Hi guys,
Let me explain further what RAW is all about. Unless you delete the file, you will never lose information from it. It is a pixel by pixel representation of the image. For instance, when I first began to use RAW and using Digital Professional specifically, I thought if you change and SAVE the changes of properties like colour, exposure and so forth, then that's it your done you have changed the image. In fact this is not the case. What Digital Professional does is remembers what you saved as settings for the way you wish the picture to look! It does not change the actual original RAW.
A further detailed explanation. Let's say you have a picture of a scene. You want to make 2 prints - one that is better exposed perhaps and another monochrome. You can output these in TIFF format or JPEG format - then make the prints. You still have not changed the RAW image but you were able to print two different versions of the same image and as close as you can ever come to a copy of that image.
Whatever preferences one has is up to them, I am just sharing the information.
Jimmy Deguara