G'day everyone,
My names Aaron Farquhar, Im from Wollongong and its Bout time i started to persue storm chasing, I have had a passion for it for years but just never had the time nor money to chase storms, But im starting now, i know the basics about supercells and can from time to time read storms and predict what they will do but i want to know everything and i basically want to travel the world chasing storms and just seeing the beautiful yet deadly and destructive power that the worlds weather can create, This will be my passionate hobbie as i couldnt imagine doing it as a career (Meteorologists) Just that would take too long going to uni and stuff but really wanna learn everything there is and i wanna travel to Tornado alley one day and see the real stuff, I just find it fascinating that these storms are so beautiful and look so gentle but in the blink of an eye they can destroy everything, Its awesome, Anyways if anyone out there would like to help me learn about this stuff and just chat about it, That would be awesome, Hope to hear from you all soon, Aaron