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![]() Tropical Cyclone ULUI [Southern Hemisphere Summary][Summaries and Track Data] |
WTPS02 NFFN 121200 GALE WARNING 011 ISSUED FROM RSMC NADI Mar 12/1312 UTC 2010 UTC. TROPICAL CYCLONE ULUI CENTRE [995HPA] CATEGORY 1 WAS LOCATED NEAR 14.4 SOUTH 164.4 EAST AT 121200 UTC. POSITION POOR. REPEAT POSITION 14.4S 164.4E AT 121200 UTC. CYCLONE IS MOVING WEST-NORTHWEST ABOUT 10 KNOTS. EXPECT SUSTAINED WINDS OF 35 KNOTS CLOSE TO THE CENTRE INCREASING TO 45 KNOTS IN THE NEXT 12 TO 18 HOURS. EXPECT WINDS OVER 33 KNOTS WITHIN 120 MILES OF CENTRE. FORECAST POSITION NEAR 13.8S 162.9E AT 130000 UTC AND NEAR 13.4S 161.5E AT 131200 UTC. ALL VESSELS WITHIN 300 NAUTICALS MILES OF THE CENTRE ARE REQUESTED TO SEND REPORTS EVERY THREE HOURS TO RSMC NADI. VOS REPORTING SHIPS USE NORMAL CHANNELS. OTHER VESSELS FAX PLUS 679 6720190 OR EMAIL NADITCC AT MET DOT GOV DOT FJ. THIS WARNING CANCELS AND REPLACES WARNING 009. ========================================================================= WTPS02 NFFN 121800 CCA STORM WARNING 013 ISSUED FROM RSMC NADI Mar 12/1918 UTC 2010 UTC. *****CORRECTION TO WIND STRENGTH***** TROPICAL CYCLONE ULUI CENTRE 985HPA CATEGORY 2 WAS LOCATED NEAR 14.0 SOUTH 165.0 EAST AT 121800 UTC. POSITION FAIR. REPEAT POSITION 14.0S 165.0E AT 121800 UTC. CYCLONE IS SLOW MOVING. EXPECT SUSTAINED WINDS TO 50 KNOTS CLOSE TO THE CENTRE INCREASING TO 60 KNOTS IN THE NEXT 18 TO 24 HOURS. EXPECT WINDS OVER 33 KNOTS WITHIN 120 NAUTICAL MILES OF CENTRE. EXPECT WINDS OVER 47 KNOTS WITHIN 40 NAUTICAL MILES OF CENTRE FORECAST POSITION NEAR 13.4S 163.2E AT 130600 UTC AND NEAR 13.0S 161.6E AT 131800 UTC. ALL VESSELS WITHIN 300 NAUTICALS MILES OF THE CENTRE ARE REQUESTED TO SEND REPORTS EVERY THREE HOURS TO RSMC NADI. VOS REPORTING SHIPS USE NORMAL CHANNELS. OTHER VESSELS FAX PLUS 679 6720190 OR EMAIL NADITCC AT MET DOT GOV DOT FJ. THIS WARNING CANCELS AND REPLACES WARNING 011. ========================================================================= WTPS12 NFFN 130300 TROPICAL DISTURBANCE ADVISORY NUMBER B6 ISSUED FROM RSMC NADI Mar 13/0326 UTC 2010 UTC. **** CORRECTION TROPICAL CYCLONE ULUI CENTRE 980 HPA WAS LOCATED NEAR 13.8S 164.4E AT 130000 UTC. POSITION FAIR BASED ON HR GMS VIS/EIR IMAGERY WITH ANIMATION. CYCLONE MOVING SLOW. MAXIMUM 10-MINUTE AVERAGE WINDS NEAR THE CENTRE ESTIMATED AT ABOUT 55 KNOTS INCREASING TO 65 KNOTS IN THE NEXT 18 TO 24 HOURS. EXPECT WINDS OVER 63 KNOTS WITHIN 30 NAUTICAL MILES OF THE CENTRE IN THE NEXT 18 TO 24 HOURS. EXPECT WINDS OVER 47 KNOTS WITHIN 40 NAUTICAL MILES OF THE CENTRE. EXPECT WINDS OVER 33 KNOTS WITHIN 120 NAUTICAL MILES OF THE CENTRE. DEEP CONVECTION BANDS ARE BEGINNING TO WRAP TIGHTLY AROUND THE LLCC. SYSTEM LIES IN A LIGHT TO MODERATELY SHEARED ENVIRONMENT. UPPER OUTFLOW GOOD IN ALL SECTORS. SST