If you re-plot the sounding at 29/19 you get a more impressive outlook: -7 LIs and 2400 CAPE, which you know is pretty good actually.
BUT! As I have learnt over the years, don't take the storm cast as a single point of reference for storm forecasts. There is just so much more than what meets the eye.
A basic thunderstorm set up (well in NE NSW / SE QLD anyway) consists mainly of:
- Moisture
- Heat
- Upper level winds / wind shear
- Cold air aloft
- Trigger / trough
Right so lets take a look at the synoptic chart.
Great, we have a trough at our doorstep by 10am which means that the trigger is there. However my only concern I guess is that the trough might go through too quickly as the 10pm chart anticipates it to be around the Capricornia region.
Wind shear is actually really good, very strong in the upper levels.
Temperature, well once again it is forecast to be unusually warm, but just remember these temps are coming from the Westerly winds. You will need a NE'ly to feed moisture into the region or else it's bye bye storm chance. The upper levels are OK for cold air, although significantly warmer at the lower levels in SE QLD than anywhere else. But I don't think that's going to be much of a problem.
Again, moisture is my primary concern. Things could very well change by Monday, but all I can suggest is look at the observations to determine whether any moisture is coming into the region (the DPs in particular). The BoM is pretty sceptical and I think they are right to do so at this stage.
Hope I got it all right.
So yep, marginal to fizzer set up indeed.