November 18, Southern Tablelands: Chase Report and PhotosGoulburn 12pm, my kestral told me something completely different to the models - a dewpoint in single figures. I started to worry. There
was some high based Cu around, but it was struggling.
I was getting more and more sunburnt. I opted for some shade SE under the struggling Cu - myself and Steve Gabriel headed for Windellema, SE of Goulburn.
The local cells struggle - meanwhile I take interest in a general darkening to the far south. We head south to the Tarago - Braidwood road.
We watch several CG's. Itchy feet get the better of me and as always I wanted to be closer, so I leave Steve and Pingtang behind. I found a nice hilltop and captured these video stills.
In hindsight it was probably foolhardy as these bolts were coming down less than 1km away and lower than me. It started to rain anyway, so I packed up and headed to the Kings Highway and turned west to Bungendore. Here I struck the first small hail and minor flash flooding for the day. From Bundendore I head north through another small cell and reunite with Steve and Pingtang.
After meeting Steve and Pingtang again I thought the show may be drawing to a close - so I said my farewells and headed north. Just north of Lake Bathurst I encountered another cell with a mix of torrential rain and hail. The picture belows shows some minor flash flooding both on the road and in the fields.
I head just a little further north and as the rain cleared this is what revealed itself to the SW.
Needless to say I scrapped plans for an early return home and turned south to Tarago once again. From Tarago I took the Collector road to get NW which is where the lightning was most active. It was near sunset but I was plunged into night as I core punched the storm. The next 30 mins were very exciting. It was too dark for photos so I can only offer grainy video stills.
In this still there is water across the road and hail drifts.
A farmers dam overflows
Look closer at this still, on one side of the road there is a road guide pole, there is also one one the other but a surge of water is over running it - this river continues down the road for at least 500m. I am thankful of my large 4WD
Lightning during the core punch was every few seconds, but the hail/rain mix drowned all thunder.
I finally broke free of the rain and pulled over an took some lightning pics. James Harris and crew converge on the scene as well, they also encountered this storm from the inside.