Hi all,
ohhhh another wonderful day !
work took me to Minto-Campbelltown area around 1330hrs. After the 2 jobs, ~ 1430hrs, I could see that cells
were growing and that one large one was coming down off the mountains from the Katoomba area. I was moving out across the basin to the nth of Campbelltown region. The growing cell that took my interest was out over the Camden area and was starting to look really mean. Today I saw some of the most intense greening
in a storm that I have ever seen.
here's a few pic's, first 3 taken looking west from between Minto and C'town the last one from within C'town
just minutes before all hell let loose.
the storm produced many excellent CG's, with one unfortunate man being struck (he's in C'town hospital
Dave N