Tropical Cyclones
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Monthly Tropical Cyclone Tracks March 2010
[Summaries and Track Data] [Prepared by Gary Padgett]



                   ********** SPECIAL NOTE **********

     I now have some assistants who are helping to prepare the monthly
  tropical cyclone files, and I'd like to thank them for their willing-
  ness to assist me.  Kevin Boyle, of Stoke-on-Trent, UK, will be 
  preparing the tracks for Northwest Pacific basin tropical cyclones 
  during the most active part of the NWP season from July through 
  December.  Kevin has already typed up some of the tracks from the 
  latter part of 2009.

     Michael Bath, of McLeans Ridges, New South Wales, Australia, is now
  preparing the track files for Australian Region and South Pacific
  cyclones during the active months of the Southern Hemisphere season.
  Also, Steve Young has now for a year or more been sending me tracks
  with data for the pre-warning and post-warning stages of tropical 
  cyclones in all basins, prepared primarily from NCEP re-analysis data.  

     A very special thanks is due to Kevin, Michael and Steve for their


             !!!!! ADDENDUM TO FEBRUARY TRACKS FILE !!!!!

ATLANTIC (ATL) - North Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico

                              Systems Tracked

   Non-tropical LOW                                    30 Jan - 04 Feb

     In the February tracks file I mentioned a low-pressure system in the
  eastern Atlantic in early February which displayed some rather well-
  organized convection at one point.  I did not have a track for this
  system, but after the February edition had been dispatched, I received
  a track for the LOW from Steve Young, which he had generated based upon
  NCEP re-analysis data.  I have included this track below by way of
  documenting the system.  

     According to Jack Beven of NHC, there are no formal plans to add
  this system as an unnamed subtropical storm.  Jack indicated that there
  appeared to be a frontal structure connected with the system when it
  looked at its convective best on 1 February.


Storm Name: None                  Cyclone Number: None    Basin: ATL
(System was a non-tropical LOW with some subtropical characteristics)

   Date   Time   Lat      Lon    Cent  MSW   MSW        Remarks
          (GMT)                 Press 1-min 10-min
                                 (mb) (kts) (kts)

10 JAN 30 0000  30.6 N   32.4 W   996
10 JAN 30 0600  31.9 N   32.2 W   994
10 JAN 30 1200  32.5 N   32.4 W   994
10 JAN 30 1800  31.7 N   31.8 W   991
10 JAN 31 0000  30.9 N   30.8 W   995
10 JAN 31 0600  29.8 N   29.9 W   997
10 JAN 31 1200  29.1 N   28.5 W   999
10 JAN 31 1800  27.8 N   26.8 W  1000
10 FEB 01 0000  27.4 N   25.2 W  1002
10 FEB 01 0600  27.5 N   23.6 W  1002
10 FEB 01 1200  27.6 N   22.4 W  1005
10 FEB 01 1800  27.8 N   20.2 W  1003
10 FEB 02 0000  28.1 N   19.4 W  1005
10 FEB 02 0600  30.2 N   17.5 W  1005
10 FEB 02 1200  30.7 N   17.0 W  1006
10 FEB 02 1800  32.0 N   16.8 W  1005
10 FEB 03 0000  32.3 N   14.7 W  1008
10 FEB 03 0600  33.3 N   13.2 W  1008
10 FEB 03 1200  34.8 N   12.0 W  1009
10 FEB 03 1800  35.1 N   10.1 W  1008
10 FEB 04 0000  35.2 N    8.0 W  1008
10 FEB 04 0600  37.7 N    4.0 W  1009
10 FEB 04 1200  38.0 N    0.6 E  1011
10 FEB 04 1800  40.0 N    2.7 E  1012

Note: The above track for this non-tropical LOW was provided by Steve
Young and is based on NCEP re-analysis data.  Steve included a note that
at 31 Jan 1800 UTC, the circulation of the system extended from 23N to


SOUTH ATLANTIC (SAT) -  Atlantic Ocean South of the Equator

                             Systems Tracked

   Tropical Storm ANITA (NRL Invest 90Q)               08 - 12 Mar

     The regional weather centers and the private weather enterprises of
  both Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina, the southernmost Brazilian 
  states, in a joint decision, named the rare tropical storm of March 9th
  and 10th in the coastal areas of the region.  The name Anita was chosen 
  considering a historic figure of Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina,
  both states affected by the tropical cyclone.     Anita Garibaldi 
  (1821-1849) was a heroine of the Farroupilha Revolution (1835-1845), 
  one of the most important events in Brazilian history that took place 
  in the southern part of the country.  The name was not assigned by the
  Brazilian Meteorological Office, which did not issue any bulletins on
  the cyclone.  The system was not named until 12 March, when it was
  rapidly losing tropical characteristics.  Anita was named primarily
  in order to avoid confusion in future references to the system.

