Author Topic: Nick Moir's summary of the US Chase 2006  (Read 4302 times)

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Nick Moir's summary of the US Chase 2006
« on: 07 January 2007, 09:25:17 AM »
Nick Moir's summary of the US Chase 2006 can be found here:
picture by Nick Moir from the Sydney Morning Herald
Tornado Alley Storm Chase 2006 by Nick Moir


Jimmy Deguara
« Last Edit: 07 January 2007, 09:54:34 AM by Jimmy Deguara »
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Offline nzstorm

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Re: Nick Moir's summary of the US Chase 2006
« Reply #1 on: 07 January 2007, 10:03:51 AM »
WOW, some outstanding photography there.  Great presentation, gets me excited for the forthcoming season!
Steven Williams
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Offline Andrej Matko

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Re: Nick Moir's summary of the US Chase 2006
« Reply #2 on: 07 January 2007, 06:22:56 PM »
Wow Nick, that is outrageously great presentation. I love the post processing result of your photos, they're just incredible. The colors of the image in Jimmy's post are absolutely amazing! My shot is almost all blueish, while the lightning itself is white as snow and no matter what I try it always craps out. :)

I have to start making savings for 2008, I miss the may of 2006, even tho the season sucked, it was still a experience to remember for life!

Offline Geoff Thurtell

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Re: Nick Moir's summary of the US Chase 2006
« Reply #3 on: 08 January 2007, 02:04:46 AM »
Well done and well presented Nick!

It gives you the feeling that you want to get 'out on the plains' as soon as possible.

Offline nmoir

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Re: Nick Moir's summary of the US Chase 2006
« Reply #4 on: 08 January 2007, 01:25:41 PM »
an easy to use great  tool for presenting your photos is called "soundslides" which quickly combines jpgs and sounds files WAV or Mpeg , i could imagine it may be of great use to use your own voice to describe each image from a chase especially for those of you who do not shoot video and prefer the stills. i am using this for some of the presentations i am doing , but the big USA chase one also had a producer and flash expert to work on it ( by the way the nerdy bio on me was not my idea , so embarressing) so it helped to look good

the web site if you want to try soundslides is
 and i think it is about $40 AU

by the way , andrej great to hear from you and look forward to chasing with you guys again!
Nick Moir
The Sydney Morning Herald


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Re: Nick Moir's summary of the US Chase 2006
« Reply #5 on: 12 February 2007, 09:43:03 PM »
Hello guys!

First, let me say hello to all fellow chasers with whom we chased last year! It has been an excelent time (even it was a bad season, we still had great chasing days) and looking forward to our future chasing on the Plains and hopefully someday also in Australia.

Nick that is really an amazing presentation there, love that noaa radio with sirens in the back besides those impressive images, good job with the post processing indeed!

Keep these great images coming and see you all in few months, we all know where! :)
