Author Topic: NSW Severe Storms: 9 - 11 Feb 2009  (Read 23245 times)

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Offline Michael Bath

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RE: NSW Severe Storms: 9 - 11 Feb 2009
« Reply #15 on: 13 February 2009, 01:40:11 AM »
Did you spot any cells with anvils Richary ?   The Moree sounding yesterday (11th) indicated storms would be fairly low topped along the tablelands with an inversion just above 400hPa.

Locally, a rapid inflow of stratocumulus about 5pm ruined any chance of seeing the cells in the Northern Rivers - unless you were right next to them of course. There was a strongish cell that peaked just SW of Kyogle though tracker didn't show much lightning from it.

Location: Mcleans Ridges, NSW Northern Rivers
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Offline Richary

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RE: NSW Severe Storms: 9 - 11 Feb 2009
« Reply #16 on: 13 February 2009, 02:31:49 AM »
Hi Michael

These cloud tops were about the best it got of things trying to push through whatever cap there was. There was certainly no signs of anvil formation or any shear. A bit further north there had been one cell showing a few signs of the top blowing away a little bit which was also the one that showed the contrast between the higher and lower cloud levels the best.

Of course by the time I got the camera out of the bag (about 2 minutes after spotting it) we had already moved on too far to get a good photo.

Offline Harley Pearman

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RE: NSW Severe Storms: 9 - 11 Feb 2009
« Reply #17 on: 16 February 2009, 02:18:43 PM »
Tamworth Thunderstorm - 10 February 2009

Early Tuesday morning 10 February 2009, I drove to Tamworth and arrived there after midday. Although I am on my summer holiday I made sure that my travel included Tamworth.

Quite a contrast to Sydney which was experiencing low cloud, cool south east winds and drizzle post southerly change, Tamworth experienced a top temperature of 37C with hot north west winds blowing.

After 3 pm, I went up to Oxley Lookout and set up my cameras and prepared for the afternoon thunderstorms. There I watched large but high based cumulus towers form between Gunnedah and Tamworth. One cloud tower eventally evolved into a thunderstorm cell west south west of Tamworth.

The photos taken below show the thunderstorms that occurred. The photos were taken from Oxley Lookout on Scenic Road looking south and south west across Tamworth and the Peel Valley. Elevation is approximately 630 metres above sea level and the time is between 3 pm and 5 pm.

Photo 1 is showing some storm structure looking south. From the lookout I watched some cloud to ground lightning but I did have trouble capturing bolts.

Photo 2 is showing a distant heavy shower and possible microburst. I noted the rain shaft having a distinctive curl at times.

Photo 3 shows a cloud to ground lightning bolt.

Photo 4 is showing the storm at its peak. The storm produced shelf clouds during its peak intensity.

Photo 5 captures another lightning bolt.

The storm produced a strong outflow gust front being strong gale force southerly winds that moved north east. I include photo 6 because when that outflow boundary passed over Tamworth, it kicked up a substantial amount of dust that blasted much of the city. Moments later, the gust front hit me and I experienced cold gale force southerly winds. I had to retreat behind a wall because the winds were too strong. Leaves and bark were stripped from the trees. This lasted for around 5 to 10 minutes before waning.

Afterwards, a new thunderstorm cell formed closer to Tamworth that reached me. It produced a short moderate shower with big raindrops but there was no wind or hail. Tamworth had 2.2 mm of rain from that storm.

The storm continued in a north easterly direction but weakened and died once it was over the New England Tableland.

On 11/2/2009, I also chased down another thunderstorm cell from Armidale to a rural area between Ebor and Dorrigo (Approximately 110 km) but I have not downloaded or prepared my photos. That will be included in a separate post.

Harley Pearman

Offline Harley Pearman

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RE: NSW Severe Storms: 9 - 11 Feb 2009
« Reply #18 on: 17 February 2009, 01:58:44 PM »
Storm chase Armidale to Dorrigo - 11/2/2009

Following the Tamworth thunderstorm of 10/2/2009, I drove to Armidale 11/2/2009 then across to Wollomombi Falls (Distance approximately 150 km) via the Waterfall Way. While photographing the waterfall gorge with no water in it, I watched a thunderstorm cell develop near Round Mountain approximately 40 km to the north east.

I decided to chase that down. I drove to Ebor (Elevation 1,350 metres) and then to a rural area between Ebor and Dorrigo. There I intercepted the storm cell. I drove under the rain free base stopped and took a series of photos. After that, the storm dumped its rain then weakened. I received a heavy downpour of rain but no hail.

Incredibly the storm weakened once it crossed the escarpment of the New England National Park. Afterwards, I found myself within low cloud so I could not take any more photos.

I drove approximately 220 km to intercept the storm. The photos are taken close to a locality called Meldrum between Dorrigo and Ebor. The time is between 12 noon and 1 pm.

A weaker storm occurred thereafter in the region (Photo 3). After that too much low cloud obscured further view of the storms. I continued onto Dorrigo. I noted another larger storm to the north however it was moving rapidly north east away from me. The storm was situated over the Chaelundi National Park and heavily forested areas. Given the limited road network available and national parks, I would not have been able to catch up with it. I understand that storm cell moved towards the Grafton area.

After reaching Bellingen later in the day, the Bellinger Valley experienced another thunderstorm after 3 pm. While not photographic, it dropped a heavy shower of rain including 12 mm at Bellingen and up to 30 mm closer to Point Lookout to the west.

Harley Pearman

Offline Dave Nelson

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RE: NSW Severe Storms: 9 - 11 Feb 2009
« Reply #19 on: 17 February 2009, 02:46:10 PM »
Didnt know you were up there as well Harley... you had a different  perspective to those cells from
your location.  i was basically right underneath them !!  :)

I thought I better post some pix to go with my earlier report

Dave N