99 MAR 16 1200 20.5 S 49.3 E 1004 15 99 MAR 16 1800 20.7 S 49.3 E 1004 15 99 MAR 17 0000 20.8 S 49.3 E 1004 15 99 MAR 17 0600 20.9 S 49.4 E 1004 15 99 MAR 17 1200 20.7 S 49.5 E 1004 15 99 MAR 17 1800 20.6 S 49.8 E 1004 15 99 MAR 18 0000 20.9 S 50.1 E 1005 15 99 MAR 18 0600 21.3 S 50.5 E 1005 15 99 MAR 18 1200 21.4 S 50.9 E 1005 15 99 MAR 18 1800 21.0 S 50.9 E 1005 15 99 MAR 19 0000 20.4 S 51.0 E 1006 15 99 MAR 19 0600 19.7 S 51.1 E 1006 15 99 MAR 19 1200 19.0 S 51.1 E 1006 15 Note: All the tabular positions, central pressure estimates, and 10-min MSW values from 02/0600 UTC onward are based upon the analyzed Best Track from La Reunion. No MSW values were given after 16/0000 UTC--I chose to use 15 kts as the MSW for this portion of the track as the winds were likely no higher than this. ************************************************************************* Storm Name: TD E39899 Cyclone Number: 29S Basin: SIO Date Time Lat Lon Cent MSW MSW Remarks (GMT) Press 1-min 10-min (mb) (kts) (kts) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 99 MAR 11 1800 14.7 S 86.9 E 1003 20 See Note 99 MAR 12 0000 14.5 S 85.8 E 1003 20 99 MAR 12 0600 14.4 S 85.0 E 1002 20 99 MAR 12 1200 13.9 S 84.1 E 1002 20 99 MAR 12 1800 13.4 S 83.1 E 1002 20 99 MAR 13 0000 12.9 S 82.1 E 1002 20 99 MAR 13 0600 12.7 S 81.1 E 1001 20 99 MAR 13 1200 12.6 S 79.8 E 1000 23 99 MAR 13 1800 12.7 S 78.9 E 1000 23 99 MAR 14 0000 12.7 S 78.1 E 999 25 99 MAR 14 0600 12.5 S 77.5 E 999 25 99 MAR 14 1200 12.3 S 77.0 E 999 25 99 MAR 14 1800 12.0 S 76.6 E 1000 23 99 MAR 15 0000 12.0 S 76.4 E 999 25 99 MAR 15 0600 12.2 S 75.9 E 999 25 99 MAR 15 1200 12.4 S 75.4 E 999 25 99 MAR 15 1800 12.5 S 75.0 E 999 25 99 MAR 16 0000 12.7 S 74.6 E 996 30 99 MAR 16 0600 13.0 S 74.3 E 996 30 99 MAR 16 1200 13.3 S 74.2 E 996 30 99 MAR 16 1800 13.4 S 74.0 E 996 30 99 MAR 17 0000 13.6 S 73.9 E 995 35 30 99 MAR 17 0600 13.6 S 73.8 E 995 35 30 99 MAR 17 1200 13.7 S 73.6 E 995 35 30 99 MAR 17 1800 13.8 S 73.3 E 995 35 30 99 MAR 18 0000 14.1 S 73.1 E 995 30 99 MAR 18 0600 14.5 S 73.2 E 996 30 99 MAR 18 1200 14.8 S 73.2 E 997 30 28 99 MAR 18 1800 15.2 S 73.2 E 999 25 99 MAR 19 0000 15.7 S 73.0 E 999 30 25 JTWC: 14.6 S, 74.0 E 99 MAR 19 0600 15.8 S 72.5 E 999 25 99 MAR 19 1200 16.5 S 72.0 E 999 30 25 JTWC: 14.3 S, 74.2 E 99 MAR 19 1800 17.3 S 71.4 E 999 25 99 MAR 20 0000 17.9 S 70.7 E 1000 23 99 MAR 20 0600 18.3 S 70.3 E 1002 20 99 MAR 20 1200 18.7 S 70.0 E 1002 20 99 MAR 20 1800 19.2 S 70.1 E 1003 15 99 MAR 21 0000 19.9 S 70.2 E 1004 15 Note: This track is based in its entirety upon the analyzed Best Track from La