Author Topic: Opinions on Stormchasing+ Storms: Whats important?  (Read 3588 times)

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Opinions on Stormchasing+ Storms: Whats important?
« on: 15 June 2007, 12:05:33 PM »
Hi guys,
Now that my exams are almost through id like to put the question out there: If you had 1 hour to talk about Storms and Storm chasing what would you talk about. Im looking for a canvas of you all to see what you think are the most important aspects of storm chasing, and severe storms in general. Bare in mind that the presentation would be to just the general public, but might need to cater in some detail to more interested individuals. I believe this would be far better than just my opinion: Specific areas need be mentioned, but dont bother with to much detail. I know theyre are very experienced and clever minds out their so i wouldnt mind collating some ideas. If you have any anecdotes you wouldnt mind me borrowing(of course no names please), that you think reflect important aspects of stormchasing: whether it be amusing, safety or generally amazing id more than happily consider them.

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Offline Jimmy Deguara

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Re: Opinions on Stormchasing+ Storms: Whats important?
« Reply #1 on: 15 June 2007, 12:55:47 PM »
Things I think should be included should reflect a positive outlook - how it assists the public:

- brief definition
- brief history and what it set out to achieve
- how it has changed - huge influx of storm chasing interest since Twister (A positive reflection of Twister vs real storm chasing could be included here)
- the 'true' history about storm chasing origins in Australia (people going on a family picnic or heading out on truck runs are not storm chasing - it should imo involve some form of forecasting and consequent results)
- briefly cover equipment and techniques used in storm chasing (techniques I tend to do a day in the life of a storm chase from the forecast to the chase including the road network, changing from one storm to another and then report writing including uploading images for others to see)
- safety precautions - one can refer Chuck Doswell's document
Slide show and some video - this is the main part as pictures and video really motivate the audience
- has storm chasing been worth it? In USA, it has helped immensely in contributing to improved warnings and lee-time. In Australia, it has seen the discovery of the unexplored wilderness - particularly in terms of the LP supercell not much had been documented prior to this.
- Conclusion can be your views on future in storm chasing - increasing numbers, improved technology, and so forth

You can and perhaps briefly should include a small description of storm types but really brief. Overall, try to move through at a steady pace but not stay on the same topic for too long.


Jimmy Deguara
Australian Severe Weather

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Offline Mike

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Re: Opinions on Stormchasing+ Storms: Whats important?
« Reply #2 on: 11 July 2007, 08:40:12 AM »
One hour presentation?  Okay, here's what i would submit.

Storm safety:  Preparedness, precautions and public awareness.

Storm formation:  A slide show depicting how it all works, not too technical but in layman's terms that can be understood easily.  Include photos of storm types so they can relate to what you're trying to distinguish to them.

Same as JD re movies - They aren't the same - differentiate.

Humour:  I'd also add a lot of humour to it - you can indicate the serious side of storms - but also add some funny moments to break the 'falling asleep' mode.  If you keep them attentive they'll keep creeping to the edge of their chairs without slumping backward and falling asleep.

What storm chasers do:  Include spotting - as they are a band of dedicated individuals who contact the BoM and report damage.  Serious chasers - explain in simple steps what we learn and look for even before we head out.  Why we chase and where we go.

Information:  Where all this observation and information goes and how it helps the bureau and public at large. 

The USA:  Goes without saying that 85% of people relate our storms to the US which is incorrect.  Give a slide show of your most jaw-dropping photos, brief video of tornadoes and damage.  Brief explanation of how wind shear works with these storms.

Finish off with coffee and nibbles and answer questions and give out paraphenalia on the ASWDF and BoM and have a display of photos for their perusal at the end of presentation.


Darwin, Northern Territory.
Lightning Research 2010/14