Yes I know - sometime ago but it is a chase report.
25th November 2005 storm chase Central West - Classic Supercell and wall clouds interceptThis is one of the chases that somehow escaped a write-up. And not like it was a shabby storm chase. After all, Nick Moir did one of his special tricks - well not mobile phone special but jumping the fence special - breaking his ribs!
After a week of extensive severe storms in the Central West, I headed our on the 25th November 2005. With reasonable CAPE, decent wind profile and dry air aloft linked with a short wave, I decided to chase. My target was Mendoran to Gilgandra. And it was here that the first interesting and active cell had developed. In fact there were a cluster of cells.

The cell west of Mendoran was along the trough line and seemed to have a rain free base and possible wall cloud on the southern flank - right mover? I could hear louder thunder in the distance to the west but could see nothing. I then headed back to Mendoran in case the eastern cell took off. It dumped heavy rain but escaped in no man's land. Heading north towards Coonabarabran, I noted a nice crisp anvil. Now the adrenalin began to pump because I knew this was the missing link - the left mover I could not see earlier! Finally, on an elevated clearing near Coonabrabran, I could see an awesome structure! A wall cloud came into view and a sharp clear and crisp side sheared anvil. This was a severe storm and on the move north - sharp left move likely traversing the boundary. Rotation was evident and the upmotion was distinct!

After some timelapse, I opted for a closer vantage point and was able to get very close but with hill in the way. With the storm about to head over the hill, I knew I was in for a good view in case anything happened. Well the storm went into collapse mode. A shelf cloud and outflow a result.

Finally making it back to Coonabarabran, it became a frustrating afternoon. The towers were struggling and it became reasonably hot. I made it all the way to Baradine. I just found a tree and waited. And waited. The storm to the south seemed to struggle and then finally on about 5pm, exploded! From a perspective 15kilometres west of Baradine, the next updraft also sent a side shear outwards and gradually I was able to block out the sun and improve the contrast. After some timelapse, I prepared myself for a direct hit of the cell.

It certainly was not violent but it did produce some heavy rain and for a period of about 15 minutes hail pelted down - it was a refreshing sound on the vehicle. The downdrafts, also did the usual about face as the storm finally headed north. After the storm, I went down the road and sampled hail size. Quite surprisingly, I ended up where I had been in the storm to measure the largest hailstones. My suspicions were correct, hailstones were up to the size of about golf balls.
It was a long day and I was hungry after a small lunch earlier. I settld for a pizza in Coonabarabran - some of the best pizzas I had ever tasted! After booking a motel, I headed out to the airport to view yet another cell drifting over the Warrumbungles from the north. It was certainly active and made for a peaceful and spectacular sunset. Nick Moir finally joined me in the motel and we shared the days frustrations and triumphs of the day and discussed the next day's chasing.

Jimmy Deguara