Author Topic: Tornadoes Hurricane Alex: Video from South Padre Island!  (Read 6148 times)

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Tornadoes Hurricane Alex: Video from South Padre Island!
« on: 05 July 2010, 08:00:20 AM »
Hurricane Alex: Video from South Padre Island!

INSANE Hurricane Alex video!

Hurricane Alex slammed the western Gulf Coast on June 30, officially making  landfall as a category 2 storm along the central Tamaulipas, MX coastline. Areas  to the north in extreme south Texas experienced hurricane winds and an  impressive storm surge, captured in this incredible video by seasoned hurricane  chasers Jeff Gammons and Jim Edds! Alex became the second most-powerful June  hurricane on record -- perhaps a sign of things to come, as NOAA forecasters have predicted a highly-active hurricane season. Alex also caused major problems  in eastern and central Mexico with it's inland progression, where several deaths  were reported after an estimated 12-20" of rain fell.
« Last Edit: 06 July 2010, 06:43:02 AM by Michael Bath »