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![]() Monthly Global Tropical Cyclone Tracks April 1999 [Summaries and Track Data] [Prepared by Gary Padgett] |
GLOBAL TROPICAL CYCLONE TRACKS - APRIL 1999 NORTHWEST PACIFIC (NWP) - North Pacific Ocean West of Longitude 180 NOTE: The tracking information for Northwest Pacific Basin tropical cyclones is based primarily upon operational warnings from the Joint Typhoon Warning Center of the U.S. Air Force and Navy on the island of Guam. Comparisons were made with track coordinates given in advisories from the meteorological services of Japan (JMA) and the Philippines (PAGASA). In general, whenever the center position differed by more than 40-50 nm from JTWC's, an entry was made in the Remarks column. The 1-min avg MSW were taken from the JTWC advisories while the 10-min avg MSW were obtained from PAGASA's advisories if the storm was in PAGASA's area of responsibility; otherwise, they were gleaned from JMA's advisories or high seas forecasts. In a few cases the 10-min MSW given by PAGASA and JMA did not agree; in those cases I reported the higher value. The estimates of central pressure were obtained from JMA's advisories. ************************************************************************* Storm Name: JACOB (KARING) Cyclone Number: 03W Basin: NWP Date Time Lat Lon Cent MSW MSW Remarks (GMT) Press 1-min 10-min (mb) (kts) (kts) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 99 APR 03 0600 5.0 N 141.0 E 1008 15 JTWC Trop. WX Outlook 99 APR 04 0600 8.0 N 140.0 E 1008 15 " 99 APR 05 0600 11.0 N 137.0 E 1008 15 " 99 APR 06 0000 10.2 N 134.7 E 1007 20 JTWC Formation Alert 99 APR 06 0600 10.7 N 133.2 E 25 99 APR 06 1200 11.1 N 133.0 E 25 99 APR 06 1800 11.6 N 132.7 E 25 99 APR 07 0000 13.0 N 133.3 E 25 99 APR 07 0600 13.2 N 132.7 E 30 99 APR 07 1200 13.3 N 132.5 E 25 99 APR 07 1800 13.1 N 132.4 E 30 99 APR 08 0000 13.1 N 132.0 E 30 30 99 APR 08 0600 12.2 N 131.1 E 30 30 PAGASA: 13.1 N, 131.5 E 99 APR 08 1200 12.4 N 130.0 E 30 30 PAGASA: 12.8 N, 130.7 E 99 APR 08 1800 12.5 N 128.6 E 35 30 PAGASA: 12.5 N, 129.5 E 99 APR 09 0000 13.1 N 126.4 E 30 30 99 APR 09 0600 13.1 N 125.4 E 30 30 99 APR 09 1200 13.2 N 124.8 E 30 PAGASA Warning (final) 99 APR 09 1800 13.1 N 124.0 E 25 99 APR 10 0000 13.5 N 123.5 E 20 Note: There are no central pressure estimates for this system due to the unavailability of JMA bulletins to the author. ************************************************************************* Storm Name: KATE (9901/DIDING) Cyclone Number: 04W Basin: NWP Date Time Lat Lon Cent MSW MSW Remarks (GMT) Press 1-min 10-min (mb) (kts) (kts) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 99 