16 December 2007 Upper Western. Storm Report & PhotosThe 16th kicked off WAY too early for my liking but what can you do, warm temps and ridiculously high humidity can hold these storms together for ages given the right conditions. At 3am there were three large storms approaching from the west (one bypassing us to the south), Russ had been out watching from the beginning and I was awoken by the thunder around 3:45am. Russ and I met up at 3:55am and headed down town for the first shots of the incoming storms.
After a few failed shots due to trying to compose a decent foreground I caught this CG, looking west at 4:17am. The rain soon followed and boy, did it rain!

We had to race for cover as the rain blanketed everything! Photography was a total nightmare due to the rain and sparse lightning activity once the storm hit us? This photo is looking north east along our main street. Russ took a few great street flood shots as we left from the 24mm downpour. A following 4mm fell across the next couple hours.
7:15pm. This 2 shot panorama is a great example of the confined rain cores we've been getting over the last week. Each one seems to drop 10-15mm over a few minutes! This particular cell was nicely active firing down several fierce CG on the northern edge of town. At 1:30pm we had 12mm from a similar cell.

7:47pm. Facing north across Opal St. and the cloudburst in the above photo had become much stronger with some nice formation as a result of a sudden moist infeed coming in from the south.

Immediately to our south and riding the resulting weak southerly was this guster. It's the first time I've seen a shelf cloud with no real storm to be seen? It had a great "S" shape along it's length and brought strong winds and dust but was short lived, almost turning into a roll cloud during the latter stages.

A couple large, highly active storms were present quite a distance out to our northwest up until 10pm but I couldn't get shots of these due to the wet roads leading to most of our outlooks? I'm just waiting to find out the rain totals from the evening, I'm guessing it should be around the 15mm mark once again?
Cheers guys,