Author Topic: Northern NSW / Southern QLD Major Flooding: mid January 2011 onwards  (Read 17937 times)

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Offline Shaun Galman

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Hi guys,

Due to the lack of information on our area I thought I'd post a few photos and give an update on what's happening here at Lightning Ridge N.S.W. and the surrounding area. Mods please feel free to remove any info you think doesn't warrant/need support.  

I should advise anyone concerned to contact the SES as I can only offer information on what I'm hearing on the radio updates and what I see each day out on the flood waters. The SES have a constant aerial visual happening with helicopters up everyday.  

We were isolated yesterday -roads closed in all directions from town- but we won't actually be officially isolated until mid next week as I just heard via SES on a radio update. The volume of water we are receiving is at, or similar to that of the 1974 event. Many locals (my father included) have never seen so much water in places, particularly out at the Weetalibah Crossing (25kilometre's North of Lightning Ridge on the Castlereagh Highway). The first day it started flooding (18th January) it was already above the peak reached back in March 2010. It has risen significantly since then. The water is now half a kilometre wide across the highway out there and looks very impressive.
The water is filling, well topping up the Coocoran Lake rapidly and causing further flooding of the Castlereagh Highway about 20kilometres North of town. This happened in 1974 also.
We have pretty  significant flooding South of town as of yesterday also. The roads are now closed off towards Walgett as the floods are so widespread out there. I haven't even been able to get out to the Big Warrambool flood plain as the roads are already close at the Grawing/Cumborah turn-off situated 8kilometres South of the town on the Castlereagh Highway.      

We have flood waters encroaching on the Eastern edge of Lightning Ridge also. There has been a levee built around the Artesian Bore Baths at the end of Pandora Street as a precaution. Not sure if it will reach it but you never know. It should hold up pretty well on the off-chance it does go up that high.

I heard this morning that flooding is now taking place way out on the Rotten Plain road that leads into Grawin situated 40kilometres West of Lightning Ridge but I will have to confirm that. This will flood due to it being the Southern part of the Coocoran Lake basin.

The bulk of this floodwater came down from the Angledool area as they had a record flood level of 3.1mtrs (only got to 2.8mtrs in March 2010)
Angledool and Goodooga have been isolated for some time now and we are expected to be isolated here for some time also. I heard it could be into the weeks but that can always be revised back given road conditions.

I will be taking as many photos as I can as this event is getting to 1974 proportions.

Kindest regards.

Photos are in sequence starting on the 18th, up to 21st January.
1. Weetalibah Crossing just starting to flood on the 18th Jan.
2. SES launching the rescue boat (only an exercise I think) where we normally park the cars when this floods so that shows the height well on the first day.
3. Flood Level reached on the 18th Jan. marked by the SES, as they have done in most areas now. It's well above this level now.
Chasing Region: Lightning Ridge. N.S.W.

Offline Shaun Galman

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RE: Northern NSW / Southern QLD Major Flooding: mid January 2011 onwards
« Reply #1 on: 23 January 2011, 07:52:24 AM »
Northern NSW / SE QLD Flood Disaster : 18th - 30th January 2011


I'll add any info ( that I can support as accurate) when and as I find out. I'll definitely keep the pictures coming until then.

Photos are:
1. SES helicopter inspecting overhead at the Weetalibah Crossing 20th January.
2. The extent of the floods at Weetalibah. It's covering the highway for about half a kilometer now. I would estimate the depth at around 80cm at the deepest part -going off what we saw and experienced back in March 2010.
3. Here's the Castlereagh Highway next to the Coocoran Lake (about 20kilometres North of Lightning Ridge) as a kind of before photo. You can see the water both sides flooding through culverts. The lake is on the right side here (looking South)
4. Taken on the 21st Jan. Here's a comparison of the same place on the Castlereagh Highway as photo 3 one day later.
Chasing Region: Lightning Ridge. N.S.W.

Offline Shaun Galman

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RE: Northern NSW / Southern QLD Major Flooding: mid January 2011 onwards
« Reply #2 on: 23 January 2011, 08:06:06 AM »
Northern NSW / SE QLD Flood Disaster : 18th - 30th January 2011

Lightning Ridge N.S.W. Area Cont:

1. Another photo of the Castlereagh Highway next to the Coocoran Lake, which is on the right side here (looking North)
2. Here's the Grawin/Cumborah turn-off 8kilometres South of the Ridge on the Castlereagh Highway. This was as far as I could go yesterday. No doubt this closure will be moved back towards town as flooding is happening right the way along the road here.
3. One of the many culverts flooding now. This one is on the Grawin/Cumborah turn-off.
Chasing Region: Lightning Ridge. N.S.W.

