December 6. 2007 Upper Western Pulse Storms, Report & PhotosHi guys,
We had an afternoon line of pulse storms to our east-south east kicking off around 3pm, possibly stretching off towards Collarenebri and linking up with the storms you mentioned above David? I don't know what it is with the area between here and Walgett, but it must have something going for it as it seems to be a storm magnet!
They seemed to grow and dissipate fairly rapidly but showed real nice formation with the largest (visible from here) settling down at 5:30pm, I couldn't see any lightning but would imagine there may have been a few strikes on the LT? Most of these storms had a small confined rain core just under the towers behind the anvil. This storm weakened around 9:30pm as another tower shot up in it's place, put on a nice forward shearing anvil and dissipated not long after.
I had a nice clear view from my yard so I kept an eye out but nothing eventuated other than a clear, very warm night with plenty of stars unfortunately?

The shot above was taken at 7:47pm. This was the largest cell I could see clearly around this region.

It made for a great afternoons viewing and it is good to see some nice development around! (yep, that is an old Richmond Rattler train in the photo, they convert them into camps here for some reason? If you ever wondered where they end up, look no further lol they look quite odd sitting out here as there is not a piece of track to be seen, not real good in the 40+ summer temps either!)
Cheers guys,