Author Topic: Geography and Science Teachers Curriculum Resources  (Read 6953 times)

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Geography and Science Teachers Curriculum Resources
« on: 02 January 2006, 04:09:54 AM »
Geography and science teachers are always looking for new resources and ideas to show their students. Australian Severe Weather can act as one focal point for a variety of resources that could be used within the classrom environment. Amognst the most popular resources are obviously:

- photographs

the vast collection of Australian Severe Weather photos taken in the field of a variety of weather phenomena


Photographs ordered by date for those who would like to look up a specific Australian severe weather event

- videos

A large collection of online videos outlining some of our video samples and sufficient examples of weather in action

How about those unique video stills capturing what the eye can't observe in lightning!

Dvds are also available for those teachers or educators who would like to provide a variable resource

- and the Observation Weather Online Book

This weather online book is used extensively around the world since it is uinique in providing in the field skills of logical concepts on how to observe the weather. It complements the theoretical concepts and definitions provided on educational sites such as the World Weather 2010 project
« Last Edit: 02 January 2006, 04:12:14 AM by australiasevereweather »