Reunion. ************************************************************************* ************************************************************************* AUSTRALIAN REGION (AUS) - From Longitude 90E Eastward to Longitude 160E NOTE: The tracking information presented below was obtained from operational warnings issued by the Tropical Cyclone Warning Centres at Perth, Western Australia; Darwin, Northern Territory; and Brisbane, Queensland. JTWC warnings were utilized for making comparisons and for supplying information for times when the Australian warnings were unavailable. The 10-min MSW values were obtained from the Australian warnings while the 1-min MSW values were assigned by JTWC. The tropical cyclone warnings from Perth report the analyzed cyclone positions at 0400, 1000, 1600, and 2200 UTC instead of the more familiar 0000, 0600, 1200, and 1800 UTC utilized by most TC warning agencies. I have made no attempt to interpolate the coordinates to standard synoptic hours as I did last season. ************************************************************************* Storm Name: TD E29899 Cyclone Number: 26S Basin: AUS/SIO Date Time Lat Lon Cent MSW MSW Remarks (GMT) Press 1-min 10-min (mb) (kts) (kts) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 99 FEB 28 1800 12.5 S 124.0 E 1004 15 JTWC Trop. WX Outlook 99 MAR 01 1800 13.0 S 126.0 E 1005 15 " 99 MAR 02 1800 11.0 S 127.0 E 1002 15 " 99 MAR 03 0600 12.0 S 121.0 E 1001 25 Surface Wind Obs 99 MAR 04 1800 14.5 S 113.5 E JTWC Trop. WX Outlook 99 MAR 05 1800 15.0 S 110.0 E " 99 MAR 06 1200 14.5 S 101.4 E 25 JTWC Formation Alert 99 MAR 07 0600 15.3 S 97.2 E 35 JTWC Warning 99 MAR 07 1200 13.4 S 97.2 E 35 " 99 MAR 07 1800 16.3 S 94.3 E 1001 35 33 JTWC: 14.3 S, 94.8 E 99 MAR 08 0000 14.8 S 93.8 E 35 JTWC Warning 99 MAR 08 0400 15.0 S 94.0 E 1000 35 33 JTWC-06Z: 15.5S, 92.0E 99 MAR 08 1000 13.3 S 90.7 E 1000 30 33 JTWC-12Z: 15.2S, 90.2E 99 MAR 08 1200 13.3 S 90.6 E 1002 30 La Reunion Position 99 MAR 08 1600 13.5 S 89.0 E 1000 30 30 JTWC-18Z: 15.1S, 88.9E 99 MAR 09 0000 15.1 S 87.8 E 30 JTWC Warning 99 MAR 09 0600 12.9 S 81.7 E 999 30 30 JTWC: 13.3 S, 84.7 E 99 MAR 09 1200 13.0 S 80.0 E 999 30 See Note 99 MAR 09 1800 12.7 S 78.0 E 999 30 99 MAR 10 1200 13.2 S 74.6 E 1000 30 99 MAR 10 1800 13.2 S 71.5 E 1001 30 99 MAR 11 1800 13.6 S 68.0 E 1002 30 99 MAR 12 0000 13.6 S 67.0 E 1000 30 99 MAR 13 0000 12.6 S 67.6 E 1001 30 99 MAR 13 1800 12.0 S 64.0 E 1000 20 JTWC Trop. WX Outlook 99 MAR 14 1800 10.0 S 60.0 E 1004 15 " 99 MAR 15 1800 12.0 S 62.0 E 1002 15 " 99 MAR 16 1800 11.0 S 58.0 E 1004 15 " 99 MAR 17 0600 10.7 S 60.8 E 1002 25 La Reunion Bulletins 99 MAR 17 1800 10.4 S 61.2 E 1000 25 99 MAR 18 0000 10.6 S 62.1 E 1000 25 99 MAR 18 0600 10.8 S 62.1 E 1001 