     (The above information was sent to the author by Alexandre Aguiar,
  of MetSul Meteorologia, Porto Alegre, Brazil.  A special thanks to
  Alexandre for sharing the information.)

     Further information and a track graphic for Tropical Storm Anita 
  may be found at the following link:>


Storm Name: ANITA                 Cyclone Number: None    Basin: SAT
(For information on naming, see above note - NRL Invest 90Q) 

   Date   Time   Lat      Lon    Cent  MSW   MSW        Remarks
          (GMT)                 Press 1-min 10-min
                                 (mb) (kts) (kts)

10 MAR 08 0000	25.2 S	 42.6 W	 1000	30        Extratropical LOW
10 MAR 08 0600	26.0 S	 42.6 W	 1005	30 
10 MAR 08 1200	27.3 S	 42.6 W	 1005	30 
10 MAR 08 1800	29.3 S	 44.3 W	 1005	30 
10 MAR 09 0000	30.0 S	 45.5 W	 1005	30        Subtropical LOW
10 MAR 09 0600	30.4 S	 46.6 W	 1005	30 
10 MAR 09 1200	30.5 S	 48.2 W	 1005	30 
10 MAR 09 1800	30.1 S	 48.4 W	 1000	30 
10 MAR 10 0000  29.8 S	 48.2 W  1003   30        
10 MAR 10 0600  29.6 S	 48.0 W  1000   35
10 MAR 10 1200  29.7 S	 47.5 W  1000   35        Tropical cyclone
10 MAR 10 1800  29.8 S	 46.7 W  1000   40
10 MAR 10 2100  30.2 S	 46.3 W  1000   45
10 MAR 11 0000  30.0 S	 45.8 W  1000   45
10 MAR 11 0600  30.9 S	 44.9 W  1000   45
10 MAR 11 1200  31.9 S	 44.0 W  1000   45
10 MAR 11 1800  32.9 S	 42.3 W  1000   40        Extratropical LOW
10 MAR 12 0000	33.6 S	 40.5 W   995   45 
10 MAR 12 0600	34.8 S	 37.8 W	  995   45 
10 MAR 12 1200	36.5 S	 34.8 W	  995   45 

Note: The coordinates for the above track and central pressure estimates
are based upon NRL data and were sent to the author by Steve Young.  
The intensities prior to 10/0000 UTC and after 11/1800 UTC were also 
taken from the NRL data.  The MSW values from 10/0000 to 11/1800 UTC, 
inclusive, were provided by Dr. Karl Hoarau.  The cyclone classifications
are based upon SAB satellite analyses and agree with Dr. Hoarau's
assessments for the tropical portion of Anita's history.


NORTHWEST PACIFIC (NWP) - North Pacific Ocean West of Longitude 180

                           Sources of Information

     The track coordinates and 1-minute average maximum sustained wind
  values in general were taken from operational warnings issued by the
  Joint Typhoon Warning Center (JTWC) of the U. S. Air Force and Navy,
  located at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.  The central pressure and 10-minute
  average maximum sustained wind estimates for most systems were obtained
  from warnings issued by the Japanese Meteorological Agency (JMA), which
  is the World Meteorological Organization's Regional Specialised Meteor-
  ological Centre for the basin.  In a few instances, information from
  warnings issued by other Asian warning centers may have been utilized.
  The center position coordinates from JMA and other centers were com-
  pared with those from JTWC and annotations made in the Remarks column
  when the differences in general amounted to 40-50 nm or more.

     Michael V. Padua of Naga City in the Philippines, owner of the
  Typhoon 2000 website, sends me cyclone tracks based upon warnings
  issued by the Japanese Meteorological Agency and the Philippines'
  Atmospheric, Geophysical & Astronomical Services Administration
  (PAGASA).  A special thanks to Michael for his efforts.

