Hi there Supercellwish. Long post but i feel some valuable info for you re your book.
Here's a table of what Lifted Index values are:
2 or greater (stable) (+ values)
1 to 0 (almost unstable)
-1 to -4 (troposphere marginally unstable)
-4 to -7 (large instability)
-8 or less (extreme instability)
As I have found out recently you can have massive CAPE and moderate LI numbers but no cloud whatsoever! There's several elements Mother Nature needs to spark convection properly, without one or the other you'll get zip.
Re your book:
Mr recommendation would be that if your'e writing something for younger folk I would not bother with adding technical stuff as in LI index numbers as it will only confuse them more - and if you want to keep it in layman's terms use the
KISS method - Keep It Simple Stupid (of course not directed personally!). You can probably use CAPE (Convective Available Potential Energy) as this is the basis for storm type and character. If you're handy with computer software graphics use simple pics for how storms form - but make your own designs.
Simple wording without too much technical stuff, but if your book is on storm chasing for dummies you will need to add the techno stuff - it's the fundamentals of storm structure and if you don't include it they'll be missing the point of it all. If your age bracket is aimed at older folk - say 14 upwards you could most likely add the technical stuff because if they're looking to have a career in Met then it would be beneficial.
Remember to have your book set out in stages, a beginning, a middle and an end. Keep specific topics within their chapters for ease of reference. If you use any websites or books as reference make sure you acknowledge them between sentences or on the last credit pages of your book. Email prospective authors of these resources if you want to use any of their text/graphics -
very important you do that because of copyright laws. I've found that most authors are quite happy to let you do it so long as you ask first. Because you intend of selling your work for profit it makes it even more important to ask - the best thing is to use your own words and modify references to your own explanations.
The resources within this forum on cloud types, observation are vast so check them out. You could also visit
http://downunderchase.com/storminfo/ which has a comprehensive area on soundings and all the how to's - it's easily worded and is a valuable resource.
Once you get a handle on how things work re storms it will be easy. Keep things easy for yourself, if you can't undertand it how will anyone else reading your book! Take your time and make changes. Read and re-read your work even when you think it's finished, you may have missed something or want to add things.
Printing your book will depend on your budget. As I'm in the printing game of sorts workwise, go for an A4 sized booklet or smaller. Much like a coffee table type book. Something that is easy to handle, durable. The type of paper you decide on, whether you want shiny, matt, gloss. How many pages? All these factor in the cost. Do you want it binded or stapled? How many photos/graphics?
First thing you need to do is this: Make a mock copy of your book with cover, text, photos, graphics and a front/back cover. Then once you have done take it to a printing business (there's hundreds) and show them what you've done. They'll work with you re layout, paper, sizing, what they can and can't do and give you a price. What is your market? Sale price of the book? Where will you have the book for sale? Commission prices to those establishments who sell your book - what percentage? It's not so simple huh!!!!?
I know I have been quoted to produce my own 30 page photographic storm book in Darwin in A4 size with satin pages for around $3-4,000 with a run of say 5000. It's not that expensive and you can tailor your book to suit your budget.
Making the book is the easy bit but there's other things to take into account on getting your dream off the ground - but you've started so keep going. You sound like you have a passion so follow it, you won't be dissappointed if you follow through.
If you need a hand with setting the text out i'll give you some assistance with grammar, spelling and the like - as a court typist also it's all i do (boring!!)
Best of luck.