AROUND 30C. THE CYCLONE IS EXPECTED TO BE STEERED WEST-NORTHWEST BY EAST TO SOUTHEAST DEEP LAYER MEAN FLOW. ORGANISATION CONTINUES TO IMPROVE. DVORAK ANALYSIS BASED ON 0.95 WRAP ON LOG10 SPIRAL YIELDING DT=3.5, THUS T3.5/3.5/D1.0/24HRS. GLOBAL MODELS AGREE ON A WEST-NORTHWEST TRACK WITH INTENSIFICATION. FORECASTS : AT 12 HRS VALID AT 131200 UTC 13.3S 162.6E MOV WNW AT 09 KT WITH 60 KT CLOSE TO CENTRE AT 24 HRS VALID AT 140000 UTC 13.0S 161.2E MOV WNW AT 07 KT WITH 65 KT CLOSE TO CENTRE OUTLOOK : AT 36 HRS VALID AT 141200 UTC 13.0S 159.8E MOV W AT 07 KT WITH 80 KT CLOSE TO CENTRE AT 48 HRS VALID AT 150000 UTC 13.0S 158.5E MOV W AT 06 KT WITH 90 KT CLOSE TO CENTRE THE NEXT TROPICAL DISTURBANCE ADVISORY ON TROPICAL CYCLONE ULUI WILL BE ISSUED AROUND 130900 UTC. ========================================================================= WTPS12 NFFN 130900 TROPICAL DISTURBANCE ADVISORY NUMBER B7 ISSUED FROM RSMC NADI Mar 13/0902 UTC 2010 UTC. TROPICAL CYCLONE ULUI CENTRE 975 HPA WAS LOCATED NEAR 13.4S 163.9E AT 130600 UTC. POSITION FAIR BASED ON HR GMS VIS/EIR IMAGERY WITH ANIMATION. CYCLONE MOVING WEST-NORTHWEST 06 KNOTS. MAXIMUM 10-MINUTE AVERAGE WINDS NEAR THE CENTRE ESTIMATED AT ABOUT 60 KNOTS INCREASING TO 80 KNOTS IN THE NEXT 18 TO 24 HOURS. EXPECT WINDS OVER 47 KNOTS WITHIN 40 NAUTICAL MILES OF THE CENTRE. EXPECT WINDS OVER 33 KNOTS WITHIN 120 NAUTICAL MILES OF THE CENTRE. ORGANISATION SIGNIFICANTLY INCREASED PAST 12 TO 24 HOURS. CONVECTION INCREASED AND COOLED ABOUT LLCC. BANDS WRAPPING TIGHTLY AROUND LLCC. SYSTEM LIES IN A LIGHT TO MODERATELY SHEARED ENVIRONMENT. UPPER OUTFLOW GOOD IN ALL SECTORS. SST AROUND 30C. THE CYCLONE IS EXPECTED TO BE STEERED WEST-NORTHWEST BY EAST TO SOUTHEAST DEEP LAYER MEAN FLOW. DVORAK ANALYSIS BASED ON 1.2 WRAP ON LOG10 SPIRAL YIELDING DT=4.0. MET AND PT AGREE. FT BASED DT, THUS T4.0/4.0/D1.5/24HRS. GLOBAL MODELS AGREE ON A WEST-NORTHWEST TRACK WITH INTENSIFICATION. FORECASTS : AT 12 HRS VALID AT 131800 UTC 13.1S 162.3E MOV WNW AT 08 KT WITH 70 KT CLOSE TO CENTRE AT 24 HRS VALID AT 140600 UTC 12.9S 160.8E MOV W AT 08KT WITH 80 KT CLOSE TO CENTRE OUTLOOK : AT 36 HRS VALID AT 141800 UTC 12.8S 159.2E MOV W AT 08KT WITH 90 KT CLOSE TO CENTRE AT 48 HRS VALID AT 150600 UTC 12.9S 157.7E MOV W AT 07 KT WITH 100 KT CLOSE TO CENTRE THE NEXT TROPICAL DISTURBANCE ADVISORY ON TROPICAL CYCLONE ULUI WILL BE ISSUED AROUND 131500 UTC. ========================================================================= 20100313 12:00 missing ========================================================================= WTPS12 NFFN 132100 TROPICAL DISTURBANCE ADVISORY NUMBER B9 ISSUED FROM RSMC NADI Mar 13/2112 UTC 2010 UTC. SEVERE TROPICAL CYCLONE ULUI CENTRE 945 HPA CATEGORY 4 WAS LOCATED NEAR 13.0S 162.4E AT 131800 UTC. POSITION FAIR BASED ON HR GMS EIR IMAGERY WITH ANIMATION. CYCLONE