     Following is the link to the Wikipedia page for the 2010 Pacific
  Typhoon Season:>

     Following is a link to Michael Padua's storm log for Tropical 
  Storm Omais/Agaton:>

                              Systems Tracked

   Tropical Storm OMAIS (02W / 1001 / AGATON)          21 - 27 Mar


Storm Name: OMAIS                 Cyclone Number: 02W     Basin: NWP
PAGASA Internal Name: AGATON      JMA Tropical Storm Number: 1001

   Date   Time   Lat      Lon    Cent  MSW   MSW        Remarks
          (GMT)                 Press 1-min 10-min
                                 (mb) (kts) (kts)

10 MAR 21 1800   6.6 N  143.4 E         25
10 MAR 22 0000   7.5 N  142.2 E  1006   30    25  JMA: 7.0N/144.0E
10 MAR 22 0600   7.9 N  142.6 E  1004   30    25
10 MAR 22 1200   8.4 N  141.9 E  1006   30    25  JMA: 8.0N/141.0E
10 MAR 22 1800   9.1 N  140.4 E  1004   35    30  JMA: 8.4N/140.7E
10 MAR 23 0000   9.7 N  139.5 E  1002   35    30
10 MAR 23 0600  10.2 N  138.7 E  1000   35    30
10 MAR 23 1200  10.7 N  137.6 E  1002   35    30  JMA: 11.2N/137.3E
10 MAR 23 1800  10.9 N  136.5 E  1002   35    30  JMA: 12.2N/136.2E
10 MAR 24 0000  11.1 N  135.3 E  1002   35    30  JMA: 12.3N/135.5E
10 MAR 24 0600  12.2 N  134.6 E  1002   35    30
10 MAR 24 1200  13.3 N  133.5 E   998   40    35
10 MAR 24 1800  14.1 N  132.1 E   998   50    35
10 MAR 25 0000  14.9 N  131.7 E   998   50    35  JMA: 14.8N/132.3E
10 MAR 25 0600  15.3 N  131.5 E   998   45    35  JMA: 15.2N/132.0E
10 MAR 25 1200  15.7 N  131.7 E   998   35    35  JMA: 16.1N/132.6E
10 MAR 25 1800  16.0 N  131.2 E   998   30    35  JMA: 17.0N/132.2E
10 MAR 26 0000  17.5 N  131.5 E  1002   30    35  Relocation by JTWC	
10 MAR 26 0600  18.2 N  131.9 E  1001   35    30
10 MAR 26 1200  19.0 N  132.0 E  1008         25  JMA bulletins
10 MAR 26 1800  19.0 N  132.0 E  1008         25
10 MAR 27 0000  19.0 N  133.0 E  1010         25
10 MAR 27 0600  19.0 N  133.0 E  1008         25
10 MAR 27 1200  19.0 N  133.0 E  1012         20


SOUTHWEST INDIAN OCEAN (SWI) - South Indian Ocean West of Longitude 90E

                          Sources of Information

     The track coordinates as well as the central pressure and 10-minute
  average maximum sustained wind estimates were obtained from warnings
  issued by Meteo France's Tropical Cyclone Warning Centre on Reunion
  Island (MFR), which is the World Meteorological Organization's Regional
  Specialised Meteorological Centre for the basin.  The 1-minute average
  maximum sustained wind estimates were taken from warnings issued by the
  Joint Typhoon Warning Center (JTWC) of the U. S. Air Force and Navy,
  located at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.  The center position coordinates from
  JTWC were compared with those from MFR and annotations made in the
  Remarks column when the differences in general amounted to 40-50 nm
  or more.

