HI guys , i ve spent the last few days covering the fires in the blue mts , yesterday at 12 midday , BOOOOOOOM! the grose valley fire erupted like a volcano , the only comparable fire explosion like that ive seen was canberra. it moved 5km as a front in about 30 mins , i was near mt tomah.
the rfs use aircaft with heat sensing tech to keep an eye on fires but the task of knocking even spotfires or lightning strike fires is beyond any helicopter , i have seen a fire crew spend over an hour and two entire tank fulls of water trying to put out one tree burning from the inside , choppers dont black out fires only cool them down and i can things getting political if they assigned an aircrane to every storm that moves through the state of course with the pathetic storm season weve had so far maybe that is possible
any way here is a couple of pix from yesterday note the chopper in the lower frame of the pyrocumulous