Huh? >_<
They're all Tropical Cyclones. No matter what basin. Typhoon is just a term they give them after a certain strength. >_>
No, thats incorrect .... Southern Hemisphere, a cyclone (low pressure system) rotates clockwise hence ANTIcyclone
(High pressure system) rotates anticlockwise
BEFORE the get named typhoon, hurricane or cyclone
they are first a TD ... Tropical Depression or a TS ... Tropical Storm and those two definitions ARE used regardless
of the basin they form in.
its a small point BUT its important
you could call our sthrn hemis. LP systems typhoons or hurricanes if you like, thats ok as the name doesnt define
the rotation direction of the system
BUT by definition ... a cyclone is a clockwise rotating low pressure system, regardless of size, and you WONT find
those in the nthrn, hemisphere !!!!!