     Following is the link to the Wikipedia page for the 2009-2010
  Southwest Indian Ocean Cyclone Season:>

     A seasonal track graphic as well as much additional operational
  information on Southwest Indian Ocean tropical cyclones may be found
  at Meteo France La Reunion's website:>

                             Systems Tracked

   Severe Tropical Storm HUBERT (MFR-13 / 18S)         09 - 11 Mar
   Tropical Cyclone IMANI (MFR-14 / 21S)               21 - 26 Mar


Storm Name: HUBERT                Cyclone Number: 18S     Basin: SWI
MFR Tropical Disturbance Number: 13

   Date   Time   Lat      Lon    Cent  MSW   MSW        Remarks
          (GMT)                 Press 1-min 10-min
                                 (mb) (kts) (kts)

10 MAR 09 0600  19.5 S   50.9 E  1005         25
10 MAR 09 1200  19.9 S   50.8 E  1005         25  Locally 30 kts E semi.
10 MAR 09 1800  20.2 S   50.8 E  1003         30
10 MAR 10 0000  20.3 S   50.1 E  1003   35    30
10 MAR 10 0600  20.6 S   49.6 E  1002         30
10 MAR 10 1200  20.9 S   49.1 E   998   35    35
10 MAR 10 1800  21.1 S   48.7 E   987         55
10 MAR 11 0000  21.0 S   48.2 E   990         50  Inland
10 MAR 11 0600  20.5 S   48.1 E   998         30
10 MAR 11 1200  20.7 S   47.5 E  1000         25

Note: JTWC issued their final warning on Hubert at 1200 UTC based upon
a temporary weakening of convection.  The sudden increase in intensity
prior to landfall in Madagascar reported by MFR is supported by Dvorak 
ratings of T3.5/3.5 from SAB at 1430 and 1900 UTC.


Storm Name: IMANI                 Cyclone Number: 21S     Basin: SWI
MFR Tropical Disturbance Number: 14  (Designated Australian LOW 10U)

   Date   Time   Lat      Lon    Cent  MSW   MSW        Remarks
          (GMT)                 Press 1-min 10-min
                                 (mb) (kts) (kts)

10 MAR 21 2330   8.5 S   89.1 E         30        JTWC satellite bulletin
10 MAR 22 0530  10.1 S   89.1 E         30                    "
10 MAR 22 1200  10.9 S   89.9 E  1000   30    25  Locally 30 kts S semi.
10 MAR 22 1800  11.6 S   89.5 E   999   35    30  First JTWC warning
10 MAR 23 0000  12.4 S   88.6 E   997         30
10 MAR 23 0600  12.6 S   88.7 E   997   40    30  JMA: 12.9S/88.3E
10 MAR 23 1200  13.1 S   87.8 E   997         30
10 MAR 23 1800  14.2 S   87.1 E   995   50    35  JMA: 13.8S/87.5E
10 MAR 24 0000  14.8 S   86.5 E   992         40
10 MAR 24 0600  15.6 S   86.1 E   987   55    45
10 MAR 24 1200  16.6 S   85.7 E   978         55
10 MAR 24 1800  17.5 S   85.5 E   973   65    60
10 MAR 25 0000  18.2 S   85.1 E   973         60
10 MAR 25 0600  19.1 S   85.6 E   965   70    70
10 MAR 25 1200  20.0 S   85.6 E   965         70
10 MAR 25 1800  20.4 S   85.8 E   968   60    65
10 MAR 26 0000  20.6 S   85.9 E   978         55
10 MAR 26 0600  21.2 S   86.3 E   990   45    40
10 MAR 26 1200  21.1 S   86.6 E   995         30
10 MAR 26 1800  21.2 S   86.5 E         35        Final JTWC warning



                         Sources of Information

     The track coordinates as well as the central pressure and 10-minute
  average maximum sustained wind estimates were obtained from warnings
  issued by the Tropical Cyclone Warning Centres at Darwin, Northern
  Territory; Brisbane, Queensland; and Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.
  The 1-minute average maximum sustained wind estimates were taken from
  warnings issued by the Joint Typhoon Warning Center (JTWC) of the U. S.
  Air Force and Navy, located at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.    The center
  position coordinates from JTWC were compared with those from the
  Australian centres and annotations made in the Remarks column when the
  differences in general amounted to 40-50 nm or more.

