Hi all,
I almost fell off my chair when I saw the photo of the Nimmitabel tornado! (Thanks for sharing it Jason P.) What an unreal left-mover it spawned from! Thanks for the radar images Michael! I hope we get to see a bit more of it.
And great structure in the Bathurst storm! Awesome shots guys! 7cm hail Shane? WOW!
Makes my photos look a little weak lol
Yesterday's little onslaught was great here also! We had a lot of messy HP cells build and push through around lunchtime so we waited it out in the 37ºc temps with 100% humidity! (my favorite conditions!) Several cells were present but were just skirting the town area. One had passed over us at 2pm dropping only 2-3mm briefly. We seemed to be right on the build line come 3:40pm and a beautiful little cell formed only 5k's West of town. It had an amazing little RFB, a nice green hue, several powerful CG, VERY strong outflow winds and even a flanking downdraft notch cutting into the edge at one point!
I have to apologize for the view. I was with friends at the time and the cell was fully formed within 20mins so any photographic viewing preparation was almost non existent.
Just to the right of the photo above.
3:45pm and a cool little notch cutting back in there. There were a few nasty CG emitting from that base at this point!
3:47pm and the last photo before the town got core punched. Hail was immediate and we saw stones up to 2cm bouncing everywhere. I couldn't get out to any as they were melting to fast due to the high temps? Visibility would only have been a couple metres also. I sent a text to MB just after this was taken.
4:05pm and the cell leaving town and heading East towards Collarenebri. We copped 10mm of rain in 4minutes and there were many trees and branches down around town (including my yard!)
4:23pm and the hail (white core) was still reigning down out there to the right and rear of the HP area.
Russ (left) and myself waiting in the heat (back to 37ºc again) and watching the rear of the cells. This was taken by my friend Rick up for Christmas from Albury.
As you can see from the times my initial panic for a location went out the window pretty fast but it was good fun! :D
We had another great little cell form around 7pm-ish which I will post photos of soon.