25 99 MAR 18 1200 10.7 S 62.3 E 1002 25 99 MAR 18 1800 10.8 S 63.0 E 1000 25 99 MAR 19 0000 10.7 S 64.4 E 1002 25 99 MAR 19 0600 11.9 S 65.2 E 1002 25 99 MAR 19 1200 11.5 S 65.5 E 1002 25 99 MAR 19 1800 11.2 S 65.5 E 1006 20 JTWC Trop. WX Outlook 99 MAR 20 1800 12.0 S 68.0 E 1006 20 " 99 MAR 21 1800 12.0 S 70.0 E 1006 20 " 99 MAR 22 1800 12.0 S 70.0 E 1006 20 " 99 MAR 23 1800 12.0 S 70.0 E 1006 20 " 99 MAR 24 1800 9.0 S 70.0 E 1006 20 " 99 MAR 25 1800 9.0 S 70.0 E 1006 20 " 99 MAR 26 1800 9.0 S 70.0 E 1006 20 " 99 MAR 27 1800 9.0 S 68.0 E 1006 20 " Note: The position at 08/1600 UTC was based upon the final warning from Perth. The 30-kt 10-min MSW reported by La Reunion from 09/0600 UTC through 13/0000 UTC were not central winds, but were peripheral near-gales well removed from the center in the southern semicircle. This system was not classified as a tropical depression by La Reunion. ************************************************************************* Storm Name: ELAINE Cyclone Number: 28S Basin: AUS Date Time Lat Lon Cent MSW MSW Remarks (GMT) Press 1-min 10-min (mb) (kts) (kts) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 99 MAR 14 1800 13.0 S 120.0 E 1004 15 JTWC Trop. WX Outlook 99 MAR 15 1800 13.0 S 118.0 E 1002 25 " 99 MAR 16 0000 13.3 S 114.8 E 25 JTWC Formation Alert 99 MAR 16 1800 14.9 S 114.1 E 35 JTWC Warning 99 MAR 16 2100 15.3 S 113.5 E 997 30 Perth Warning 99 MAR 17 0000 15.5 S 112.8 E 985 65 50 99 MAR 17 0400 16.1 S 112.3 E 975 65 60 99 MAR 17 1000 16.7 S 111.7 E 975 60 99 MAR 17 1600 17.4 S 111.2 E 960 90 75 99 MAR 17 2200 18.5 S 110.9 E 960 75 99 MAR 18 0400 19.4 S 110.7 E 960 100 70 99 MAR 18 1000 20.3 S 110.6 E 965 70 99 MAR 18 1600 21.1 S 110.6 E 965 85 70 JTWC-18Z: 21.4S, 111.3E 99 MAR 18 2200 21.5 S 110.8 E 970 45 65 JTWC-00Z: 23.1S, 111.2E 99 MAR 19 0400 24.0 S 111.0 E 990 45 45 99 MAR 19 1000 24.8 S 111.4 E 990 45 99 MAR 19 1600 25.8 S 111.8 E 990 30 45 JTWC-18Z: 25.3S, 113.8E 99 MAR 19 2200 26.9 S 112.9 E 996 40 See Note 99 MAR 20 0400 28.6 S 115.2 E Inland Note: System was downgraded to a tropical LOW at this point. The 40-kt gales were in the southern quadrants only. ************************************************************************* Storm Name: VANCE Cyclone Number: 30S Basin: AUS Date Time Lat Lon Cent MSW MSW Remarks (GMT) Press 1-min 10-min (mb) (kts) (kts) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 99 MAR 16 0000 11.0 S 133.0 E 1003 25 JTWC Trop. WX Outlook 99 MAR 16 0200 11.7 S 132.5 E 1003 25 Darwin Warning 99 MAR 16 2000 12.5 S 131.0 E 1002 25 99 MAR 17 0800 12.2 S 129.5 E 1001 30 99 MAR 17 1400 12.4 S 129.3 E 1002 30 99 MAR 17 2000 12.5 S 128.0 E 1000 35 