     Following is the link to the Wikipedia page for the 2009-2010
  Australian Region Cyclone Season:>

     Reports on some of this season's tropical cyclones may be found on
  BoM's website at the following URL:>

                             Systems Tracked

   Tropical Cyclone PAUL (11U / 22P)                   26 Mar - 01 Apr


Storm Name: PAUL                  Cyclone Number: 22P     Basin: AUE
(Name assigned by Darwin TCWC - Australian Tropical LOW 11U)

   Date   Time   Lat      Lon    Cent  MSW   MSW        Remarks
          (GMT)                 Press 1-min 10-min
                                 (mb) (kts) (kts)

10 MAR 26 0600   9.5 S  134.5 E  1004         25
10 MAR 26 1200   9.8 S  133.6 E  1005         25
10 MAR 26 1800  10.2 S  133.9 E  1003         25
10 MAR 27 0000  10.7 S  135.3 E  1003         25
10 MAR 27 0600  11.2 S  136.4 E  1001         30
10 MAR 27 0900  11.6 S  136.8 E  1000         30  
10 MAR 27 1200  12.3 S  136.9 E  1001         30
10 MAR 27 1800  12.8 S  136.5 E   999   35    30  First JTWC Warning
10 MAR 28 0000  13.1 S  136.5 E   995         40  Named TC Paul
10 MAR 28 0600  13.0 S  136.6 E   994   40    40
10 MAR 28 1200  12.9 S  136.5 E   991         45
10 MAR 28 1800  13.0 S  136.7 E   988   40    50
10 MAR 29 0000  13.3 S  136.4 E   987         50
10 MAR 29 0600  13.3 S  136.2 E   982   60    55
10 MAR 29 1200  13.4 S  136.0 E   982         55  Crossing coast
10 MAR 29 1800  13.1 S  135.7 E   985   60    55  Moved inland
10 MAR 30 0000  13.3 S  135.3 E   993         40
10 MAR 30 0600  13.2 S  135.1 E   996   40    30  Ex-TC
10 MAR 30 1200  13.2 S  134.9 E   996         30
10 MAR 30 1800  13.5 S  134.9 E   997         30
10 MAR 31 0000  13.8 S  134.9 E   998         30
10 MAR 31 0600  14.3 S  135.5 E   997         30
10 MAR 31 1200  14.3 S  135.7 E   997         30
10 MAR 31 1800  14.5 S  136.1 E   998         30
10 APR 01 0000  14.8 S  136.8 E   998         30


SOUTH PACIFIC (SPA) - South Pacific Ocean East of Longitude 160E

                        Sources of Information

     The track coordinates as well as the central pressure and 10-minute
  average maximum sustained wind estimates were obtained from warnings
  issued by the Tropical Cyclone Warning Centres at Nadi, Fiji, and
  Wellington, New Zealand.  The 1-minute average maximum sustained wind
  estimates were taken from warnings issued by the Joint Typhoon Warning
  Center (JTWC) of the U. S. Air Force and Navy, located at Pearl Harbor,
  Hawaii.  The center position coordinates from JTWC were compared with
  those from the Southern Hemisphere centres and annotations made in the
  Remarks column when the differences in general amounted to 40-50 nm
  or more.

     Following is the link to the Wikipedia page for the 2009-2010
  South Pacific Cyclone Season:>

                              Systems Tracked

   Severe Tropical Cyclone TOMAS (14F / 19P)           09 - 18 Mar
   Severe Tropical Cyclone ULUI (13F / 20P / 09U)      09 - 20 Mar
   Tropical Depression (15F)                           29 Mar - 04 Apr


Storm Name: TOMAS                 Cyclone Number: 19P     Basin: SPA
Fiji Tropical Disturbance Number: 14F

   Date   Time   Lat      Lon    Cent  MSW   MSW        Remarks
          (GMT)                 Press 1-min 10-min
                                 (mb) (kts) (kts)

