The Gulf Country in Queensland is an area worth watching for severe storms in the next couple of days. Already some interesting storms up there this afternoon. One, passing close to Burketown has been going for a couple of hours now. Convection looks a lot more organised than other parts of the tropics. Low level wind's N'ly 20-30 kts (see Burketown AWS) inflow to the storms. Steering winds ~20 kts S/SW'ly...So there's around 30-40 kts of directional shear..CAPE's >= 3000 J/Kg. Tomorrow's looking better with a nice backing hodograph for the Burketown region: surface N/NW'ly 20/30 kts, 700Hpa W/NW'ly 20-30 kts, 500 Hpa W/SW'ly 20-30 kts due to the influence of a surface heat low over Roper/McArthur..Not bad...Would love to be up there!