Good reply Hung Lo Phat, I have used google earth ages ago when it was a beta product, but I had no idea you could get elevation info fom it, should have guessed though Ive heard about all sorts of stuff you can do with it.
Prob is, I dont have Broad band, and im almost certain Google earth dont work with Dial Up. Ill have Broad band by spring. But thats then this is now. Ive actuallty looked around Geoscience australia before, and I could zoom in and out of the map i was looking at, but there were things like buttons that had no explanations to what they did, the buttons that did have explanantions didnt work or didnt apear to do anything in the way off adding or removing layers, some did get removed, but it wouldnt add any layers like elevation, it did how ever add some thing could horizontal control points But I have no idea what theydo or represent. The map its self was kind of cartoon like, and seemed a little amateurish. For all I know the map I was looking at was for kids, and I should have been looking at somthing else.
So Im checking out the link you gave me Hung Lo Phat, I dont think I accesed the map thourgh that exact page, so Ill post another message when I find out.
I was thinking I wouldnt have any probs finding one of the Maps that is usually black & white, and is made up rings, that show land features and their elevations. I guess these rings look somthing similar to Isobars on a synoptic chart. I know Ive seen these maps before, i cant remeber where when or why. Maybe Id best go to a map shop, but maps usually cost a small fortune. Rightly so though, you think about what would go into making such a map, and then selling only a microscopic fraction of road maps sold, I guess they neeed to be expensive or they'll never get made again.