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TOP PRIORITY FOR IMMEDIATE BROADCAST SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING for Damaging Winds, Large Hail and Flash Flooding For people in the inland Central West, Central Wheatbelt, eastern Great Southern, Southeast Coastal, southwest Goldfields and adjacent South Coastal Districts. Issued at 3:10 pm on Wednesday 22 October 2008 People are advised that there is a risk of severe thunderstorms during this afternoon and evening. Storms may be accompanied by very heavy rainfall conducive to flash flooding, large hail and strong winds that could result in damage to property. At 3:00pm Geraldton radar showed a line of possible severe thunderstorms through inland parts of the Central West, moving to the southeast. The FESA - State Emergency Service advises that people should be aware of thunderstorms. As storms approach secure loose items and move vehicles under cover. If lightning accompanies the storm disconnect non essential electrical appliances and avoid using the phone. Stay indoors until the storms have passed. If you are caught outside seek shelter away from trees and metal structures. Driving conditions will be hazardous. Should flash flooding occur, avoid affected roads, watercourses and floodways in the vicinity until safe to proceed. The next warning will be issued by 5:30 pm Wednesday.