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Northern Hemisphere 2005 Tropical Cyclone Season Review
[Summaries and Track Data] [Prepared by Gary Padgett]


                       FOR THE NORTHERN HEMISPHERE

    Following is a tabular summary of all the tropical depressions,
 tropical storms, hurricanes, and typhoons which occurred in the
 Northern Hemisphere between 1 January and 31 December 2005, as
 reported in the Monthly Global Tropical Cyclone Summaries prepared
 by the author.

    (1) Number - this is the sequential cyclone number assigned by either
                TPC/NHC, CPHC in Honolulu, or JTWC.  If neither of these
                agencies issued any warnings, no number will be given.

    (2) Name - the name (if any) assigned by either TPC/NHC, CPHC, IMD,
              or JMA (and PAGASA for Western North Pacific systems in 
              their area of warning responsibility).

    (3) Dates - range of dates for which tracking information for the 
               cyclone is available in the Global Tropical Cyclone
               Tracks files prepared by the author.

    (4) Pressure - Lowest central pressure (either estimated or recorded)
                  during the lifetime of the cyclone.  For Atlantic and
                  Northeastern Pacific systems these will be the values
                  reported in operational advisories from TPC/NHC or
                  CPHC.  For Northwest Pacific systems the central
                  pressure estimates are taken from advisories issued by
                  the Japanese Meteorological Agency.  An asterisk (*)
                  following the pressure indicates the reading was an
                  actual measured pressure normally obtained by a drop-
                  sonde released during an aerial reconnaissance
                  flight.    Central pressure is given in millibars,
                  which is numerically equivalent to hectopascals.

    (5) MSW - maximum 1-minute average sustained windspeed in knots.
             For the Northwestern Pacific and North Indian Ocean
             basins, these will be the highest value assigned
             operationally by JTWC.  For the Atlantic basin the MSW and
             central pressure values are taken from the official tropical
             cyclone reports prepared by the TPC/NHC Hurricane 
             Specialists and which are available on TPC/NHC's website: 

    (6) Basins - tropical cyclone basins where the cyclone tracked during
                its life:

                ATL - North Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean Sea
                NEP - North Pacific east of Longitude 180
                NWP - North Pacific west of Longitude 180
                      (including South China Sea)
                NIO - Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea

     For tropical systems in the NWP basin, two additional columns of
 information are given:

     (1) The tropical storm serial number assigned by the Japanese
        Meteorological Agency to tropical depressions which are deemed
        to have reached tropical storm intensity.  This does not always
        agree with JTWC's assessment.

     (2) An estimate of the maximum 10-minute average sustained wind.
        The value given represents the highest 10-min avg MSW assigned
        by any agency.  If from any warning center other than JMA, a
        numbered note below identifies which center's value is given.

     For tropical systems in the NIO basin, an additional column lists
 the alphanumeric storm identifier assigned by the India Meteorological
 Department (IMD) for those systems deemed to have reached cyclonic
 storm (i.e., tropical storm) status by that agency.

     A number in parentheses (e.g. (1) ) following an entry refers to
 a note following the entries for the given basin.   A separate table
 is given for each of the four Northern Hemisphere basins.


                               ATLANTIC BASIN

 NUM  NAME          DATES           CENT PRS   MSW               BASIN
                                      (mb)    (kts)

