Author Topic: Lets Look at the other side: VIC, SA, TAS day to day weather  (Read 82857 times)

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Offline Carlos E

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Re: Lets Look at the other side: VIC, SA, TAS day to day weather
« Reply #105 on: 03 August 2008, 01:46:29 AM »

SA here, had a nice hailstorm yesterday (not big), just loud.

Offline Harley Pearman

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Re: Lets Look at the other side: VIC, SA, TAS day to day weather
« Reply #106 on: 04 August 2008, 01:05:35 PM »
Victorian rainfall and drought statement - July 2008

The web site for the various rainfall models can be found at:-

Note:- There are numerous graphs and maps that can be manipulated in many ways but there are too many to place in this thread.

July 2008 saw a large portion of the state of Victoria post rainfalls that reached or almost reach "average" although four small areas received rainfalls that slightly exceeded the monthly average. This is a turnaround from the deficits that have been occurring in recent months. In summary:-

a) - The North East highlands received 100 to 200 mm (Allot from snow in the highest areas).
b) - The northern country received falls of between 50 and 100 mm.
c) - The south west areas near the coast received falls of between 100 and 200 mm.
d) - The western areas received falls of between 50 and 100 mm.
e) - The far east (East Gippsland) received falls of between 50 and 100 mm.
f) - Melbourne. A tale of two cities. The eastern half received falls of 50 to 100 mm while the western half received falls of between 25 and 50 mm.
g) - The North West being the Mallee taking in Swan Hill and Mildura received light falls of between 10 and 25 mm.


July produced a more positive outcome, the first time in several months. Large areas received average or near average falls although East Gippsland received falls that were 10 to 25 mm below average. Small pockets in the hilly north east plus a pocket in the south west received falls of between 25 and 50 mm above average.

The drought stricken Murray region received falls of near average to average.

A region along the South Australian border had falls that were below average.

It is true that useful rains occurred over much of the state during July but more is required to break the long term deficits. The positive to note here is that in some catchments that received the heaviest rains, there was just enough rain to cause small amounts of runoff into dams.

Harley Pearman

Offline Peter J

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Re: Lets Look at the other side: VIC, SA, TAS day to day weather
« Reply #107 on: 06 August 2008, 12:40:10 PM »
Hi all,
Been looking at the storm clouds gathering on the eastern fringe of metro Melb this arvo. Nothing severe, but potentially could have been. A few cells near Warburton did drop a few mms, but nothing west of Ringwood/Eltham got any rainfall.

Also been a bit warmer today with the sun out a fair while.

Tonight is expected to fall below 0C again out in the E and NE Vic. Here where I am, the min is expected to reach -1C.

Also have noticed media reports on the excellent snow/ski season in the NE Vic Alps. :)

Big Pete
(borrowing my mother's laptop as my computer has a connection problem - grr)

Offline Peter J

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Re: Lets Look at the other side: VIC, SA, TAS day to day weather
« Reply #108 on: 14 September 2008, 08:03:55 AM »
After a very wet end to winter, the last few days in Melbourne have been a direct contrast. Yesterday (12/9) was 21c in parts of Melb. Today is more like the early signs of summer with 25c recorded in parts of Melb - and it is windy! dry but.

Big Pete


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Re: Lets Look at the other side: VIC, SA, TAS day to day weather
« Reply #109 on: 20 September 2008, 07:29:02 AM »
Well, this winter has been AWFUL

Decent day today for once, nice mild 22C.

Offline Michael Bath

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Re: Lets Look at the other side: VIC, SA, TAS day to day weather
« Reply #110 on: 20 September 2008, 08:53:36 AM »
SAB - be great if you put your location in your profile so we all know where you are reporting from.

regards, Michael
Location: Mcleans Ridges, NSW Northern Rivers
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Re: Lets Look at the other side: VIC, SA, TAS day to day weather
« Reply #111 on: 20 September 2008, 09:34:32 AM »
Done!  :)

Nice and humid outside, surprising as dewpoints are o nly in the 3-10C range across Melb.