MOVING WEST AT ABOUT 6 KNOTS. MAXIMUM 10-MINUTE AVERAGE WINDS NEAR THE CENTRE ESTIMATED AT ABOUT 100 KNOTS INCREASING TO 115 KNOTS IN THE NEXT 18 TO 24 HOURS. EXPECT WINDS OVER 63 KNOTS WITHIN 30 NAUTICAL MILES OF THE CENTRE. EXPECT WINDS OVER 47 KNOTS WITHIN 50 NAUTICAL MILES OF THE CENTRE. EXPECT WINDS OVER 33 KNOTS WITHIN 120 NAUTICAL MILES OF THE CENTRE IN THE EASTERN SEMI-CIRCLE AND 150 NAUTICAL MILES OF CENTRE ELSEWHERE. THE SYSTEM HAS RAPIDLY INTENSIFIED IN THE LAST 12 HOURS. SYSTEM LIES IN A LIGHT TO MODERATELY SHEARED ENVIRONMENT. UPPER OUTFLOW GOOD IN ALL SECTORS. SST AROUND 30C. THE CYCLONE IS EXPECTED TO BE STEERED WEST-NORTHWEST BY EAST TO SOUTHEAST DEEP LAYER MEAN FLOW. DVORAK ANALYSIS, MG EYED SURROUNDED BY CMG YIELDS DT OF 6.5, MET IS CONSTRAINED TO 5.0, PT IS 5.5. FT BASED ON DT, BUT CONSTRAINTS ONLY ALLOW FT TO REACH 6.0 THUS T6.0/6.0/D2.5/24HRS. GLOBAL MODELS AGREE ON A WEST-NORTHWEST TRACK WITH INTENSIFICATION. FORECASTS : AT 12 HRS VALID AT 140600 UTC 12.8S 160.9E MOV W AT 07 KT WITH 110 KT CLOSE TO CENTRE AT 24 HRS VALID AT 141800 UTC 12.8S 159.5E MOV W AT 07 KT WITH 115 KT CLOSE TO CENTRE OUTLOOK : AT 36 HRS VALID AT 150600 UTC 12.9S 158.0E MOV W AT 07 KT WITH 120 KT CLOSE TO CENTRE AT 48 HRS VALID AT 151800 UTC 13.1S 156.8E MOV WSW AT 06 KT WITH 110 KT CLOSE TO CENTRE THE NEXT TROPICAL DISTURBANCE ADVISORY ON SEVERE TROPICAL CYCLONE ULUI WILL BE ISSUED AROUND 140300 UTC. ========================================================================= WTPS12 NFFN 140000 TROPICAL DISTURBANCE ADVISORY NUMBER B10 ISSUED FROM RSMC NADI Mar 14/0252 UTC 2010 UTC. SEVERE TROPICAL CYCLONE ULUI CENTRE 930 HPA CATEGORY 5 WAS LOCATED NEAR 12.7S 161.7E AT 140000 UTC. POSITION GOOD BASED ON HR GMS VIS/EIR IMAGERY WITH ANIMATION. CYCLONE MOVING WEST NORTHWEST AT ABOUT 7 KNOTS. MAXIMUM 10-MINUTE AVERAGE WINDS NEAR THE CENTRE ESTIMATED AT ABOUT 115 KNOTS INCREASING TO 125 KNOTS IN THE NEXT 18 TO 24 HOURS. EXPECT WINDS OVER 63 KNOTS WITHIN 40 NAUTICAL MILES OF THE CENTRE. EXPECT WINDS OVER 47 KNOTS WITHIN 60 NAUTICAL MILES OF THE CENTRE. EXPECT WINDS OVER 33 KNOTS WITHIN 120 NAUTICAL MILES OF THE CENTRE IN THE EASTERN SEMI-CIRCLE AND 150 NAUTICAL MILES OF CENTRE ELSEWHERE. THE SYSTEM HAS RAPIDLY INTENSIFIED IN THE LAST 18 HOURS. SYSTEM LIES IN A LIGHTLY SHEARED ENVIRONMENT. UPPER OUTFLOW GOOD IN ALL SECTORS. SST AROUND 30C. THE CYCLONE CONTINUES TO BE STEERED IN A WEST-NORTHWEST DIRECTION BY AN EAST TO SOUTHEAST DEEP LAYER MEAN FLOW. DVORAK ANALYSIS, OW EYE SURROUNDED BY CMG GIVES 6.5 WITH AN 0.5 EYE ADJUSTMENT, THUS DT OF 7.5. MET IS UNREPRESENTATIVE DUE TO THE RAPID INTENSIFICATION. FT BASED ON DT, BUT CONSTRAINTS ONLY ALLOW FT TO REACH 6.5 THUS T6.5/6.5/D2.0/24HRS. GLOBAL MODELS AGREE ON A WESTERLY. FORECASTS : AT 12 HRS VALID AT 141200 UTC 12.6S 160.3E MOV W AT 07 KT