 01   Arlene        08-13 Jun          989 *    60                ATL
 02   Bret          28-30 Jun         1002 *    35                ATL
 03   Cindy         03-08 Jul          991 *    65                ATL (1)
 04   Dennis        05-13 Jul          930 *   130                ATL
 05   Emily         11-21 Jul          929 *   140                ATL (2)
 06   Franklin      21-31 Jul          997      60                ATL
 07   Gert          23-25 Jul         1005 *    40                ATL
 08   Harvey        02-12 Aug          994 *    55                ATL
 09   Irene         04-18 Aug          970      90                ATL
 10   -----         13-14 Aug         1008      30                ATL
 11   Jose          22-23 Aug          998 *    50                ATL (7)
 12   Katrina       23-31 Aug          902 *   150                ATL
 13   Lee           28 Aug-02 Sep     1006      35                ATL
 14   Maria         01-12 Sep          962     100                ATL
 15   Nate          05-12 Sep          979      80                ATL
 16   Ophelia       06-20 Sep          976 *    75                ATL
 17   Philippe      17-24 Sep          985 *    70                ATL
 18   Rita          18-26 Sep          895 *   155                ATL (3)
 19   -----         30 Sep-02 Oct     1006      30                ATL
 20   Stan          01-05 Oct          977 *    70                ATL
 21   Tammy         05-06 Oct         1001 *    45                ATL
 22   -----         08-09 Oct         1008      30                ATL (4)
 23   Vince         09-11 Oct          988      65                ATL
 24   Wilma         15-26 Oct          882 *   160                ATL (5)
 25   Alpha         22-24 Oct          998      45                ATL
 26   Beta          27-31 Oct          960 *   100                ATL (8)
 27   Gamma         14-21 Nov         1002 *    45                ATL (6)
 28   Delta         21-30 Nov          980      60                ATL
 29   Epsilon       28 Nov-09 Dec      981      75                ATL
 30   Zeta          30 Dec-06 Jan      994      55                ATL

 (1) Operationally, Cindy was treated as a tropical storm.  It was
     upgraded to a hurricane in post-storm analysis.
 (2) Emily's peak MSW was upped from 135 kts to 140 kts during post-storm
     analysis, thereby upgrading the storm to Category 5 status.
 (3) Rita's minimum CP was lowered from 897 mb to 895 mb and peak MSW 
     upped from 150 kts to 155 kts during post-storm analysis.

 (4) System was classified as a subtropical depression.
 (5) Wilma's peak MSW was upped from 150 kts to 160 kts during post-storm
     analysis.  The CP of 882 mb is the lowest ever measured in an
     Atlantic tropical cyclone.
 (6) Gamma's peak MSW was upped from 40 kts to 45 kts during post-storm 

 (7) Jose's minimum CP was lowered from 1001 mb to 998 mb and peak MSW 
     upped from 45 kts to 50 kts during post-storm analysis.

