Storms 13 January 2008An extremely complex line of cells moved through Darwin and surrounds this morning at around 1am. They had formed off the NW/NE coast between the Tiwi Islands and the mainland and moved in a slow and steady S/SW track. I've seen the precursors of similar events before at this hour during the wet season and these sets of storms were highly active. The lightning initially started out as high cloud sheet flashes but once the rain set it was full-on CG activity every 4 seconds. Watching the radar at around 1:40am the cells were compacting into one large mass. WZ lightning tracker was all white with CGs over the entire portion of the city and suburbs.
I went out around 2:30am in the hope of getting some photographs, but it was particularly dangerous driving. I only drove about 10km when the rain was literally sheeting across and absolutely pelting down for at least an hour and a half. Most of the street lights, traffic lights etc were knocked out again. BoM radar both at Berrimah and the airport were knocked out around 3am.
Driving through blinding rain, flooded roads, lightning constantly flashing
continuously actually made things worse. I ended up taking refuge of sorts undercover at a nearby service station just to get out of the CGs striking far too close to where I was originally positioned. I decided that it was a lost cause trying to capture this stuff no matter how frequent they were, extremely low cloud bases, CGs totally rain wrapped and definately far too dangerous to be in the elements. Even parked down at the coast when they were dying off I missed a huge combination crawler and CG as the sun was coming up - damn that rain!
Heading home was a nightmare in itself; most of the runoff areas were overflowing and the roads were carrying debris from the surround scub across certain parts of the road! Even the airport runoff areas showed vast amounts of leaf/branch litter flow paths across four lanes of highway!
The storms finally dissipated around 7:30-8:30am - almost eight hours of lightning and thunder and very heavy rain. Whilst it's a nice thing to watch, it's not something I particularly like sitting in even in a car waiting for a photo opportunity! Simply blinding lightning and you know they are close when there's no delay between flash and thunder and with the F-stops way up and short exposures I could not even make out the strikes - I could see the 'welding' flash but no definative bolts.
So no photos, but something to pass on at's the radar imagery.
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Darwin radar loopMike