Author Topic: Shooting stars  (Read 4128 times)

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Offline Richary

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Shooting stars
« on: 30 May 2008, 04:38:08 PM »
Not really weather related but it's up in the sky - so if we allow astronomy guess this is sort of on topic.

Just saw a really bright shooting star across Sydney from the SE to NW. Carried from when I first saw it about 45 degrees above the horizon in the SE to about 20 degrees above the NW horizon. Bright blue with an orange trail that lasted very briefly. Which got me thinking about other times I have seen them.

My first one I can really recall was in Woomera SA about 1972. Driving south around sunset with dad and it came straight down in front of us. Must have been very bright as it was still light at the time. Looked to impact somewhere but of course may have just gone below the horizon. I was only 8 at the time!

Apart from the odd one here or there a memorable night was about 4 years ago. I was staying in a B&B over on Yorke Peninsula with a nice lady who I was quite keen on at the time. Anyway, about midnight after a spa we couldn't sleep so went out the back and lay on the picnic rug to look at the stars. Must have been summer! For about 2 hours there was a meteor storm going on that I couldn't match up later with any of the regular big ones. A shooting star every couple of minutes coupled with a distant thunderstorm off the north lighting up the sky in that direction. Never seen so many in such a short time before.

Anyone else have any good experiences with this different celestial phenomenon?

Offline Michael Bath

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Re: Shooting stars
« Reply #1 on: 31 May 2008, 01:45:50 AM »
I've seen several from here over the years including a couple of those very bright blue or green fireball types that very briefly light up the landscape. Twice they have caught my attention (and my daughter's so not seeing things lol) while watching TV. We have a very large view from here so it's not hard to see what's going on in the sky.

The most recent one observed would have been in March I think and it headed NNW. It looked like it would have crashed into the western suburbs of Brisbane but I'm sure that was an optical illusion.
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Offline Jimmy Deguara

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Re: Shooting stars
« Reply #2 on: 31 May 2008, 01:55:17 AM »
It seems the best shooting star I observed was one that lit up the sky for about 10 - 20 seconds in a green colouration on 19th January 2005 past West Wyalong. I almost had time to put on my video camera to film it - that's how long it lasted. Pity I could not get any footage of it!


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