 (8) The official TPC/NHC report on Beta is not yet available online, so
     the CP and MSW given here represent the operational values.
                         NORTHEAST PACFICIC BASIN
 NUM  NAME          DATES           CENT PRS   MSW               BASIN
                                      (mb)    (kts)
 01E  Adrian        17-20 May          982      70                NEP
 02E  Beatriz       21-24 Jun         1000      45                NEP
 03E  Calvin        26-29 Jun         1000      45                NEP
 04E  Dora          04-06 Jul         1006      35                NEP
 05E  Eugene        18-20 Jul          989      60                NEP
 01C  -----         03-05 Aug         1008      25                NEP
 06E  Fernanda      09-16 Aug          979      75                NEP
 07E  Greg          11-15 Aug         1000      45                NEP
 08E  Hilary        19-25 Aug          970      90                NEP
 09E  Irwin         25-28 Aug         1000      45                NEP
 10E  Jova          12-25 Sep          960     100                NEP
 11E  Kenneth       14-30 Sep          948     115                NEP
 12E  Lidia         17-19 Sep         1003      40                NEP
 13E  Max           18-22 Sep          987      70                NEP
 14E  Norma         23-27 Sep          994      55                NEP
 15E  Otis          28 Sep-03 Oct      970      90                NEP
 16E  -----         15-20 Oct         1006      30                NEP
                         NORTHWEST PACFICIC BASIN
 JTWC    NAME(S)      JMA     DATES         CENT    MSW   MSW    BASIN
 NUM                TROP STM                PRS    1-MIN 10-MIN
                      NUM                   (mb)   (kts) (kts)
 01W  Kulap           0501  13-19 Jan        985     60    50     NWP
 02W  Roke/Auring     0502  13-19 Mar        980     65    60     NWP (1)
 ---  -----           ----  18 Apr          1006     --    30     NWP (2)
 03W  Sonca/Bising    0503  20-29 Apr        940    115    90     NWP (1)
 ---  Crising         ----  15-18 May       1004     --    30     NWP
 04W  Nesat/Dante     0504  30 May-14 Jun    930    125   110     NWP (1)
 ---  Emong           ----  04-07 Jul       1000     --    30     NWP
 05W  Haitang/Feria   0505  10-20 Jul        915    140   130     NWP (1)
 06W  Nalgae          0506  18-25 Jul        992     50    45     NWP
 07W  Banyan          0507  20-31 Jul        980     60    60     NWP (1)
 08W  Washi           0508  28-31 Jul        985     45    50     NWP (1)
 09W  Matsa/Gorio     0509  30 Jul-08 Aug    950     90    90     NWP (1)
 10W  Sanvu/Huaning   0510  09-14 Aug        985     65    60     NWP (3)
 ---  (NMCC-02)       ----  09-12 Aug        994     --    30     NWP (1)
 11W  Mawar           0511  19-29 Aug        930    130   110     NWP (1)
 12W  Guchol          0512  19-26 Aug        980     60    55     NWP
 13W  Talim/Isang     0513  26 Aug-02 Sep    925    125   130     NWP (1)
 ---  -----           ----  27-30 Aug       1000     --    30     NWP
 14W  Nabi/Jolina     0514  29 Aug-11 Sep    925    140   120     NWP (1)
 15W  Khanun/Kiko     0515  05-16 Sep        945    115   100     NWP (1)
 ---  -----           ----  12-14 Sep        998     --    30     NWP (4)
 16W  Vicente         0516  15-19 Sep        985     40    45     NWP
 17W  Damrey/Labuyo   0518  19-27 Sep        955     90   110     NWP (1)
 18W  Saola           0517  19-28 Sep        950    100    90     NWP (1)
 19W  Longwang/Maring 0519  25 Sep-03 Oct    930    130   120     NWP (1)
 20W  -----           ----  06-08 Oct       1006     30    30     NWP
 21W  Kirogi/Nando    0520  09-20 Oct        935    125   100     NWP (1)
 22W  Kai-tak         0521  25 Oct-02 Nov    950     90    80     NWP
 23W  Tembin/Ondoy    0522  06-12 Nov       1000     45    45     NWP (5)
 24W  Bolaven/Pepeng  0523  13-20 Nov        975     75    65     NWP (1)
 25W  Quedan          ----  16-22 Dec       1000     40    30     NWP
 (1) The highest 10-min avg MSW was assigned by NMCC.
 (2) Classified as a tropical depression by JMA and CWB of Taiwan only.
 (3) The highest 10-min avg MSW was assigned by NMCC and HKO.
 (4) This depression was the predecessor of Cyclonic Storm Pyarr in the
     North Indian Ocean basin.  Only the Thai Meteorological Department
     tracked the system as a continuous entity from its birth in the
     South China Sea until its demise inland in India.
 (5) The highest 10-min avg MSW was assigned by NMCC and PAGASA.
                        NORTH INDIAN OCEAN BASIN
 NUM  NAME        IMD ID       DATES        CENT PRS   MSW       BASIN
                                              (mb)    (kts)
 01B  -----      -------     08-10 Jan         ---      25        NIO
 02B  Hibaru     BOB0501     13-17 Jan         ---      35        NIO
 ---  Pyarr      BOB0502     14-21 Sep         998      35        NIO (1)
 03B  -----      -------     02-03 Oct         ---      35        NIO
 04B  -----      -------     26-28 Oct         ---      35        NIO
 ---  -----      -------     20-22 Nov         998      30        NIO
 05B  Baaz       BOB0503     27 Nov-03 Dec     998      45        NIO
 06B  Fanoos     BOB0504     05-12 Dec         984      65        NIO (2)
 07B  -----      -------     15-24 Dec         994      50        NIO
 (1) This system's origins lay with a South China Sea depression which
     existed from 12-14 September.  Only the Thai Meteorological
     Department tracked the system as a continuous entity from its birth
     in the South China Sea until its demise inland in India.
 (2) The peak 10-min avg MSW assigned by the Thai Meteorological
     Department was 65 kts.


 Prepared by Gary Padgett
 Home: 334-222-5327

Document: summ2005.htm
Updated: 26th March 2006

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