Author Topic: Tornadoes Argentina supercell time lapse! January 5, 2010 just north of Santa Rosa  (Read 2392 times)

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Argentina supercell time lapse!  January 5, 2010 just north of Santa Rosa

Check out this time lapse of the supercell we intercepted on January 5, 2010 just north of Santa Rosa, Argentina!  This storm came soooo close to producing a tornado.  The wall cloud was rotating very rapidly and was scraping the ground as it was heading straight for us, with a convective and sharp right edge.  Note how the rotation is clockwise, with a very rapid wall cloud evolution.  This was by far the best storm chase of the trip, and we intercepted two more strong supercells further north near Cordoba.  More pictures and video to come!

Argentina supercell time lapse! January 5, 2010
« Last Edit: 09 January 2010, 02:43:46 AM by Michael Bath »