APR 12 0600 6.0 N 131.0 E 1008 20 JTWC Trop. WX Outlook 99 APR 13 0600 6.0 N 128.5 E 1008 15 " 99 APR 13 2100 5.0 N 128.0 E 1004 20 " 99 APR 14 0600 5.0 N 127.0 E 1008 20 " 99 APR 15 0600 4.0 N 124.0 E 1008 30 " 99 APR 16 0600 4.0 N 123.0 E 1008 15 " 99 APR 17 0600 5.8 N 127.2 E 1008 15 " 99 APR 18 0600 5.1 N 126.0 E 1007 15 " 99 APR 19 0600 5.0 N 128.5 E 1007 15 " 99 APR 21 0900 8.0 N 125.6 E 1002 20 JTWC Formation Alert 99 APR 22 0000 9.7 N 125.7 E 25 30 PAGASA: 10.0 N, 127.2 E 99 APR 22 0600 11.4 N 125.8 E 30 30 PAGASA: 11.4 N, 127.0 E 99 APR 22 1200 12.4 N 125.7 E 30 35 PAGASA: 12.1 N, 126.7 E 99 APR 22 1800 13.1 N 126.1 E 30 35 99 APR 23 0000 14.0 N 126.9 E 35 35 PAGASA: 14.0 N, 126.0 E 99 APR 23 0600 13.8 N 126.8 E 35 35 PAGASA: 14.6 N, 126.2 E 99 APR 23 1200 14.1 N 127.3 E 998 40 35 PAGASA: 14.8 N, 126.4 E 99 APR 23 1800 14.4 N 128.0 E 996 45 40 PAGASA: 15.0 N, 127.5 E 99 APR 24 0000 14.7 N 128.7 E 992 50 40 99 APR 24 0600 15.1 N 129.4 E 992 50 40 99 APR 24 1200 15.6 N 129.7 E 992 50 40 99 APR 24 1800 16.2 N 130.3 E 992 55 40 99 APR 25 0000 16.8 N 130.7 E 990 60 45 PAGASA: 16.2 N, 131.0 E 99 APR 25 0600 17.6 N 131.5 E 985 60 50 PAGASA: 17.0 N, 131.2 E 99 APR 25 1200 18.8 N 131.9 E 985 60 50 99 APR 25 1800 19.3 N 132.4 E 980 60 55 99 APR 26 0000 20.0 N 133.2 E 980 60 55 99 APR 26 0600 20.6 N 133.8 E 980 55 55 99 APR 26 1200 21.0 N 135.0 E 985 50 50 99 APR 26 1800 22.2 N 136.4 E 985 50 50 99 APR 27 0000 23.3 N 138.0 E 985 60 50 99 APR 27 0600 24.0 N 140.0 E 985 75 50 99 APR 27 1200 25.0 N 142.0 E 980 70 50 99 APR 27 1800 26.2 N 143.2 E 980 65 50 99 APR 28 0000 27.4 N 145.5 E 985 60 45 JMA: 27.1 N, 144.9 E 99 APR 28 0600 28.3 N 147.4 E 985 55 45 99 APR 28 1200 29.3 N 149.3 E 990 50 40 Extratropical ************************************************************************* Storm Name: LEO (9902) Cyclone Number: 05W Basin: NWP Date Time Lat Lon Cent MSW MSW Remarks (GMT) Press 1-min 10-min (mb) (kts) (kts) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 99 APR 25 1300 13.3 N 112.6 E 1001 20 JTWC Trop. WX Outlook 99 APR 26 1000 14.0 N 113.0 E 20 JTWC Formation Alert 99 APR 27 0000 14.3 N 114.4 E 20 99 APR 27 0600 14.6 N 114.0 E 25 99 APR 27 1200 14.7 N 114.0 E 25 99 APR 27 1800 16.2 N 112.2 E 25 99 APR 28 0000 16.3 N 111.5 E 30 99 APR 28 0600 15.3 N 110.1 E 996 35 35 JMA: 15.5 N, 111.0 E 99 APR 28 1200 15.2 N 109.8 E 996 35 35 JMA: 15.6 N, 110.4 E 99 APR 28 1800 15.6 N 111.2 E 994 35 35 99 APR 29 0000 16.4 N 112.5 E 990 35 45 99 APR 29 0600 17.4 N 113.3 E 990 45 45 99 APR 29 1200 17.9 N 113.6 E 985 55 50 99 APR 29 1800 18.3 N 114.2 E 975 65 60 99 APR 30 0000 18.5 N 114.5 E 965 80 70 99 APR 30 0600 19.0 N 114.8 E 960 100 75 99 APR 30 