Yes, Jimmy a fair comment re chasing the buggers. No shortage of roads up here to chase them, but having a 4wd might be applicable on some of the 'tracks', to which i'm not about to do in my sedan!
And I tested your answer in fact. Chased some storms from our north (until the ocean stopped me) but also noticed that even though the majority of the storms were heading SE from the NW across Darwin as the indices proved in the 500/700mb range, there were two large cells coming in from the South to the North and eventually blew out from cold pools - totally in the oposite direction with little or no wind to push them along from what the sounding chart suggested the wind speeds frm that direction indicated!
The Met bureau even mentioned that we'd be getting storms that would be moving very, very slowly over the next few days and they were on the money with the last storms i mentioned!
Plenty of downdraft on observation as fingers developed at the inflow but did not sustain any punch as the precip marched ahead of the storms. But it's all a learning curve and I appreciate the advice your'e giving.
The monsoon comes around every 30-60 days but although we've got a nice NW flow maybe time might run out for it to return. In about 5 weeks time i'll be twiddling my thumbs and chewing my fingernails with boredom!