Offline Peter J

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Re: Lets Look at the other side: VIC, SA, TAS day to day weather
« Reply #112 on: 22 September 2008, 03:53:53 PM »
Another rainfall update for Mooroolbark - last 3 weeks - total 14mm - did get one storm a few days ago - short lived.

Big Pete

Offline Peter J

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Re: Lets Look at the other side: VIC, SA, TAS day to day weather
« Reply #113 on: 27 September 2008, 04:02:59 AM »
Has been a very dry month here - I have read an article "claiming" the BoM calling on this month to be so far the driest month of the year for Melbourne - not sure of the claim - maybe Harley can enlighten more on this.

I'm waiting for severe storm season here - has been a bit light on the last coupleof years, but if the patterns continue like they are - weshould get a bumper year here.

The last week has been amazingly typical spring weather here. The only difference is the wind has been stronger than normal for this time of year. Two weeks ago we had our first thunderstorm for spring - nothing to write home about, but at least a sign of things to come? I think winds have been gusting at times during cool changes at about 80kph in some parts in VIC - some stronger in the past couple of weather fronts. Today has been strong but not extreme.

Anyway, hopefully the October/November storms come through this year so I can post some good stuff online.

Big Pete

Offline Harley Pearman

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Re: Lets Look at the other side: VIC, SA, TAS day to day weather
« Reply #114 on: 28 September 2008, 04:12:03 PM »
August and September rain statements for Victoria 2008

Big Pete, I have only just found some time to look at the Rainfall data for Victoria. I would describe the September rainfall figures for the state as alarming.

I found a report on Weatherzone dated 25/9/2008 suggesting that Melbourne could have its driest month in 2 years. The city has had 11.6 mm of rain up until 25/9/2008 and if it stays below 13.4 mm then it will end up being the driest month since October 2006 (Weatherzone).

However, I have played around with the August and September rain graphs and charts at:-


In summary the following happened during August around the state:-

- NW Victoria around Mildura appears to have received average rainfalls.
- The rest of the Mallee received 0 to 10 mm below average rains.
- The SW received 10 to 25 mm above average rains.
- Western and Central areas received 10 to 25 mm below average rains.
- Northern areas typically received 25 to 50 mm below average rains..
- North east border areas received 25 to 50 mm below average rains.
- A pocket around Mt Bogong and the highest peaks received 100 to 200 mm below average rains.
- North Central areas around Bendigo received 10 to 25 mm below average rains.

Of interest, a pocket in far east Gippsland had 50 to 100 mm above average rains. It was a wet month here.

Melbourne typically received 10 to 25 mm below average rains.

Again, the general trends away from the coastal areas reveal another month of below average rains.

It is also noteworthy that the NE area along the Murray River received just 40 to 60% of average monthly rainfall. Rainfall this year for some urban centres in this region is averaging 100 mm below average.

Melbourne on the other hand is averaging 80 to 100% of its annual rainfall to the end of August so it is not doing as bad as some other regions of the state.

Yearly anomalies from December 1 2007 to 31 August 2008 tell the following:-

- Melbourne is down by 75 to 150 mm.
- The north west is down by 0 to 75 mm (Hence this region is not doing too bad but one must remember rainfall is always lower here than the rest of the state).
- The North east border along the Murray River is down by 75 to 150 mm. This is reflected in the rainfall deficiency being experienced around Albury Wodonga which is over 100 mm to date.
- The north central region is down by between 0 and 75 mm. This includes Shepparton but increases to 75 to 150 mm further south around Ballarat and Bendigo.
- The NE mountains have rainfall anomalies of between 150 and 300 mm.
- The SW is down by 75 to 150 mm.

In summary, rainfall deficiencies still prevail but some areas have received fair rainfalls which is enough to approach average figures. A large area is still being starved of rain, especially the north and north east.

