Author Topic: My New Weather Station (Davis VP2)  (Read 29135 times)

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Offline Clayton

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My New Weather Station (Davis VP2)
« on: 04 July 2011, 05:12:01 AM »
Hi Everyone

Been awhile since I've been on the forums been real busy with my new apprenticeship.
But I've been wanting to do this for awhile now and I finally bought myself a weather station
a Davis Vantage Pro 2 Cabled (6152C).
I have got it up and running and I made a few modifications such as I separated the rain bucket from the temperature sensor (ISS)
so that I could achieve more accurate readings I changed all the cable to Cat 5e for better protection and I have ran the cable out 150m
from the console so that I could place it in the best location.
I also bought a Daytime Aspirated Fan for it which I modified so that it runs for 24hrs. I did this by not using the solar panels provided and
instead setting it up to be completely battery powered (2 10000mah D Cells Rechargable) Providing it with enough mAh to run for 48hrs and Constant power of 2.4V and I change
them over every 24hrs so that they can maintain the constant power.

Placement of Sensors:
Anemometer: 8-10m above ground level (Went as high as I could go Highest point for at least 500m)
Temperature: 1.25m above ground level
Rain: 40cm above ground level.

The sensors are placed in the best position I could do so that the data is accurate.

So I finally got it up and running and recording data into weatherlink and I have uploaded the data to weather underground as they are free and provide an accurate forecast.
I thought I share it on the forums as it could help people storm chasing, forecasting or just tell people about what weather to expect and so far the forecasts have been really accurate down to the mm of rain.

So heres the website for the station:
Current Conditions (Forecast) :
History Data:

Here are some pictures of the weather station.



Offline Michael Bath

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Re: My New Weather Station (Davis VP2)
« Reply #1 on: 05 July 2011, 04:07:48 AM »
Hi Clayton,

You've sure put a lot of effort into that, and the accurate readings will make it worth it - especially getting proper wind measurements which are often very tricky for most home setups.
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Contact: Michael Bath

Offline Clayton

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Re: My New Weather Station (Davis VP2)
« Reply #2 on: 05 July 2011, 04:50:26 AM »
Thanks Michael

Yeah thought I'd make an effort as if the readings aren't accurate there really isn't much point but I got the anemometer as high as I could and filled it with halfway with concrete and braced it to limit movement.
Can't wait for the first decent storm to pass over it be great to see the data recorded.

Offline Antonio (stormboy)

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Re: My New Weather Station (Davis VP2)
« Reply #3 on: 12 July 2011, 06:28:57 PM »
well done thats a neat weather station im going to get the vatage vue in a few weeks

i have a question how do you upload to weather underground? im a member but how do i do that


Offline Clayton

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Re: My New Weather Station (Davis VP2)
« Reply #4 on: 13 July 2011, 11:15:07 AM »

Cool Vantage Vue are the next best thing really and alot easier to set up.

Well it depends on the software your using but just read this wiki page and click the links and
they'll show you the programs/ steps to get your data uploaded.

Hope that helps

Offline Clayton

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Re: My New Weather Station (Davis VP2)
« Reply #5 on: 27 July 2011, 12:40:55 PM »
Hi Everyone

Just thought I'd post that my weather station will be offline for a couple weeks as I'm renovating my room (Shed) so I didn't want the data to become on and off and not be consistent so I've unplugged it for the time being while its being done, but when its done I'll post an update and some new links to the weather data on Weather Underground as I'll be setting up a new page too.

Thanks again


Offline Clayton

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Re: My New Weather Station (Davis VP2)
« Reply #6 on: 08 August 2011, 05:30:31 AM »
Hey Everyone

Due to the possible storm today I have turned the weather station back on to record any data just for today,
as my renovations to my room still aren't done but couldn't miss the chance to record a storm.

So if you want to see any data recorded
Current Conditions (Forecast) :
History Data:

Thanks Clayton

Offline Clayton

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Re: My New Weather Station (Davis VP2)
« Reply #7 on: 25 October 2011, 12:30:22 AM »
Hi Everyone

Just thought I'd post that my Weather Station is up and running again and its under a new web address.

So heres the website for the station:
Current Conditions (Forecast) :
History Data:

Hoping that I can get some good storms recorded now, and also just though I'd mention on storm days I will put
the weather station in real-time mode so updates will be every 2.5secs to get all the data online in real time.

Thanks again