Inferred from gusts 99 MAR 18 0600 12.6 S 125.8 E 990 40 99 MAR 18 1200 12.4 S 124.4 E 984 35 50 99 MAR 18 1600 12.5 S 123.5 E 980 50 Perth Warning 99 MAR 18 2200 13.2 S 122.4 E 975 65 55 JTWC-18Z: 13.6S, 121.7E 99 MAR 19 0400 13.6 S 121.1 E 975 60 99 MAR 19 1000 14.0 S 120.0 E 965 80 70 99 MAR 19 1600 14.4 S 119.0 E 960 90 75 99 MAR 19 2200 15.3 S 118.2 E 950 90 85 99 MAR 20 0400 15.8 S 117.3 E 945 105 90 99 MAR 20 1000 16.3 S 116.9 E 940 120 90 99 MAR 20 1600 16.9 S 116.5 E 920 125 105 99 MAR 20 2200 17.7 S 115.9 E 915 125 110 99 MAR 21 0400 18.2 S 115.3 E 915 125 110 99 MAR 21 1000 18.9 S 114.9 E 915 125 110 99 MAR 21 1600 19.7 S 114.5 E 915 120 110 99 MAR 21 2200 20.8 S 114.5 E 915 125 110 JTWC-00Z: 21.8S, 114.4E 99 MAR 22 0400 22.7 S 114.3 E 930 100 95 Inland - See Note 99 MAR 22 1000 24.0 S 114.6 E 955 65 75 JTWC-12Z: 24.9S, 115.0E 99 MAR 22 1600 25.5 S 115.5 E 965 70 99 MAR 22 2200 27.0 S 117.0 E 970 40 60 JTWC-00Z: 27.6S, 118.7E 99 MAR 23 0700 30.3 S 122.2 E 985 35 99 MAR 24 0500 36.0 S 136.0 E 55 Warning from Adelaide Note: The tabular 10-min MSW values from 22/0400 through 23/0700 UTC were converted from peak gusts reported in the advices from Perth using a 0.7 reduction factor. The 24/0500 UTC position was over the Great Australian Bight a short distance southwest of Adelaide. ************************************************************************* Storm Name: Tropical LOW Cyclone Number: None Basin: AUS Date Time Lat Lon Cent MSW MSW Remarks (GMT) Press 1-min 10-min (mb) (kts) (kts) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 99 MAR 19 1800 16.4 S 99.8 E 1002 20 JTWC Trop. WX Outlook 99 MAR 20 0200 16.7 S 102.0 E 998 25 Perth Warning 99 MAR 20 0400 17.0 S 102.1 E 998 30 25 See Note 99 MAR 20 1000 17.6 S 102.3 E 997 25 99 MAR 20 1600 17.8 S 103.3 E 996 30 25 JTWC-18Z: 18.2S, 102.3E 99 MAR 20 2200 19.4 S 101.0 E 996 25 Re-located 99 MAR 21 0300 17.6 S 101.0 E 998 30 25 Re-located/Last Wrng 99 MAR 21 1800 17.0 S 102.0 E 998 20 JTWC Trop. WX Outlook 99 MAR 22 1800 16.0 S 102.0 E 1001 20 " Note: No 10-min MSW values were explicitly given in the bulletins from Perth. I have chosen to use 25 kts based upon the fact that JTWC issued no warnings, and the Formation Alerts estimated the 1-min MSW at 25-30 kts. ************************************************************************* Storm Name: FREDERIC Cyclone Number: 31S Basin: AUS Date Time Lat Lon Cent MSW MSW Remarks (GMT) Press 1-min 10-min (mb) (kts) (kts) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 99 MAR 21 0400 8.0 S 134.0 E 1006 Darwin Trop. WX Outlook 99 MAR 22 0400 9.0 S 136.0 E 1008 " 99 MAR 23 0400 8.0 S 130.0 E 1008 " 99 MAR 24 0400 11.0 S 