Quite a fruitful days chasing.
Started at Canyonleigh ( the storm that David referred to as being SW of Moss Vale ). I again had storm chaser convergence with PingTang. We watched a developing updraft for about 15 mins, it then became outflow dominated in a big hurry.
I split west only to encounter hail and torrential rain, so headed east back to the Hume Hwy just south of the Sutton Forest servo which was a battle zone with scores of cars parked under any tree that looked like offering shelter from the hail. Hail was to 2cm in size, but the odd larger bang on the roof told me there was perhaps larger. ( Hi Dave Nelson, you must have been one of those cars ! )

The storm weakened into a broad rain area so i headed home. I was curious to see how the now weak storm would react to the coastal moisture having already hung myself on a forecast of flash flooding type storms on another forum. I was not disappointed as it kicked up a convergence line of activity just east of the Illawarra escarprment, this was lightning active. Just as I was putting the camera on tripod a transformer was hit on the other side of the lake. I would have made a great picture, instead I got this second prize.

As I taking the lightning I caught this suspicious lowering out of the corner of my eye. The jury is out on this, it persisted for about 5mins. It would be easy to dismiss except the first bit to condense was on the ground ! not from cloud downwards. At no stage did the cloud tag rise upwards either.

Here is the same lowering about 5 mins later and a little further southwards along the convergence line, again it is all the way to ground - guess where I will be looking tomorrow morning !

I also have video that I have not reviewed yet, but it was near total dark so the video may be useless.
Lastly I headed east as it started to rain and took this picture from a picnic shed at Windang Bridge,

We had thunder on and off until around 4am here. I live 1 km from the ocean and therefore missed the heavier rain. I went for a 3am drive westwards ( only a storm chaser can do a 3am run ) and the rain was much heavier near the escarpment with flash flooding of creeks near Macquarie Pass.