10 MAR 09 1800  13.5 S  171.0 W  1006         20
10 MAR 10 0600  11.5 S  170.0 W  1005         20
10 MAR 10 1800  12.5 S  174.2 W  1002         20
10 MAR 11 0000  11.0 S  173.9 W  1002         25
10 MAR 11 0600  11.0 S  174.7 W  1002         25
10 MAR 11 1200  10.9 S  175.5 W   999   35    30  First JTWC Warning
10 MAR 11 1800  10.7 S  176.0 W   999         30
10 MAR 12 0000  10.6 S  176.3 W   995   35    35  JTWC: 10.6S/177.2W
10 MAR 12 0600  11.2 S  176.5 W   992         40  Named Tomas at 0000Z
10 MAR 12 1200  11.6 S  177.6 W   985   55    50
10 MAR 12 1800  11.1 S  178.0 W   985         50
10 MAR 13 0000  11.5 S  178.4 W   985   65    55
10 MAR 13 0600  11.9 S  178.7 W   980         55
10 MAR 13 1200  12.3 S  179.1 W   980   65    55
10 MAR 13 1800  12.6 S  179.0 W   975         60
10 MAR 14 0000  13.5 S  179.2 W   972   85    65
10 MAR 14 0600  13.8 S  179.5 W   960         75
10 MAR 14 1200  14.3 S  179.7 W   955  100    80
10 MAR 14 1800  15.2 S  179.5 W   940         90
10 MAR 15 0000  15.5 S  179.4 W   930  110    95
10 MAR 15 0600  16.1 S  179.4 W   930         95
10 MAR 15 1200  16.7 S  179.6 W   930  115    95
10 MAR 15 1800  17.5 S  179.5 W   930         95
10 MAR 16 0000  18.6 S  179.5 W   940  105    90
10 MAR 16 0600  19.9 S  179.3 W   950  100    80
10 MAR 16 1200  21.2 S  178.6 W   950         80
10 MAR 16 1800  22.8 S  177.9 W   965  115    75
10 MAR 17 0000  25.0 S  176.5 W   965         75  NZ warnings
10 MAR 17 0600  27.5 S  174.0 W   965   75    70  JTWC: 27.0S/174.7W
10 MAR 17 1200  30.0 S  171.0 W   975         60
10 MAR 17 1800  32.0 S  169.0 W   989         40  Extratropical
10 MAR 18 0000  35.0 S  164.0 W   987         40
10 MAR 18 0600  39.0 S  160.0 W   976         55  Moving SE 55 kts
10 MAR 18 1200  44.0 S  155.0 W   960         55  Moving SE 40 kts

Note: A detailed track graphic showing Cyclone Tomas' track through the
Fiji area may be accessed at the following link:>

Also, some more information on Tomas may be found at:>


Storm Name: ULUI                  Cyclone Number: 20P     Basin: SPA/AUE
Fiji Tropical Disturbance Number: 13F   (Australian Tropical LOW 09U)

   Date   Time   Lat      Lon    Cent  MSW   MSW        Remarks
          (GMT)                 Press 1-min 10-min
                                 (mb) (kts) (kts)

10 MAR 09 1800  12.0 S  167.0 E  1003         25
10 MAR 10 0600  13.5 S  169.5 E  1003         25
10 MAR 10 1800  14.4 S  168.4 E  1003         25
10 MAR 11 0000  15.0 S  168.5 E  1004         25
10 MAR 11 0600  14.5 S  168.5 E   998         25
10 MAR 11 1800  14.7 S  166.0 E   998   35    30  First JTWC Warning
10 MAR 12 0000  14.9 S  166.3 E   999         30
10 MAR 12 0600  15.0 S  165.4 E   997   45    30
10 MAR 12 1200  14.4 S  164.4 E   995         35  Named TC Ului
10 MAR 12 1800  14.0 S  165.0 E   985   50    50
10 MAR 13 0000  13.8 S  164.4 E   980         55
10 MAR 13 0600  13.4 S  163.9 E   975   65    60
10 MAR 13 1200  13.1 S  163.0 E   965  105    70
10 MAR 13 1800  13.0 S  162.4 E   945        100
10 MAR 14 0000  12.7 S  161.7 E   930  140   115
10 MAR 14 0600  12.8 S  161.1 E   930        115
10 MAR 14 1200  12.7 S  161.1 E   930  140   115  JTWC: 12.8S/160.5E
10 MAR 14 1800  13.0 S  160.0 E   935        105  AU warnings
10 MAR 15 0000  12.9 S  159.7 E   940  130    95
10 MAR 15 0600  13.0 S  158.9 E   925        105
10 MAR 15 1200  13.1 S  158.7 E   940  130    90
10 MAR 15 1800  13.2 S  158.5 E   945         90
10 MAR 16 0000  13.2 S  158.2 E   940  115   100
10 MAR 16 0600  13.5 S  157.8 E   938        100
10 MAR 16 1200  13.5 S  157.8 E   938  110   100
10 MAR 16 1800  13.7 S  157.8 E   937        100
10 MAR 17 0000  13.8 S  157.8 E   950  105    90
10 MAR 17 0600  14.1 S  157.8 E   950         90
10 MAR 17 1200  14.4 S  158.0 E   950  100    90
10 MAR 17 1800  14.7 S  157.8 E   952         85
10 MAR 18 0000  15.0 S  157.8 E   960   85    80
10 MAR 18 0600  15.4 S  157.6 E   965         75
10 MAR 18 1200  15.7 S  157.7 E   970   80    75
10 MAR 18 1800  16.7 S  157.6 E   972         65
10 MAR 19 0000  16.7 S  156.9 E   980   65    60
10 MAR 19 0600  17.4 S  156.2 E   984         55
10 MAR 19 1200  18.0 S  155.7 E   983   55    55
10 MAR 19 1800  18.4 S  155.1 E   980   55    55
10 MAR 20 0000  19.6 S  153.3 E   978         55
10 MAR 20 0600  19.9 S  151.5 E   975   55    65
10 MAR 20 1200  20.0 S  149.6 E   964         80
10 MAR 20 1800  20.4 S  148.4 E   975   45    60 Moved inland
10 MAR 20 2100  20.7 S  147.3 E   990         40 Ex-TC - weakening