126.0 E 1005 Perth Trop. WX Outlook 99 MAR 25 0400 13.0 S 123.0 E 1005 " 99 MAR 25 0800 13.0 S 122.5 E 1007 20 JTWC Trop. WX Outlook 99 MAR 25 1800 12.0 S 117.5 E 1007 20 " 99 MAR 26 0400 12.5 S 116.0 E 1002 25 25 Perth Warning 99 MAR 26 1000 13.1 S 114.5 E 1002 25 25 99 MAR 26 1600 13.4 S 113.3 E 1000 30 25 99 MAR 26 2200 13.9 S 113.0 E 1000 30 25 99 MAR 27 0400 13.7 S 112.3 E 1000 30 30 Re-located 99 MAR 27 1000 13.9 S 111.2 E 998 30 30 99 MAR 27 1600 14.3 S 109.9 E 998 35 30 99 MAR 27 2200 14.9 S 108.9 E 997 40 45 99 MAR 28 0400 15.0 S 108.0 E 994 45 99 MAR 28 1000 16.0 S 107.0 E 995 45 45 99 MAR 28 1600 15.8 S 106.4 E 988 55 99 MAR 28 2200 16.0 S 105.3 E 980 65 55 99 MAR 29 0400 15.8 S 103.4 E 975 60 99 MAR 29 1000 16.0 S 102.3 E 970 80 60 99 MAR 29 1600 16.7 S 100.7 E 955 75 99 MAR 29 2200 16.8 S 99.5 E 950 115 80 99 MAR 30 0400 17.0 S 98.0 E 940 90 99 MAR 30 1000 17.2 S 96.6 E 920 115 110 99 MAR 30 1600 17.1 S 95.4 E 920 110 99 MAR 30 2200 17.2 S 94.0 E 920 125 110 99 MAR 31 0400 17.4 S 93.0 E 920 110 99 MAR 31 1000 17.6 S 91.9 E 920 140 110 99 MAR 31 1600 17.5 S 91.4 E 915 110 99 MAR 31 2200 17.5 S 90.7 E 915 155 110 See Note 99 APR 01 0400 17.6 S 90.0 E 925 110 Note: According to some private correspondence with Jim Parsons, a Typhoon Duty Officer at JTWC, this 1-min MSW value has been re-adjusted back to T7.0/140 kts. Tropical Cyclone Frederic crossed into the South Indian Ocean basin shortly after 0400 UTC on 1 April and was renamed Evrina by Mauritius. The subsequent track of this cyclone will be covered in the April summary. ************************************************************************* ************************************************************************* SOUTHWEST PACIFIC (SWP) - South Pacific Ocean East of Longitude 160E NOTE: The tracking and intensity information for Southwest Pacific Basin tropical cyclones was taken from real-time operational warnings issued by the Nadi TCWC, Fiji for positions north of 25S and from the Wellington, New Zealand office for positions south of 25S. Warnings from JTWC (west of 180) and from NPMOC (east of 180) were utilized for the purpose of making comparisons and for supplying information for times when the Nadi or Wellington warnings were unavailable. The 10-min avg MSW values were taken from the Fiji or New Zealand warnings while the 1-min avg MSW values were obtained from the JTWC or NPMOC warnings. ************************************************************************* Storm Name: HALI (19F) Cyclone Number: 27P Basin: SWP Date Time Lat Lon Cent MSW MSW Remarks (GMT) Press 1-min 10-min (mb) (kts) (kts) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 99 