Author Topic: Lets Look at the other side: VIC, SA, TAS day to day weather  (Read 82854 times)

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Offline Kristy Norman

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Re: Lets Look at the other side: VIC, SA, TAS day to day weather
« Reply #135 on: 04 June 2009, 02:41:41 AM »
We have had 17mm since Monday, and still have rain and showers forecast for the rest of the week with possible thunderstorms tipped for the weekend. Fingers crossed Big Pete that you get some stormy weather for the new camera!

Offline Mike

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Re: Lets Look at the other side: VIC, SA, TAS day to day weather
« Reply #136 on: 10 August 2009, 07:53:09 AM »
A bit of pondering on my part whilst I was in Adelaide in June/July for trade school and experienced SA's bitterly cold wintery weather.  Living in the tropics kind of blinkers one's perspective of other cloud formations and the like in other states, it does not matter if there is not storms but the shape, form and structure of winter clouds with rising sun and setting sun opened my eyes somewhat even more to appreciate weather in all its form.  I was often outside with a beer in the afternoon - shivering i might add - but just watching towers rise and cap out and seeing all types of cloud types form in front of me. With the storm experience I have in the NT i sometimes take it for granted that storms are a given and seeing the winter weather scenarios and viewing the soundings made me realize that storm chasers really do need to have a wide repertoire of knowledge when it comes to cloud structure and what they do during seasons where, by my location, can be taken for granted and opportunities missed for a photo.

We can become complacent with our own location's weather and it's rewarding to see different weather for a change as opposed to dry and wet for me - the seasons that everyone experiences 'down south' really do offer a lot re chasing experience whether they be busts or successful chases.  Even those days I heard thunder there was no distinct lightning strikes, but definitely made me understand a bit more about what goes on with these clouds in other parts of the country re storms per se.

Just my thoughts and anyone else had the same ?
Darwin, Northern Territory.
Lightning Research 2010/14

Offline Peter J

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Re: Lets Look at the other side: VIC, SA, TAS day to day weather
« Reply #137 on: 10 August 2009, 08:57:35 AM »

I tend to agree with you. I think at times we take too much of our own home weather for granted.. that we fail to see the changes and varieties in the types of storms and clouds available.

This is one of the reasons why I am excited to be doing something different this year, and go travelling interstate (something I have not done in years).

I want to see the different structures, storms and life away from eastern Melbourne.

I hope you enjoyed Adelaide, Mike. I found it to be one of the best structured and prettiest cities I have been to.

Big Pete

Offline Peter J

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Re: Lets Look at the other side: VIC, SA, TAS day to day weather
« Reply #138 on: 22 August 2009, 04:50:20 PM »
Hi all,

Just an extra-early note to let all know that it looks like winter season will end with Bang! in VIC

Recent look at BoM forecasts for VIC show the possibility of low-level snow falls for Tuesday and Wednesday coming...
- possible falls down to 800m.

Did miss out on the thunderstorms today, but not the wind! Certainly were some strong gusts between 8am and 11am here. I think Lilydale copped some 100kph winds, and although I don't have pics (I'm sure John Allen or Brad Hannon might have some), there was some significant damage in that area, as well as Nunawading, Windsor (where a 200 foot tree crashed a house and took out tram overhead wires), and Moorabbin. There was an official severe squall warning out for the bay area as well at the same time...

As far as warmth is concerned, as Harley explained on another thread, there may be a warmer than usual springtime coming up - and I'm hopeful a few thunderstorms (the severe ones) might frequent my way too. I've definetly been suffering SDS here, but at least the rain has greened up the area.

All the best to all..

Big Pete
(one day will ride the storm...)

Offline Peter J

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Re: Lets Look at the other side: VIC, SA, TAS day to day weather
« Reply #139 on: 27 September 2009, 08:23:52 AM »
Back for another season!

And the good news is that the rainfall in Mooroolbark for September this year is already nearing the averages. Another 28mm in the gauge overnight, sees the total here at 55mm for the month. And there is more to come...

