Author Topic: Tornadoes Strong Tornadoes Possible This Evening in SD/ND, TVN's North Dakota Chase Last Friday!  (Read 4699 times)

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Strong Tornadoes Possible This Evening in SD/ND, TVN's North Dakota Chase Last Friday!


Strong tornadoes are possible today in the Central Dakotas once again,  as a decent shortwave ejects over extreme instability.  Below, is a RUC  model map of the forecasted EHIs at 0z (7 pm CDT) and 1 hour forecasted precipitation model.  As you can see, the RUC  fires a storm in very close proximity to the forecasted EHI's (a  parameter used to predict tornadoes) along the ND/SD border by 7 pm.  Extremely large hail is also a possibility with any storms that can  initiate.  Stay tuned for live video streams here; several chasers are  chasing this moderate risk setup!

 TVN chased in Western and Central North Dakota on Friday, with a mission  to collect more radar data.  The storm pictured, above, initiated along  a warm front just W/SW of Bismarck, North Dakota and  moved NW much of its life.  It could never fully root on the warm front  and likely encountered subsidence in between two waves, one in eastern  SD/ND and one in E. Montana/ W. ND and the entire storm died fairly  quickly after producing a couple of funnels.  We then went west, where  we collected data on other tornado-warned supercells, which seemed to be  just behind a massive cold pool along the MT/ND borders.  All-in-all,  it was a great chase, with textbook structure on the first supercell we  intercepted and more radar data collected!
« Last Edit: 28 July 2011, 02:53:11 AM by Jimmy Deguara »