Author Topic: April 2010 Weather Review for Sydney  (Read 8542 times)

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Offline Harley Pearman

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April 2010 Weather Review for Sydney
« on: 02 May 2010, 03:55:29 AM »
April 2010 Weather Review for Sydney

Following on from previous months, average daytime temperatures for the month of April for Sydney were again above average.

In particular where I live at Blacktown, there was 1 day when it reached 30C being the 23/4/2010 (Making it a total of 72 days since September 12 2009), 10 days when the maximum daytime temperature reached 27C or higher and 16 days when the maximum temperature reached 25C or higher.

- The warmest night was on the 24/4/10 when the minimum dropped to 19.4C.
- The coldest day was 19.4C on 27/4/10 (At the time of writing, the final figure for 30/4/10 is not available for viewing but it is acknowledged the last day of the month was cool and cloudy with isolated coastal showers).
- The coldest night was on the morning of the 27 when the minimum temperature fell to 8.1C.

Additionally there were no thunderstorms or I did not see a thunderstorm at any time during the month. Further to this point, I have not seen a thunderstorm this Autumn over Prospect or Western Sydney. With the last storm on 28 February, it has been 61 days since I have seen a storm occur.

Additionally at Blacktown, there were 7 days where rainfall occurred that produced 22.1 mm at Prospect and 18.8 mm at Blacktown and 2 mornings when fog occurred. Generally the month of April was characterised by long periods of stable weather and many sunny days interspersed by light rainfalls producing below average rainfalls.

(Relevant data is sourced from daily weather records taken at Prospect and Blacktown available on Bureau of Meteorology and Weatherzone Websites - April 2010).

A full account of average temperatures for some weather stations across Sydney will be provided once readings for the 30/4/2010 become available. 

Harley Pearman

Offline Richary

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Re: April 2010 Weather Review for Sydney
« Reply #1 on: 02 May 2010, 12:10:14 PM »
For the record there was a storm offshore about a week ago, I could see the cloud lighting up internally from home, but it was about 20km off the coast and tracking north parallel to the coastline.

Offline Harley Pearman

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Re: April 2010 Weather Review for Sydney
« Reply #2 on: 03 May 2010, 08:49:37 AM »
Please find attached a table showing average temperatures for 7 weather stations across Sydney for the month of April 2010. Of particular interest is that for Sydney, the trend for warmer than normal months has continued. Average daytime temperatures were between 0.8C and 2.2C above average for the selected sites while average night time temperatures were closer to the average but still slightly above the long term average.

(Data is sourced from weather stations via The BOM Network for April 2010 but I have calculated the figures shown in red) 2/5/2010.

Thanks Richary, I had no idea there was a storm off the coast of Sydney a week ago. I never saw it. One thing I have noticed during March and April 2010 is the lack of thunderstorm activity across Western Sydney. Usually there is something but this Autumn has so far been relatively stable with few significant weather or storm events. Instead there have been long spells of sunny stable weather interspersed with the occasional rain / shower period.

Harley Pearman

Offline Richary

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Re: April 2010 Weather Review for Sydney
« Reply #3 on: 05 May 2010, 05:44:52 PM »
Harley, I wasn't expecting the storm but just happened to go outside and notice it. I am a bit closer to the coast than you (Rydalmere) and have a better view that way. Looking at the radar loop that was available at the time it was more intense offshore from Wollongong with a fairly dark core at that point, but was falling apart by the time it got offshore from Sydney.

I could only see the top portion of the thunderhead and it was lighting up well inside, but no chance of seeing if there were ground (ocean) strikes as well from here.

And I agree, it has been very dry lately. We had some light showers at Chatswood last Friday (I think it was) but wouldn't have clocked more than 1mm, nothing out here according to my girlfriend who was at home during the day.

Unfortunately tonight's slight chance of storms and showers all fell apart as it came across the mountains from out west, and whatever is left is well north of us. Some decent lightning out west from the Country Energy stormtracker page though.