1200 19.5 N 115.1 E 960 100 75 99 APR 30 1800 20.0 N 115.5 E 960 110 75 99 MAY 01 0000 20.5 N 115.7 E 965 90 70 99 MAY 01 0600 20.7 N 115.6 E 970 85 65 99 MAY 01 1200 21.0 N 115.6 E 970 70 65 99 MAY 01 1800 21.5 N 115.6 E 975 65 60 99 MAY 02 0000 21.6 N 114.8 E 985 50 50 99 MAY 02 0600 21.9 N 114.7 E 992 50 45 99 MAY 02 1200 22.3 N 114.7 E 30 99 MAY 02 1800 22.7 N 114.7 E 20 ************************************************************************* ************************************************************************* SOUTH INDIAN OCEAN (SIO) - South Indian Ocean West of Longitude 90E NOTE: The tracking coordinates, 10-min avg MSW, and estimates of central pressure were obtained from the RSMC La Reunion's Best Track file, forwarded to me by Philippe Caroff. (A special thanks to Philippe for sending it to me.) One-min avg MSW and some positions for comparison purposes were taken from JTWC's operational warnings. AUSTRALIAN REGION (AUS) - From Longitude 90E Eastward to Longitude 160E NOTE: The tracking information presented below was obtained from operational warnings issued by the Tropical Cyclone Warning Centres at Perth, Western Australia; Darwin, Northern Territory; and Brisbane, Queensland. JTWC warnings were utilized for making comparisons and for supplying information for times when the Australian warnings were unavailable. The 10-min MSW values were obtained from the Australian warnings while the 1-min MSW values were assigned by JTWC. The tropical cyclone warnings from Perth report the analyzed cyclone positions at 0400, 1000, 1600, and 2200 UTC instead of the more familiar 0000, 0600, 1200, and 1800 UTC utilized by most TC warning agencies. I have made no attempt to interpolate the coordinates to standard synoptic hours as I did last season. ************************************************************************* Storm Name: FREDERIC/EVRINA Cyclone Number: 31S Basin: AUS/SIO Date Time Lat Lon Cent MSW MSW Remarks (GMT) Press 1-min 10-min (mb) (kts) (kts) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 99 MAR 21 0400 8.0 S 134.0 E 1006 Darwin Trop. WX Outlook 99 MAR 22 0400 9.0 S 136.0 E 1008 " 99 MAR 23 0400 8.0 S 130.0 E 1008 " 99 MAR 24 0400 11.0 S 126.0 E 1005 Perth Trop. WX Outlook 99 MAR 25 0400 13.0 S 123.0 E 1005 " 99 MAR 25 0800 13.0 S 122.5 E 1007 20 JTWC Trop. WX Outlook 99 MAR 25 1800 12.0 S 117.5 E 1007 20 " 99 MAR 26 0400 12.5 S 116.0 E 1002 25 25 Perth Warning 99 MAR 26 1000 13.1 S 114.5 E 1002 25 25 99 MAR 26 1600 13.4 S 113.3 E 1000 30 25 99 MAR 26 2200 13.9 S 113.0 E 1000 30 25 99 MAR 27 0400 13.7 S 112.3 E 1000 30 30 Relocated 99 MAR 27 1000 13.9 S 111.2 E 998 30 30 99 MAR 27 1600 14.3 S 109.9 E 998 35 30 