WITH 120 KT CLOSE TO CENTRE AT 24 HRS VALID AT 150000 UTC 12.7S 158.9E MOV W AT 07 KT WITH 125 KT CLOSE TO CENTRE OUTLOOK : AT 36 HRS VALID AT 151200 UTC 13.0S 157.6E MOV WSW AT 06 KT WITH 120 KT CLOSE TO CENTRE AT 48 HRS VALID AT 160000 UTC 13.6S 156.7E MOV SW AT 06 KT WITH 115 KT CLOSE TO CENTRE THE NEXT TROPICAL DISTURBANCE ADVISORY ON SEVERE TROPICAL CYCLONE ULUI WILL BE ISSUED AROUND 140900 UTC. ========================================================================= WTPS12 NFFN 140900 TROPICAL DISTURBANCE ADVISORY NUMBER B11 ISSUED FROM RSMC NADI Mar 14/0913 UTC 2010 UTC. SEVERE TROPICAL CYCLONE ULUI CENTRE 930 HPA CATEGORY 5 WAS LOCATED NEAR 12.8S 161.1E AT 140600 UTC. POSITION FAIR BASED ON HR GMS VIS/EIR IMAGERY WITH ANIMATION. CYCLONE MOVING WEST 7 KNOTS. MAXIMUM 10-MINUTE AVERAGE WINDS NEAR THE CENTRE ESTIMATED AT ABOUT 115 KNOTS. EXPECT WINDS OVER 63 KNOTS WITHIN 40 NAUTICAL MILES OF THE CENTRE. EXPECT WINDS OVER 47 KNOTS WITHIN 60 NAUTICAL MILES OF THE CENTRE. EXPECT WINDS OVER 33 KNOTS WITHIN 120 NAUTICAL MILES OF THE CENTRE IN THE EASTERN SEMI-CIRCLE AND 150 NAUTICAL MILES OF CENTRE ELSEWHERE. TOPS HAE WARMED SIGNIFICANTLY PAST 6 HOURS. SYSTEM LIES IN A LIGHTLY SHEARED ENVIRONMENT. UPPER OUTFLOW GOOD IN ALL SECTORS. SST AROUND 30C. CYCLONE CONTINUES TO BE STEERED WEST BY AN EAST TO SOUTHEAST DEEP LAYER MEAN FLOW. DVORAK ANALYSIS BASED ON OW EYE AND B SURROUND, YIELDING DT 6.0. MET AND PT AGREE. FT BASED ON DT, THUS T6.0/6.5/D1.5/24HRS. GLOBAL MODELS AGREE ON A WESTERLY TRACK. FORECASTS : AT 12 HRS VALID AT 141800 UTC 13.0S 159.6E MOV W AT 07 KT WITH 110KT CLOSE TO CENTRE AT 24 HRS VALID AT 150600 UTC 13.2S 158.0E MOV W AT 08 KT WITH 95KT CLOSE TO CENTRE OUTLOOK : AT 36 HRS VALID AT 151800 UTC 13.4S 156.6E MOV W AT 07 KT WITH 85KT CLOSE TO CENTRE AT 48 HRS VALID AT 160600 UTC 13.6S 155.6E MOV SW AT 05 KT WITH 70KT CLOSE TO CENTRE THE NEXT TROPICAL DISTURBANCE ADVISORY ON SEVERE TROPICAL CYCLONE ULUI WILL BE ISSUED AROUND 141500 UTC. ========================================================================= WTPS12 NFFN 141200 TROPICAL DISTURBANCE ADVISORY NUMBER B12 ISSUED FROM RSMC NADI Mar 14/1354 UTC 2010 UTC. SEVERE TROPICAL CYCLONE ULUI CENTRE 930 HPA CATEGORY 5 WAS LOCATED NEAR 12.7S 161.1E AT 141200 UTC. POSITION FAIR BASED ON HR GMS VIS/EIR IMAGERY WITH ANIMATION. CYCLONE MOVING WEST 7 KNOTS. MAXIMUM 10-MINUTE AVERAGE WINDS NEAR THE CENTRE ESTIMATED AT ABOUT 115 KNOTS. EXPECT WINDS OVER 63 KNOTS WITHIN 40 NAUTICAL MILES OF THE CENTRE. EXPECT WINDS OVER 47 KNOTS WITHIN 60 NAUTICAL MILES OF THE CENTRE. EXPECT WINDS OVER 33 KNOTS WITHIN 120 NAUTICAL MILES OF THE CENTRE IN THE EASTERN SEMI-CIRCLE AND 150 NAUTICAL MILES OF CENTRE ELSEWHERE. OVERALL ORGANISATION REMAINS GOOD. DRY AIR ENTRAINMENT AND SHEAR TAKING THEIR TOLL. SHEAR AROUND 15KT. UPPER OUTFLOW GOOD IN