Tropical Cyclones
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July 2008 to June 2009 Tropical Cyclones in the South Pacific Ocean
[Australian Region][South Indian Ocean][South Pacific Ocean][Southern Hemisphere][Summaries and Track Data]

Individual Tropical Cyclone Information

Some part of the cyclone track must occur within 135 E and 110 W (and be in the southern hemisphere) to be included.


Joint Typhoon Warning Centre data Bureau of Meteorology data Other Info
TC Num Dates Map Warn TC Num Dates Map Warn
Charlotte SPAC 0907 11 - 12 Jan 2009 Operational Track Warn

Map Warn
Hettie SPAC 0911 28 - 29 Jan 2009 Operational Track Warn

Ellie SPAC 0912 31 Jan - 01 Feb 2009 Operational Track Warn

Map Warn
Innis SPAC 0915 17 - 18 Feb 2009 Operational Track Warn

Map Warn
Hamish SPAC 0918 05 - 12 Mar 2009 Operational Track Warn

Map Warn
Joni SPAC 0920 11 - 13 Mar 2009 Operational Track Warn

Ken SPAC 0921 17 - 19 Mar 2009 Operational Track Warn

Jasper SPAC 0923 23 - 25 Mar 2009 Operational Track Warn

Lin SPAC 0925 04 - 05 Apr 2009 Operational Track Warn


Joint Typhoon Warning Centre data Bureau of Meteorology data Other Info
TC Num Dates Map Warn TC Num Dates Map Warn

BoM data obtained from the Bureau of Meteorology, Melbourne
JTWC data obtained from the Naval Pacific Meteorology and Oceanography / Joint Typhoon Warning Centre, Hawaii

Historical Season Maps for all seasons that data is available.
Plotting Information about the track maps on this website. Also includes southern hemisphere TC regions and BoM TC intensity classification scale.

Wikipedia 2008-09 Southern Hemisphere tropical cyclone season

All maps produced by Michael Bath

Document: tropical_cyclones_2009_south_pacific_ocean.html
Updated: 5th April 2009

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