Author Topic: Tornadoes Tornadoes possible today from the Missouri Bootheel to Northwest AL!  (Read 2467 times)

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Tornadoes possible today from the Missouri Bootheel to Northwest AL

A classic low instability/high wind shear severe weather case will likely transpire this afternoon from the Missouri Bootheel region into northwest Alabama, including western Tennessee and Kentucky, as a vertically stacked storm system moves through the area.  0-1 km helicity values of 200+ m2/s2 (see 18z RUC analysis at left), with much higher values along a WNW-ESE oriented warm front from the Bootheal across western Tennessee, coupled with extremely cold temperatures aloft (< -20 degrees C at 500 mb) will create ideal conditions for low-topped tornadic supercells from now until 00z or so.  Storms will likely explode in an arc just ahead of the upper-level vort max over the next hour or so, and track rapidly northeastward with an enhanced tornado threat as they cross the backed low-level flow along the warm front.  A tornado watch has just been issued for this area by the Storm Prediction Center, with a moderate threat of tornadoes (see left).  Stay tuned for updates!
« Last Edit: 23 January 2010, 05:24:11 AM by Michael Bath »