Author Topic: Mammatus  (Read 2764 times)

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Offline Richary

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« on: 24 October 2008, 03:03:10 PM »
The most intense mammatus I have ever seen was at Gosford NSW years ago. It had been a stinker of a day, and got home to see a front coming up the valley. It was almost a roll cloud of some description, moving fast with no rain or lightning.

The front of the cloud appeared to be rolling downwards, then as it came over the underneath was just boiling (since found out it was mammatus cloud). Then as it went past, probably about 2km from front to back from memory, the back of the cloud was rolling upwards. Did take some photos which I no longer have unluckily.

Offline James

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Re: Mammatus
« Reply #1 on: 25 October 2008, 01:28:34 AM »
Hi Richary,

That sounds more like a Guster/Shelfy moving through than traditional Mammatus. Did it look something like this?

Generally Mammatus usually occurs on the underside of an anvil and not so low to the ground like those above. A couple of mammatus shots below.


Offline Richary

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Re: Mammatus
« Reply #2 on: 25 October 2008, 06:09:52 AM »
Hi James

The clouds I saw looked more like the last photo of yours than anything else, though it didn't go as far.