Author Topic: Water ingress/condensation into Solar Cell / Transmitter (WMR928 Wx station)  (Read 3412 times)

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Kris Wetton

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Good afternoon,

I have an Oregon WMR 928 Wx station that is used solely at our property. Have noticed during my last maintenance to the tower that 2 of my 4 solar cell / transmitters have condensation. Having pulled one down, I cannot see how the affected area at the front/top of the cell can be accessed, was wondering if anyone had ever experienced something similar with an oregon, and if so, how to resolve it?- Doesn't seem to affect transmission, but I am getting very slight differences between data from this unit and from my mobile unit (Vantage Pro) appreciate that the VP is a better quality unit, but last time I cross checked them, the data was identical??? any ideas?


« Last Edit: 12 August 2007, 08:20:56 AM by Jimmy Deguara »