I saw the first line of activity approaching in the weatherzone radar. Grabbing the camera gear Cindy and I went to the
rooftop carpark at the Rhodes shopping center which is my new lookout!!! it gives 180 deg unobstructed view from South
through West to North
as Harley mentioned, a large amount of the lightning was intracloud and was hidden in the cloud, only occassionally standing
out as a CC or CG, but it was VERY active with almost constant flashes and rumbles. It was the low level skud cloud racing in
from the E - SE that destroyed the ability to see/photo the real storm clouds and lightning.
No hail in our area, just some heavy rain and a little wind
Around 6pm we headed through to Newcastle area and passed under the storm front that an hour earlier had passed over us
in Rhodes/Ryde area. It was still putting out a few zaps in that area but not as actively, and the low-level easterly cloud was still
obscurring much of the activity. Driving for a short time was difficult in the Wyong area. The rain was very heavy making it difficult
to see.
After dinner in Maitland and for a short time considering heading towards Singleton to intercept a cell in that area, but it hinted
that it was gonna die out soon ... and it did ! got back home ~ 9.30 pm
although not spectactular ... have seen more photogenic cells this season after so little inactivity it was just a
simple joy to see some lightning and hear the thumder
Dave N