Also, today has been very cold - temp just hovering around 11degC -  and there has been a few sprinklings of sleet (soft hail)..

Big Pete
(nice storms developing near you)

Offline Colin Maitland

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Re: Lets Look at the other side: VIC, SA, TAS day to day weather
« Reply #140 on: 27 September 2009, 09:46:33 AM »
What a contrast Big Pete, in Brisbane we have had a high of 34.2C at the airport and the sensor on the verandah at home registered 34C, very hot winds driving and bit of dust around as well, so Iam feeling a little jealous right now.

Checked the snow cams and reports for VIC and NSW and it shows good snow falls are happening with 20-40 cm today and 10- 20cm tomorrow. The cams show a good snow coverage in many places still.

Hopefully the cooler front that is forecasts arrives shortly.



Offline Peter J

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Re: Lets Look at the other side: VIC, SA, TAS day to day weather
« Reply #141 on: 15 December 2009, 11:08:59 AM »
Hi all, it has been quite some time since I last posted something about VIC weather... so I'll start with last Thursday and the fortnight before, there were two quite significant storm changes in my part of town.
The First (Thursday 27/11/09) had quite some impact on the eastern and northern sides of town - the main gust front clicked in near where I was observing at about 3pm - with quite a dark sea-green mass of cloud to the north of me (I was in Box Hill looking north toward Doncaster) - it did have some small rotation at the front edge as it passed southwards, but it only lasted about 2-3 mins, before the heavy rain, storms, and strong winds blew in for the next 35mins - with 45mm of rain in that time... at home, my mother encountered the storm with verocity that it kicked our front gate back in her face, as she was trying to shut it (OUCH!!).

The second (last Thursday 10/12/09) wasn't as harsh as the previous fortnight's storm, but it still dumped alot of rain in a short space of time (41mm in one hour in the home gauge) - this one was NOT severe-warned, but did cause localised flash-flooding in inner and central eastern areas of Melbourne for a short time..

Mike in Darwin - hope all is ok with TC Lawrence buffeting you... first one for the season! And great lightning pics! Makes a southerner jealous!

Hope to be posting more as the holiday perios kicks in - but not looking forward to Wednesday's forecast - 39C with late change...

Big Pete


Offline Peter J

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Re: Lets Look at the other side: VIC, SA, TAS day to day weather
« Reply #142 on: 22 December 2009, 07:56:07 AM »
It has been quieter this week - but some good rainfall last weekend made the dams rise a percentile - which is always good. But there have been some damaging fires to the northeast, which have been disconcerting.

Today is not much of a storm potential day - it is very warm, but lightly overcast.

Big Pete

Offline Peter J

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Re: Lets Look at the other side: VIC, SA, TAS day to day weather
« Reply #143 on: 30 December 2009, 03:42:53 PM »
Just a heads up for those in VIC waiting for the next storm event - be prepared for some during the new year's weekend. Forecasters believe storms may interrupt NYE fireworks celebrations, with storms forecast for thursday, friday and saturday here... The weather, although quite warm this past weekend, has also been humid because of the low trough running through NSW. I feel for a lot of people in the flood affected areas, but it hasn't decently flooded here since 2005, and even then, a really wet summer hasn't occurred since 1996. So we are desperate for the rain too.

P - ps Off Topic: (Love what Reed is doing to make a name in South America)...
« Last Edit: 31 December 2009, 12:56:45 PM by Jimmy Deguara »

Offline Peter J

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Re: Lets Look at the other side: VIC, SA, TAS day to day weather
« Reply #144 on: 27 March 2010, 09:10:24 AM »
Been a quiet couple of weeks in Melbourne, since the severe hailstorm/supercells intercepted my home city. There has been a slight chance of thunderstorms predicted for this evening in Melbourne, with the BoM (on The Weather Channel) saying it is only slight at this stage.
From my viewpoint it is hazy overcast and very warm here at the moment, the humidity is building, and storms are beginning to develop on the western horizon - it will be interesting to see what eventuates....

Big Pete