Offline Shaun Galman

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RE: Northern NSW / Southern QLD Major Flooding: mid January 2011 onwards
« Reply #3 on: 23 January 2011, 08:14:47 AM »
Northern NSW / SE QLD Flood Disaster : 18th - 30th January 2011

Lightning Ridge N.S.W. Area Cont:

1. I took this at the Lightning Ridge rest area. This is about 7kilometres South of Lightning Ridge on the Castlereagh Highway. This was yesterday afternoon 21st January. The top wire strands of the fences are all that's visible in parts here putting the depth possibly around 60-80cm in deeper places.
2. Here's a photo of the levee put in place around the Artesian Bore Baths at the end of Pandora Street (old Collarenebri road) on the Eastern edge of town.
3. The water approaching the Artesian Bore Baths on the 20th of January on the old Collarenebri road. It was around 60metres from the levee at this point. 
Chasing Region: Lightning Ridge. N.S.W.

Offline Michael Bath

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RE: Northern NSW / Southern QLD Major Flooding: mid January 2011 onwards
« Reply #4 on: 24 January 2011, 08:22:01 AM »
Hi Shauno,

Thanks for posting all this info and the pictures. I'd noted in the various flood warnings that your area would soon be surrounded but this sure puts it into perspective. I think I've only seen one brief TV news item about the flooding in your region.

Can you do up a map and place some lines/markers as to where the flood waters are and which roads are cut?

Too bad if you want to go storm chasing in another area !

Location: Mcleans Ridges, NSW Northern Rivers
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Contact: Michael Bath

Offline Mike

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RE: Northern NSW / Southern QLD Major Flooding: mid January 2011 onwards
« Reply #5 on: 24 January 2011, 09:08:31 AM »
Good infor there mate.  I'd like to see you add more info too as the days/week progresses, I have not heard anything about your area re the flooding to be honest until I saw it here.
Darwin, Northern Territory.
Lightning Research 2010/14

Offline Shaun Galman

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RE: Northern NSW / Southern QLD Major Flooding: mid January 2011 onwards
« Reply #6 on: 24 January 2011, 11:52:08 AM »
Hi guys,

Thanks MB and Mike! I have been flat out getting around to photograph all the areas now submerged by floods. It's very hard to get any information at the moment other than what I'm seeing out there.

I did manage a lengthy discussion with one of the SES volunteers while out taking photos yesterday (22nd Jan.) and even she said they really can't ascertain what is actually going to happen yet as the water volume coming is too large to predict an outcome (without worrying too many people and causing a panic no doubt). All they can really do now is wait and watch.
Things are changing fast. Areas that were high and dry yesterday are now underwater.

I have taken numerous photos so I can post the more key/important ones. I'll get onto that map picture now. Many places I can't actually get to as the water is rising quite a bit each day.

Kindest regards.  
Chasing Region: Lightning Ridge. N.S.W.

Offline Shaun Galman

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RE: Northern NSW / Southern QLD Major Flooding: mid January 2011 onwards
« Reply #7 on: 24 January 2011, 12:42:20 PM »
Hi guys,

Here's a quick map from Google Earth denoting what I've seen and photographed in recent days. The blue shading denotes actual flooded areas and the red shading is what I would guess as to be the affected areas or areas where the water is coming from (N-NE of Lightning Ridge). This is only a guide and in no way should be used as a reference. I would advise contacting the SES for any and all details. 

The Castlereagh Highway is closed in both directions from town. Closed currently at the Weetalibah Crossing North of Lightning Ridge and at The Big Warrambool South of Lightning Ridge. The Collarenebri road is closed at the end of Pandora Street.

The only access to town is from Walgett currently. This is Walgett to Lightning Ridge via the Cumborah road. This situation will change very soon as we are about to become totally isolated for an unknown amount of time due to water starting to cover the Cumborah road already.

Many more photos and updates to come.
Kindest regards.
Chasing Region: Lightning Ridge. N.S.W.

Offline Shaun Galman

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RE: Northern NSW / Southern QLD Major Flooding: mid January 2011 onwards
« Reply #8 on: 25 January 2011, 06:27:35 AM »
Hi all,

I'll post a few photos from yesterday -Sunday 23rd January 2011 and one from Saturday the 22nd of January at an area I cannot access so easily now where the Coocoran Lake meets the Castlereagh Highway about 17Kilometres North of Lightning Ridge.

