Author Topic: Late start to the season??  (Read 3410 times)

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Late start to the season??
« on: 02 March 2007, 05:54:14 PM »
I'm sure that most of u guys have probably noticed, but this years storm season hasn't been all that great.
I don't know if this is just where i am or what but i can count on 1 hand the amount of times we've had a good storm come through..... Do you really want to know... 1 yep that it 1 measly storm.

Although my chase options are limited because
A) I'm still at school
B) i don't have my licence or a car
C) unfortunately my parents don't share my passion for storms they share a passion for non hail damaged cars... fair enough.

But seriously it hasn't even hailed and i only had 1 session where i could get some photos.
Strange occurrences have been happening but, the start of the season was quite but the end is seeming to be quite a show judging by the reports from the entire east coast.
Is this the stirrings of a late start? Anybody who went for  swim around December will tell you that their wasn't much chance for good evaporation stats. When bodyboarding i was still wearing a wetsuit the water was so frigid.
Any thoughts would be appreciated thanks guys
Cheers mark

Offline Mike

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Re: Late start to the season??
« Reply #1 on: 03 March 2007, 04:50:59 AM »
Hey Mark,

The best thing I could suggest is to read up on some literature re formation of storms,  Cold water does not necessarily mean no storms - there is a world of atmospheric conditions that need to be met even before storms can develop.  For example in the US they have lightning and hail with severe snow storms in winter - so that proves you don't need warm sunny days with humidity!  This forum site has many areas on the home page by Jimmy and others re storm observation and the like - well worth a look.

I was a bit perplexed with how 'it all happens' but it's taken me six months of reading and researching to get up to speed.  Since then i've gained valuable knowledge that has helped no end. Added to all this is that your'e correct in referring to where you might live...I used to live in Adelaide and we'd get bugger all storms but now and then you'd get some beaut ones, some places are more favorable for storms and severe weather, others aren't - It's one of those things. 

The key is to read, read and read and in between that ask questions as you have done here and then ask again!!!

Darwin, Northern Territory.
Lightning Research 2010/14

Jeff Brislane

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Re: Late start to the season??
« Reply #2 on: 11 March 2007, 01:14:39 PM »

Firstly, where do you live? This will affect the way I answer your primary question.


Offline Mike

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Re: Late start to the season??
« Reply #3 on: 12 March 2007, 12:56:43 PM »
Also you could look on the BOM or other websites for info re your area - you can download maps and charts that show areas with the most thunderstorm days or the least, that way you can find out how many days in a calandar year your area could experience storms.  But also remembering that your area in which you live will have an effect on whether you do get them at all!  Some areas don't get any, but when they do due to extraordinary conditions then they're really impressive because of the lack of regular storm activity.

Once you get a look-see at regular sounding charts, weather patterns in your area you'll be more informed - don't give up!

Darwin, Northern Territory.
Lightning Research 2010/14


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Re: Late start to the season??
« Reply #4 on: 17 March 2007, 12:34:17 PM »
Hey jeff.
sorry for the long wait my computer crashed
i live in albion park, just inland from shellharbour on the NSW South Coast.