MAR 11 1200 18.0 S 154.5 W 1002 25 99 MAR 11 1800 19.0 S 156.0 W 1002 30 99 MAR 12 0000 19.4 S 158.5 W 1002 30 99 MAR 12 0600 19.4 S 159.0 W 1000 30 99 MAR 12 1200 19.5 S 159.0 W 1000 35 30 NPMOC: 20.5 S, 159.6 W 99 MAR 12 1800 20.2 S 159.1 W 997 35 99 MAR 13 0000 20.3 S 160.3 W 987 50 45 99 MAR 13 0600 20.6 S 161.0 W 987 45 99 MAR 13 1200 20.4 S 161.3 W 987 40 50 99 MAR 13 1800 20.4 S 161.7 W 985 50 99 MAR 14 0000 20.3 S 162.3 W 985 45 50 99 MAR 14 0600 20.2 S 162.6 W 980 60 99 MAR 14 1200 20.2 S 162.9 W 980 40 60 NPMOC: 20.4 S, 161.9 W 99 MAR 14 1800 20.8 S 163.3 W 980 60 99 MAR 15 0000 20.5 S 163.8 W 980 40 60 99 MAR 15 0600 21.0 S 164.2 W 980 60 99 MAR 15 1200 21.1 S 164.7 W 980 40 60 NPMOC: 20.2 S, 164.6 W 99 MAR 15 1800 21.4 S 164.6 W 980 60 99 MAR 16 0000 21.9 S 164.2 W 975 45 65 99 MAR 16 0600 22.4 S 164.0 W 975 65 99 MAR 16 1200 22.8 S 163.8 W 980 45 60 NPMOC: 24.8 S, 162.5 W 99 MAR 16 1800 23.2 S 163.7 W 980 55 99 MAR 17 0000 23.7 S 163.9 W 980 40 55 NPMOC: 23.5 S, 162.2 W 99 MAR 17 0600 24.0 S 163.9 W 985 50 99 MAR 17 1200 24.2 S 164.3 W 987 30 45 99 MAR 17 1800 24.4 S 162.9 W 990 40 99 MAR 18 0000 24.6 S 162.3 W 995 40 99 MAR 18 0600 24.5 S 161.7 W 995 35 99 MAR 18 1200 24.5 S 161.1 W 997 35 Downgraded to depression 99 MAR 18 1800 24.8 S 160.3 W 997 35 99 MAR 19 0000 25.0 S 159.4 W 997 35 Note: Cyclone was downgraded to a tropical depression at 18/1200 UTC. Gale-force winds were only present in the southern quadrants. Region V policy requires that gales surround the center in order to qualify as a tropical cyclone. ************************************************************************* Storm Name: Trop Dep 20F Cyclone Number: None Basin: SWP Date Time Lat Lon Cent MSW MSW Remarks (GMT) Press 1-min 10-min (mb) (kts) (kts) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 99 MAR 13 2100 14.0 S 144.0 W 99 MAR 14 2100 16.0 S 151.0 W 1008 99 MAR 15 0900 17.0 S 151.0 W 1007 25 99 MAR 15 2100 17.8 S 152.8 W 1004 25 See Note 99 MAR 16 2100 20.0 S 154.8 W 1003 30 See Note 99 MAR 17 0000 20.6 S 155.0 W 1003 30 99 MAR 17 0600 21.1 S 154.9 W 997 35 See Note 99 MAR 17 1200 22.0 S 154.9 W 997 35 99 MAR 17 1800 23.9 S 155.1 W 997 30 99 MAR 18 0000 25.1 S 155.1 W 998 30 Departed Fiji's AOR Note: Gales were present in only one or two quadrants. Region V policy requires that gales surround the center in order to qualify as a tropical cyclone. At 15/2100 UTC and 16/2100 UTC, two ships reported northerly winds to 40 kts within 100 nm of the center; however, these winds were believed to have been associated with local squalls.
Document: trak9903.htm
Updated: 18th March 2008 |
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