September 2008:

Peter, your checking is proving to be quite accurate. The models and trends to 27/9/2008 show a decline in rainfall experienced for the month right across the state. The state is struggling to record anything worthwhile. Average anomalies so far typically range from 25 to 50 mm below average and 50 to 100 mm below average for the Dandenongs. The north west is experiencing 10 to 25 mm below average. Barely any part of the state has received a soaking.

The north and north east are badly hit again.

This is truly odd and a paradox, minor flood warnings are still in effect for the Murray River above the Hume Reservoir. Apparently a pocket around Mt Kosciusko has received well above average falls for the month and coupled with snow melt, the two combined has been enough to cause minor flooding. Looks like there will be some useful water inflows into Lake Hume and the Murray River despite the ongoing rainfall deficiencies elsewhere across the state.

Harley Pearman

Offline Peter J

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Re: Lets Look at the other side: VIC, SA, TAS day to day weather
« Reply #115 on: 29 September 2008, 02:42:22 PM »

Thanks for the update - I know what rainfall has been like close to home, and it hasn't been too good this month (Sept). Even yesterday and today (28-29th), my home area has not received any rainfall (even though it had been originally forecasted). But the SW of the state of VIC has been getting some rainfall.

After a chat on the phone with a truck-driving friend of mine just a few mins ago - it has been raining steadily but lightly on his track from Colac (VIC) to Mt Gambier (SA). Yet, not one drop between Laverton and Colac. I think the SW is getting more out of this recent trough/front, but the strength is not there to push it across the rest of the state. It also means the N-Cent and NE of the state are coming up dry again as well.

For those in NSW & QLD, has the weather been much better of recent times, or is the rain-deficiencies worse than last year.
For anyone in WA, has the past two months been the wettest seen in some time?

Big Pete
(still awaiting the storms)

Offline Harley Pearman

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Re: Lets Look at the other side: VIC, SA, TAS day to day weather
« Reply #116 on: 02 October 2008, 01:37:26 PM »
Big Pete

Further to my previous post, Melbourne City has just suffered its driest September on record with 12 mm of rain falling. It was drier than in 1907 when a little over 13 mm fell. It is interesting to note that September is normally a wetter month for the city with an average of about 58 mm.

Much of Victoria had well below average rains and basically, the state was starved of rain for the month.

It shows that Victoria, especially the north and east continue to suffer the ravages of drought or periods of below average rainfall.

Melbourne's average daytime and nighttime temperatures were 2C above the normal averages. I read the average maximum is 17C but the city recorded an average maximum of 19C. Similar conditions occurred across large swathes of the state.

It is not a good prospect for summer.

Harley Pearman

Offline Peter J

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Re: Lets Look at the other side: VIC, SA, TAS day to day weather
« Reply #117 on: 03 October 2008, 03:11:07 PM »
As Harley has said it has been dry. My gauge at home measured 16mm for Sept. And that was only recorded in 3 days (10mm in one day alone).

And so far for the first 2 days of Oct - nil.

Big Pete
(we are expecting 10-15mm on Friday 3rd - at that would be about right as I have some holiday work tomorrow [Fri])

Offline Peter J

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Re: Lets Look at the other side: VIC, SA, TAS day to day weather
« Reply #118 on: 05 October 2008, 08:09:31 AM »
Well, I wasn't too far of the mark - the rain event yesterday and early this morning (3-4/10) produced 12.5mm in the home gauge.

Big Pete
(no storms though)

Offline Peter J

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Re: Lets Look at the other side: VIC, SA, TAS day to day weather
« Reply #119 on: 13 October 2008, 11:06:22 AM »
Sunday Oct 12, 2008
Been a bit quiet for rain and storms in VIC over the last month or so. The last two days have been glorious for the sun lovers. 28deg C yesterday and close to 30deg C today - the hotest its been since the end of summer season 6 months ago. Not looking too good on the storm front down here though - only a few gusty showers expected over the next 24-48 hrs.

I'm getting envious of those in NSW and QLD who get all the fun :-(
Not to worry - VIC's time will come late Nov/early Dec as a rule.

Big Pete