99 MAR 27 2200 14.9 S 108.9 E 997 40 45 99 MAR 28 0400 15.0 S 108.0 E 994 45 99 MAR 28 1000 16.0 S 107.0 E 995 45 45 99 MAR 28 1600 15.8 S 106.4 E 988 55 99 MAR 28 2200 16.0 S 105.3 E 980 65 55 99 MAR 29 0400 15.8 S 103.4 E 975 60 99 MAR 29 1000 16.0 S 102.3 E 970 80 60 99 MAR 29 1600 16.7 S 100.7 E 955 75 99 MAR 29 2200 16.8 S 99.5 E 950 115 80 99 MAR 30 0400 17.0 S 98.0 E 940 90 99 MAR 30 1000 17.2 S 96.6 E 920 115 110 99 MAR 30 1600 17.1 S 95.4 E 920 110 99 MAR 30 2200 17.2 S 94.0 E 920 125 110 99 MAR 31 0400 17.4 S 93.0 E 920 110 99 MAR 31 1000 17.6 S 91.9 E 920 140 110 99 MAR 31 1600 17.5 S 91.4 E 915 110 99 MAR 31 2200 17.5 S 90.7 E 915 155 110 See Note #1 99 APR 01 0400 17.6 S 90.0 E 925 110 99 APR 01 1200 17.8 S 89.4 E 925 125 95 JTWC: 17.9 S, 88.7 E 99 APR 01 1800 17.8 S 88.7 E 940 85 See Note #2 99 APR 02 0000 17.9 S 87.9 E 955 100 70 JTWC: 18.6 S, 87.2 E 99 APR 02 0600 17.9 S 86.6 E 972 55 99 APR 02 1200 18.1 S 85.3 E 975 65 53 99 APR 02 1800 18.1 S 84.0 E 975 53 99 APR 03 0000 18.0 S 82.9 E 978 65 50 99 APR 03 0600 18.0 S 81.9 E 978 50 99 APR 03 1200 18.0 S 80.6 E 978 60 50 99 APR 03 1800 18.1 S 79.2 E 980 48 99 APR 04 0000 18.3 S 77.7 E 983 55 45 99 APR 04 0600 18.4 S 76.4 E 987 40 99 APR 04 1200 18.7 S 74.7 E 990 50 37 99 APR 04 1800 18.8 S 73.5 E 992 35 99 APR 05 0000 19.0 S 72.2 E 992 55 35 99 APR 05 0600 19.0 S 71.1 E 995 30 99 APR 05 1200 18.8 S 69.8 E 995 45 30 99 APR 05 1800 18.7 S 68.9 E 997 30 99 APR 06 0000 18.8 S 67.8 E 997 40 30 99 APR 06 0600 18.9 S 66.8 E 997 30 99 APR 06 1200 18.7 S 65.9 E 998 35 28 99 APR 06 1800 18.9 S 65.1 E 998 28 99 APR 07 0000 19.4 S 64.3 E 1000 30 25 99 APR 07 0600 20.1 S 63.7 E 1000 25 99 APR 07 1200 20.2 S 62.8 E 1000 25 99 APR 07 1800 20.7 S 62.4 E 1002 25 99 APR 08 0000 21.6 S 62.4 E 1002 25 99 APR 08 0600 22.1 S 62.6 E 1002 25 99 APR 08 1200 22.3 S 63.8 E 1002 25 99 APR 08 1800 22.3 S 65.2 E 1004 20 99 APR 09 0000 22.3 S 66.9 E 1004 20 99 APR 09 0600 22.6 S 67.3 E 1005 20 99 APR 09 1200 22.3 S 67.7 E 1005 15 99 APR 09 1800 22.2 S 67.6 E 1007 15 99 APR 10 0000 22.1 S 67.4 E 1008 15 99 APR 10 0600 22.2 S 67.0 E 1010 15 99 APR 10 1200 22.3 S 66.5 E 1010 15 99 APR 10 1800 22.0 S 65.8 E 1012 15 Note #1: According to some private correspondence with Jim Parsons, a Typhoon Duty Officer at JTWC, this 1-min MSW value has been re-adjusted back to T7.0/140 kts. Tropical Cyclone Frederic crossed into the South Indian Ocean basin shortly after 0400 UTC on 1 April and was renamed Evrina by Mauritius. The portion of the above track west of 90E is taken from the analyzed Best Track prepared by the La Reunion TCWC. Note #2: The cyclone was definitely beginning to weaken as it crossed 90E, but part