Hi guys,
Mike: We have the same trouble also capturing daylight lightning (as do most storm photographers I'd guess). I'm looking into a decent brand of HD video camera, so I can leave it running while "missing" the daytime CG, of course it will only happen when the funds dictate lol!
Have you tried your continuous shooting settings, having an SLR this should be no problem for you, just a matter of practice in the meantime and hoping not to miss that one great "money shot"! All camera's are a little different but you will get to know it like the back of your hand soon enough! Just go out and practice a little, digital film is free! We found that the best way to learn.
I dont know how I managed to catch the few daylight lightning shots that I have? Not only because I have a 1.5second delay after shutter release, but I find if I just set my ISO to 50 (which is fairly low for a digital) and push my f/ full up to 8, I can usually get a very small exp. but it all helps! I have no cont. shooting functions on my camera unfortuynately. It's a 2003 Nikon 8700 coolpix.
It does get a little tedious and frustrating at times but I will have to improve things and go SLR some time in the future
I cant wait to start seeing your photos!
Take care.