John, you still haven't fully replied to my question. Oringinally you argued in favour of a doppler radar at Tamworth because of the high requency of destructive storms. Now on the basis of meterological conditions why should there be a doppler radar at Grafton or Nerwcastle?
What I am trying to get you to see is that if you argue on the basis of meteorological conditions or say the frequency and power of destructive storms than you will see that the Northern rivers experiences far more than the Tamworth region and yet Grafton is not slated for a doppler upgrade. Also you would find that the frequency of severe destructive storms in the Hunter both upper and lower is higher than the Tamworth region and yet Newcastle is not slated for a doppler upgrade. And last the coastal areas north and south of Kempsey have experienced some devestating severe storms with giant hail over the years and there is no radar there at all.
Now if we aruge on the basis of population growth and density then the coast wins again hands down. Port Macquarrie is one of the fastest growing towns in New South Wales and it has insuficent radar coverage. Even the other day another hailstorm hit the Taree area. Only a year or two ago a hailstorm hit Taree collapsing roofs of major shopping centers and causing widespread damage.
Tamworth's doppler radar is not in my opinion a necessity as it is along the coast and represents to me a waste of money. Tamworth deserves a radar but not a doppler an in my opinion it should get one at the same time as Dubbo.
I did answer your query: until I realised the topography in the way(the radar coverage would improve with a tamworth system over that area, check the 128km/256km cover). The radar coverage possible if you place a doppler at Tamworth would cover the grafton/newcastle gap over port mac and coffs somewhat better if not for the mountains(dumbo here forgot about them).
You are saying here that it's the mountains that would get in the way of radar coverage reaching the coast from a radar at Tamworth and that is one problem but what about the fact that Tamworth is 200+km inland from the coast? Isn't that a serious problem too? And what if they mount the Tamworth radar 50km west of town to get better coverage, than it wouldn't even see below 4km along the coast.