of the drop in MSW from 110 kts to 95 kts may well be due to different 1-min MSW to 10-min MSW conversion rules between the Perth and La Reunion TCWCs. The Dvorak satellite intensity scale as calibrated by U. S. military reconnaissance flights into storms in the Atlantic and (previously) Northwest Pacific basins represents an estimated 1-min MSW. The Australian TCWCs utilize a conversion factor of 0.88 or 0.9 to modify the scale to 10-min avg MSW, but La Reunion uses a slightly lower conversion factor of 0.8 to modify the Dvorak scale. ************************************************************************* Storm Name: GWENDA Cyclone Number: 32S Basin: AUS Date Time Lat Lon Cent MSW MSW Remarks (GMT) Press 1-min 10-min (mb) (kts) (kts) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 99 APR 01 0600 10.0 S 135.0 E 1007 20 JTWC Trop. WX Outlook 99 APR 01 1800 10.0 S 132.0 E 1006 20 " 99 APR 02 1800 9.0 S 131.0 E 1006 20 " 99 APR 03 1800 11.0 S 129.0 E 1007 15 " 99 APR 03 2300 11.5 S 126.4 E 1000 30 Darwin Warning 99 APR 04 0600 11.4 S 124.2 E 1000 30 99 APR 04 1000 11.2 S 123.7 E 999 30 Perth Warning 99 APR 04 1600 11.2 S 123.0 E 999 30 99 APR 04 2200 11.7 S 121.8 E 997 30 30 JTWC-00Z: 12.2S, 120.8E 99 APR 05 0400 12.4 S 120.0 E 990 45 99 APR 05 1000 12.8 S 119.0 E 985 45 50 99 APR 05 1600 13.3 S 118.3 E 985 50 99 APR 05 2200 14.3 S 117.4 E 975 65 60 99 APR 06 0400 15.3 S 117.0 E 930 90 100 99 APR 06 1000 16.0 S 116.6 E 915 115 110 99 APR 06 1600 16.4 S 116.6 E 915 125 110 99 APR 06 2200 17.0 S 116.6 E 915 130 110 99 APR 07 0400 18.0 S 117.3 E 930 110 100 99 APR 07 1000 19.2 S 118.0 E 940 100 90 99 APR 07 1600 20.2 S 118.9 E 980 50 55 JTWC-18Z: 20.7S, 119.6E 99 APR 07 2200 20.4 S 119.2 E 998 30 Inland ************************************************************************* Storm Name: Tropical LOW Cyclone Number: None Basin: AUS Date Time Lat Lon Cent MSW MSW Remarks (GMT) Press 1-min 10-min (mb) (kts) (kts) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 99 APR 13 0600 7.0 S 136.0 E 1006 15 JTWC Trop. WX Outlook 99 APR 14 0600 9.0 S 139.0 E 1006 15 " 99 APR 14 1200 8.5 S 139.5 E 1002 25 " 99 APR 15 0600 8.5 S 139.5 E 1004 25 " 99 APR 16 0600 9.5 S 139.0 E 1002 35 30 See Note #1 99 APR 16 1200 10.0 S 139.5 E 1001 30 99 APR 16 1800 10.5 S 139.5 E 999 30 99 APR 17 0000 11.0 S 140.0 E 999 30 99 APR 17 0600 10.5 S 139.5 E 999 30 99 APR 17 1200 10.0 S 139.8 E 999 35 See Note #2 99 APR 17 1800 10.0 S 140.0 E 999 35 99 APR 18 0000 10.8 S 140.0 E 1000 30 99 APR 18 0600 11.9 S 140.0 E 1000 30 99 APR 19 0600 12.0 S 140.5 E 1000 30 99 APR 20 0600 12.0 S 140.5 E 1005 20 JTWC Trop. WX Outlook 99 APR 22 0600 12.0 S 137.0 E 1007 20 " 99 APR 23 