ALL SECTORS. SST AROUND 30C. CYCLONE CONTINUES TO BE STEERED WEST BY AN EAST TO SOUTHEAST DEEP LAYER MEAN FLOW. DVORAK ANALYSIS BASED ON OW EYE AND B SURROUND, YIELDING DT 6.0. MET AND PT AGREE. FT BASED ON DT, THUS T6.0/6.5/D1.0/24HRS. GLOBAL MODELS AGREE ON A WESTERLY TRACK. FORECASTS : AT 12 HRS VALID AT 150000 UTC 12.8S 159.0E MOV W AT 07 KT WITH 110KT CLOSE TO CENTRE AT 24 HRS VALID AT 151200 UTC 13.0S 157.7E MOV W AT 06 KT WITH 110KT CLOSE TO CENTRE OUTLOOK : AT 36 HRS VALID AT 160000 UTC 13.4S 156.6E MOV WSW AT 05 KT WITH 95KT CLOSE TO CENTRE AT 48 HRS VALID AT 161200 UTC 13.8S 156.1E MOV SW AT 03 KT WITH 90KT CLOSE TO CENTRE THIS WILL BE THE FINAL TROPICAL DISTURBANCE ADVISORY ON SEVERE TROPICAL CYCLONE ULUI ISSUED BY RSMC NADI AS IT IS MOVING INTO TCWC BRISBANE AREA OF RESPONSIBILITY. ========================================================================= WHPS02 NFFN 141800 HURRICANE WARNING 029 ISSUED FROM RSMC NADI Mar 14/2024 UTC 2010 UTC. TROPICAL CYCLONE ULUI CENTRE 935HPA CATEGORY 5 LOCATED NEAR 13.0 SOUTH 160.0 EAST AT 141800 UTC. POSITION GOOD. REPEAT POSITION 13.0S 160.0E AT 141800 UTC. CYCLONE NOW MOVING WEST AT 05 KNOTS. EXPECT SUSTAINED WINDS OF 105 KNOTS CLOSE TO THE CENTRE. EXPECT WINDS OVER 64 KNOTS WITHIN 40 MILES OF CENTRE. EXPECT WINDS OVER 48 KNOTS WITHIN 60 NAUTICAL MILES OF THE CENTRE. EXPECT WINDS OVER 34 KNOTS WITHIN 120 NAUTICAL MILES OF THE CENTRE. FORECAST POSITION NEAR 13.0S 158.4E AT 150600 UTC. AND NEAR 13.2S 157.3E AT 151800 UTC.ALL VESSELS WITHIN 300 NAUTICALS MILES OF THE CENTRE ARE REQUESTED TO SEND REPORTS EVERY THREE HOURS TO RSMC NADI. VOS REPORTING SHIPS USE NORMAL CHANNELS. OTHER VESSELS FAX PLUS 679 6720190 OR EMAIL NADITCC AT MET DOT GOV DOT FJ. THIS WARNING CANCELS AND REPLACES WARNING 027. ========================================================================= HIGH SEAS WEATHER WARNING FOR METAREA 10 ISSUED BY THE AUSTRALIAN BUREAU OF METEOROLOGY, BRISBANE 0056 UTC 15 March 2010 GALE WARNING FOR NORTH EASTERN AREA SITUATION At 150000UTC. Severe Tropical Cyclone Ului was located near 12.9S 159.7E, moving west southwest at 04 knots [Refer to separate Hurricane warning on TC Ului] . A large slow moving high pressure system 1027hPa was located in the Tasman Sea. AREA AFFECTED Within area bounded by 17S147E to 10S155E to 10S160E to 25S160E to 25S155E to 17S147E and outside 120nm of Severe Tropical Cyclone Ului boundary [Refer to separate Hurricane warning on TC Ului] . FORECAST SE winds 30/35 knots, tending S/SW north of 15S. Very rough seas with a moderate SE swell, increasing to very high to phenomenal with heavy swells within TC Ului boundary. REMARKS All ships in the area please send weather reports every three hours. Regular weather observing ships use normal channels. Other ships please use either email to [email protected] or