I'm just about to head out for another look at what's happening today.

1. We now have water approaching town from the Northern side. This is a dirt road extension out from Onyx Street past the Newtown Hotel-Motel on the puddling dam access road. This photo was taken next to the settling ponds looking North from Lightning Ridge.
2. A photo of the Castlereagh Highway near the 9Mile ridge. This is the Coocoran Lake beginning to flood and overflow inland through the lower lying areas. The water was around 20cm deep over the road here and still rising. This photo is looking North along the highway.
3. This is the photo from Saturday the 22nd January where the Lake meets the highway. I'm not even going to attempt to get out here now as the water is just to deep along the highway for my liking. I also cannot get to the Weetalibah Crossing out further via the highway now either (where the highway is closed to all North bound traffic). This photo is looking South along the highway.


EDIT: Small date correction.
« Last Edit: 26 January 2011, 06:04:05 AM by Shaun Galman »
Chasing Region: Lightning Ridge. N.S.W.

Offline Shaun Galman

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RE: Northern NSW / Southern QLD Major Flooding: mid January 2011 onwards
« Reply #9 on: 25 January 2011, 08:51:53 AM »
Hi guys,

Here's an accurate satellite scan of the water around us. This scan was done today (Monday 24th Jan. 2011) and I've overlaid it onto a Google Earth map for area reference. Gives a good indication of the current situation. I might do a wider area soon. The resolution on the water is only 250mtrs.

Kindest regards.
Chasing Region: Lightning Ridge. N.S.W.

Offline Michael Bath

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RE: Northern NSW / Southern QLD Major Flooding: mid January 2011 onwards
« Reply #10 on: 26 January 2011, 04:08:15 AM »
Thanks for those maps and ongoing pictures and reports Shauno. You haven't go much room to move have you :)

You'll have to trade in your car for a boat for a while by the looks.  Or join the SES and get up in the chopper for a better look. They may have some photos you can access - a lot are taken for the media and get distributed.

cheers, Michael
Location: Mcleans Ridges, NSW Northern Rivers
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Contact: Michael Bath

Offline Shaun Galman

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RE: Northern NSW / Southern QLD Major Flooding: mid January 2011 onwards
« Reply #11 on: 26 January 2011, 06:08:27 AM »
No problems MB, glad to share the info. It's a pretty significant event.

I (hopefully) have some photos taken from the chopper coming my way in a few days. The SES worker I spoke to said she may be able to get one or two through to me via email as she was one of the crews up from Wellington.

I will put up the link for the current satellite scans (taken each day) and I will try and match up a wide area scan taking in the border area so you can see the massive amount of water head towards us.

Kindest regards.
Chasing Region: Lightning Ridge. N.S.W.

Offline Shaun Galman

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RE: Northern NSW / Southern QLD Major Flooding: mid January 2011 onwards
« Reply #12 on: 26 January 2011, 10:05:00 AM »
Hi guys,

I haven't heard any updates as to the latest road conditions so the ones above will still apply.

Here's an overlaid Google Earth map with the satellite scan for Tuesday 25th January 2011. This takes in the entire surrounding area, featuring the Border areas and up into Southern QLD.

I had to omit several areas of flooding due to cloud interference on the satellite scan. I have noticed these scans do not show all the flooding, only the deeper areas. Flooding is widespread through areas that are not shown on this satellite overlay (black, blue and green colouring). 

To see these current scans and previous ones from the last 30days go here:

Not sure I'll get out on the floods today as it's 42.8˚c here currently. Very hot, humid and generally unpleasant.

Kindest regards,
Chasing Region: Lightning Ridge. N.S.W.

Offline Simon McCombe

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RE: Northern NSW / Southern QLD Major Flooding: mid January 2011 onwards
« Reply #13 on: 27 January 2011, 08:03:54 AM »
Hi everyone. Some photos of what was happening regarding the flooding around here a couple of weeks ago that might not have appeared in the media. Some anxious waiting and a few sleep deprived nights but we escaped,in town anyway,however properties outside of town weren't so lucky. And of course it still continues here in here in Qld as well as parts of NSW and of course Victoria. First photo shows the river height gauges with the river at near its peak on the 14/01/2011,with the BoM river height monitoring station on the right and the Border Bridge on the left.                                 

Offline Simon McCombe

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RE: Northern NSW / Southern QLD Major Flooding: mid January 2011 onwards
« Reply #14 on: 27 January 2011, 08:09:04 AM »
This shot taken at the Apex Park in town the day before as its slowly creeping up,with it being quite popular with locals and tourists alike.