Author Topic: VIC, TAS, SA, NSW Cold and Rain Event - Corowa Funnel Cloud : 23 - 27 April 2009  (Read 21190 times)

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Offline Richary

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I had heard that a storm in Adelaide yesterday coincided with a king tide, but the early reports I saw this morning was just a bit of minor flooding. A link posted from a friend there showed it must have been pretty nasty.,22613,5038617-5014156,00.html#

The damage around Glenelg etc is quite surprising, I know that area and that rock wall is a heck of a long way above normal high tide mark. And I believe higher tides to follow over the next couple of days, hopefully not with a storm pushing them. And surfing at Brighton is a no-no, it doesn't happen!

Don't worry after the first 20 photos or so, they get pretty boring.

Offline Peter J

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Just for those interested, from my last post - addendum:
The "mini" tornado actually hit near Kyneton in the NW Central Goldfields area of VIC - it seems to have done some significant damage - possible rating EF0.

Big Pete
PS and today is bitter again, and i may have seen a wall-cloud within an HP storm coming over the bay area, sweeping in over land near Cheltenham about 4pm this arvo.


  • Guest
Awesome looking funnel cloud! I am not a stormchaser yet but I know a perfect funnel when I see one. off topic but Hello from the USA
it is about 84 degrees Farenheight  and very humid here in Pennsylvania, Thunderstorms are in the forecast tonight and the wind is out of the
NW at 4-8 mph, you would be enjoying this weather up here but, summer is soon over here in the Northern Hemisphere. I think Sept. 22 is the
Fall equinox. seeya later


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I also heard that there are 3 cold fronts blasting on through Australia in a row, WOW! Button up because it will proboly be close to 0 degrees
Farenheit and the winds from the SW at about 20-30mph