0600 12.0 S 137.0 E 1007 20 " 99 APR 24 0600 12.0 S 137.0 E " 99 APR 25 0400 11.0 S 127.0 E 1006 Tracked by Darwin 99 APR 26 0400 10.0 S 128.0 E 1008 " Note #1: These MSW values were calculated from the peak gusts reported (80 km/hr or 44 kts) in an advice issued by Darwin. Note #2: Gales were forecast only for the southern and eastern quadrants. In WMO Region 5, the basic definition of a tropical cyclone requires that 10-min average winds of 34 kts more or less surround the center in order to be classified as a tropical cyclone. ************************************************************************* Storm Name: HAMISH (TD F19899) Cyclone Number: 33S Basin: AUS/SIO Date Time Lat Lon Cent MSW MSW Remarks (GMT) Press 1-min 10-min (mb) (kts) (kts) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 99 APR 08 1800 8.0 S 85.0 E 1005 15 JTWC Trop. WX Outlook 99 APR 09 0600 7.0 S 84.0 E 1005 25 " 99 APR 10 1800 8.0 S 85.2 E 1004 25 " 99 APR 12 1800 8.0 S 85.2 E 1006 20 " 99 APR 15 1800 9.0 S 84.0 E 1006 15 " 99 APR 16 1800 11.0 S 86.0 E 1006 20 " 99 APR 17 1800 12.0 S 90.0 E 1005 20 " 99 APR 18 1800 8.0 S 91.0 E 1005 20 " - Relocated 99 APR 19 0600 9.5 S 92.4 E 25 JTWC Formation Alert 99 APR 19 1000 9.3 S 92.2 E 1000 30 See Note #1 99 APR 19 1600 9.3 S 92.5 E 1000 30 99 APR 19 2200 9.8 S 92.6 E 1000 35 30 JTWC-00Z: 11.0S, 93.6E 99 APR 20 0400 11.3 S 93.8 E 998 33 Relocated 99 APR 20 1000 13.1 S 92.4 E 990 45 40 Relocated 99 APR 20 1600 13.6 S 91.9 E 985 45 99 APR 20 2200 13.9 S 91.3 E 985 45 45 JTWC-00Z: 14.5S, 90.5E 99 APR 21 0400 15.0 S 90.5 E 985 55 99 APR 21 1000 15.6 S 90.4 E 985 45 55 99 APR 21 1600 16.0 S 90.1 E 985 50 99 APR 21 1800 15.8 S 89.4 E 992 35 La Reunion Bst Trk Info 99 APR 22 0000 16.1 S 88.6 E 995 45 30 See Note #2 99 APR 22 0600 16.4 S 87.7 E 997 30 99 APR 22 1200 16.7 S 87.3 E 998 40 28 99 APR 22 1800 16.7 S 86.7 E 1000 25 99 APR 23 0000 16.5 S 86.0 E 1000 40 25 99 APR 23 0600 16.2 S 85.3 E 1000 25 99 APR 23 1200 16.2 S 84.8 E 1002 35 25 99 APR 23 1800 16.3 S 84.1 E 1003 25 99 APR 24 0000 16.4 S 83.6 E 1005 25 25 99 APR 24 0600 16.7 S 82.8 E 1007 20 Note #1: No current estimated MSW was given in the Perth warnings prior to 20/1000Z. The values given above were my estimates based on the central pressure. Note #2: The final Perth warning for 21/2200Z, with the center of Hamish already west of 90E, estimated the MSW at 40 kts. This system was of tropical storm intensity for a few hours west of 90E but was not renamed by Mauritius, presumably since it was rapidly dissipating when it crossed into the South Indian Ocean basin.
Document: trak9904.htm
Updated: 18th March 2008 |
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