Note: BoM's report on the Australian portion of Ului's history may be
accessed at the following URL:>


Storm Name: None                  Cyclone Number: None    Basin: SPA
Fiji Tropical Disturbance Number: 15F

   Date   Time   Lat      Lon    Cent  MSW   MSW        Remarks
          (GMT)                 Press 1-min 10-min
                                 (mb) (kts) (kts)

10 MAR 29 0600  15.0 S  169.0 W  1008         25
10 MAR 29 1800  16.0 S  168.0 E  1008         25
10 MAR 30 0600  18.0 S  167.0 E  1009         25
10 MAR 30 1800  20.0 S  172.0 E  1008         25
10 MAR 31 0000  21.3 S  170.3 E  1008         30  Depression, some gales
10 MAR 31 0600  21.4 S  170.6 E  1007         30  Depression
10 MAR 31 1200  21.7 S  170.5 E  1007         30  Depression
10 MAR 31 1800  21.5 S  170.5 E  1007         30  Assigned TD-15F 2030Z
10 APR 01 0000  19.3 S  170.5 E  1007         35  Area of gales
10 APR 01 0600  19.4 S  171.9 E  1005         30        "
10 APR 01 1200  19.3 S  172.0 E  1005         30        "
10 APR 01 1800  19.3 S  172.1 E  1005         30        "
10 APR 01 2100  19.3 S  172.0 E  1006         30        "
10 APR 02 0600  19.9 S  172.5 E  1004         30        "
10 APR 02 1800  22.4 S  174.7 E  1004         30        "
10 APR 02 2100  22.8 S  175.5 E  1004         30        "   
10 APR 03 0600  23.0 S  177.2 E  1003         30        "
10 APR 03 0900  23.2 S  178.0 E  1003         30        "
10 APR 03 1800  29.0 S  180.0 E   997         40  NZ warnings
10 APR 04 0000  30.0 S  179.0 W   996         40       "


              !!!!!!  IMPORTANT NOTE - PLEASE READ  !!!!!!

     To repeat the caveat which is included in the Author's Note
  at the end of the cyclone summaries--the tropical cyclone tracks
  I prepare are based upon the operational warnings/advisories/
  advices/bulletins which are issued by the various tropical cyclone
  warning agencies around the world.   Users of these tracks should
  be aware that they are preliminary and subject to revision during
  post-seasonal analyses of the cyclones by the forecasters and
  analysts at the several warning centers.

     For the Atlantic and Northeast Pacific basins, official tropical
  cyclone reports and "best tracks" can be found at the website of
  the Tropical Prediction Center/National Hurricane Center:>

     The Joint Typhoon Warning Center's website contains links to their
  Annual Tropical Cyclone Reports which include that agency's "best
  tracks" for tropical cyclones in the Northwest Pacific basin, the
  North Indian Ocean, and the Southern Hemisphere:>

  SPECIAL NOTE:  Back issues of the global tropical cyclone summaries
  and monthly cyclone track files can be obtained at the following


  Gary Padgett    
  Kevin Boyle     
  Michael Bath    


  Michael V. Padua 
  Steve Young     


Document: trak1003.htm
Updated: 3 May 2010

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