Rainfall for 15/10/2010
Large rainfall totals were a feature across southern New South Wales and Northern Victoria on 15/10/2010. Some larger totals for the duration of the event until 8 pm 15/10/2010 include Rutherglen Rise 78.2 mm, Corowa 69 mm, Griffith 61 mm, Albury Airport, 53.8 mm (It started raining here at 4 am), Cabramurra 48.6 mm, Wangaratta 46 mm, Yarrawonga 45.8 mm, Wagga Wagga 40.8 mm (The rainfall at Wagga Wagga comes less than 2 days after a fall of up to 80 mm) and Shepparton 26.2 mm.
Some totals from 9 am to 8 pm 15/10/2010 include Thredbo 62 mm, Tumbarumba 60 mm and Khancoban 56 mm.
Some totals for the 24 hours till 9 am 15/10/2010 include Henty 61 mm, Darlington Point 58 mm and Hume Dam wall 42 mm.
This rain event has pushed the October average rainfalls at many locations to well above the average for the first two weeks of the month. Further, the rainfall has resulted in moderate river flooding above Lake Hume near Jingellic.
There were some high totals prior to 9 am 15/10/2010 across western New South Wales including Ivanhoe 81 mm, Wilcania 58 mm and Wanaaring 51 mm.
Here in Sydney and indeed along much of the east coast of New South wales, a rain shadow largely prevailed. Rainfall was light or even non existent. It was cloudy here in Sydney with only light showers. However, a late afternoon shower over Blacktown produced a strong rainbow. I managed to take a photo of it from home (Blacktown) looking east. There were a few more showers after sunset but nothing significant.
The rainfall plot from the Bureau of Meteorology (Water and the Land) from 9 am to 8 pm dated 15/10/2010 is provided below.
Harley Pearman