Author Topic: Bushfires wildfires first delivery was on wednesday, unloading latest delivery monday morn  (Read 1327 times)

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first delivery was on wednesday, unloading latest delivery monday morn

Farmers organise mercy dash for Victorian colleagues Truckloads of feed will be leaving the Canberra region in the next few weeks to help Victorian bushfire victims support their livestock. Local farmers and truck drivers have organised the donations. The first load of feed was delivered last week. Many of those who are sending the feed to Victoria had their own properties burnt out in the Canberra fires six years ago. The owner of Tidbinbilla Station Michael Shanahan says in 2003, the donations of fodder were an enormous help. "All of a sudden fodder just started turning up and the sad thing is we know where a little bit came from and was very grateful but most of it just turned up and we don't know who sent it," he said. "The truckies just delivered it and we were just busily feeding it out, and i'll never forget the generostity of people in those times." Local grower Roy Priest says many people in the region are already struggling with the drought and cannot produce enough fodder for themselves. "They would be finding it hard to be able to give any away because they wouldn't have been able to make much hay due to the lack of rain that we've had in the last three months, four months," he said. "I think it's, anyone who can do that is they've, they're really really demonstrating help for our fellow Australians."