Author Topic: Tornadoes Argentina blowing up! TVN Southern Hemisphere chase plans finalized  (Read 3222 times)

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Argentina blowing up!  TVN Southern Hemisphere chase plans finalized

Argentina has been active in terms of severe weather all spring, and November 19 is an example of what has been happening down there day in and day out -- supercells everywhere with reports of massive hail and tornadoes.  The radar loop at right is from Santa Fe province, just northwest of Buenos Aires, and note the repeated storm splits with the supercells on the northwest side of the convective complex.  The northern storm is similar to the "tail-end charlies" of the Northern Hemisphere, as those storms have unlimited access to the warm, humid air that streams down from the Amazon.  Our plan is to storm chase down there during December 26-January 10, which is equivalent to our late May into early June.  However, the baroclinicity and strong upper-level jet stream persist well through summer down there, given the incredible permanent temperature gradient between Antarctica and the Amazon Basin, so the dynamics will be just as good as early SH spring, but the moisture and instability will be even higher.  The chances of severe weather and tornadoes on any day are also much higher and consistent later on in the season.  We already got our plane tickets and the final preparations are almost completed!  We'll also have our camera operators and producer Chris Whiteneck and Seaman from Storm Chasers down there with us, as well as the infamous safety engineer "bobo", so if we have any luck hopefully this whole adventure will also be on television!  Argentina tornado expert Scott Currens will also be on this Southern Hemisphere chase team.  We'll also be posting video blog and Youtube video updates throughout the experience.  I've been waiting for this for 12 years, and it's finally happening!
« Last Edit: 23 November 2009, 06:31:01 AM by Jimmy Deguara »