Chasing is as you suggest one of experience. Chasing the dominant storm is one component - recognition is another. Visuals are usually the best one can go by but in the interim, sure use radar to back up your chasing and not waste your time nor fuel.
However, radar in Australia (except in long lived examples - specifically supercells) are close to inefficient to use as a chase now cast tool yourself. There firstly is a lagging effect of between 10 to 20 minutes. In the case of cells that do not last this period of time you will find yourself chasing your own tail. In the tropics, this can be one classic region where this will be the case. And visuals with this lag can make it confusing as to what may be happening versus what has happened - radar versus visual.
The more one can build the visual experience, the less reliant you will have to be on radar. The most successful chasers in Australia I find do not rely on radar. I have written a section on observational aspects of weather in my
Observation Weather Techniques and I think it does touch on recognition of severe storm features and behaviour.
As I suggested earlier, it is one thing to recognise or identifying the dominant storm or perhaps pattern of storm behaviour, it is another to be able to chase it. Positioning oneself in relation to a storm in general with safety and confort zone in mind is a skill acquired once again through experience. I bet there are few books or manuals covering detailed chase strategy:)
Jimmy Deguara