fax to +61732200221 or satellite to SAC 41 through Land Earth Station Perth 222. Next warning will be issued by 0100UTC 15 March 2010. WEATHER BRISBANE ========================================================================= HIGH SEAS WEATHER WARNING FOR METAREA 10 ISSUED BY THE AUSTRALIAN BUREAU OF METEOROLOGY, BRISBANE 0450 UTC 15 March 2010 GALE WARNING FOR NORTH EASTERN AREA SITUATION At 150300UTC. Severe Tropical Cyclone Ului was located near 13.0S 159.1E, moving west at 06 knots [Refer to separate Hurricane warning on TC Ului] . A large slow moving high pressure system 1027hPa was located in the Tasman Sea. AREA AFFECTED Within area bounded by 15S146E to 10S155E to 10S160E to 25S160E to 24.8S153E to 20S149E to 15S146E and outside 120nm of Severe Tropical Cyclone Ului boundary [Refer to separate Hurricane warning on TC Ului] . FORECAST SE winds 30/35 knots, tending S/SW north of 13S. Very rough seas with a moderate SE swell, increasing to very high to phenomenal with heavy swells within TC Ului boundary. REMARKS All ships in the area please send weather reports every three hours. Regular weather observing ships use normal channels. Other ships please use either email to [email protected] or fax to +61732200221 or satellite to SAC 41 through Land Earth Station Perth 222. Next warning will be issued by 0100UTC 15 March 2010. WEATHER BRISBANE ========================================================================= HIGH SEAS WEATHER WARNING FOR METAREA 10 ISSUED BY THE AUSTRALIAN BUREAU OF METEOROLOGY, BRISBANE 0632 UTC 15 March 2010 HURRICANE FORCE WIND WARNING FOR NORTH EASTERN AREA SITUATION At 0600 UTC Severe Tropical Cyclone Ului was centred within 20 nautical miles of latitude thirteen decimal zero south [13.0S] longitude one hundred and fifty eight decimal nine east [158.9E] Recent movement : west at 5 knots Maximum winds : 105 knots Central pressure: 925 hPa AREA AFFECTED Within 130 nautical miles of the centre. FORECAST Maximum winds to 105 knots near the centre increasing to 120 knots by 0600 UTC 16 March. Winds above 64 knots within 35 nautical miles of centre with phenomenal seas. Winds above 48 knots within 55 nautical miles of centre with high to very high seas. Winds above 34 knots within 130 nautical miles of centre with very rough seas. Forecast positions At 1800 UTC 15 March: Within 50 nautical miles of 13.3 south 158.0 east Central pressure 930 hPa. Winds to 120 knots At 0600 UTC 16 March: Within 80 nautical miles of 13.5 south 157.5 east Central pressure 916 hPa. Winds to 120 knots REMARKS All ships in the area please send weather reports every three hours. Regular weather observing ships use normal channels. Other ships please use either email to [email protected] or fax to +61732398776 or satellite to SAC 1241 through Land Earth Station Perth 212. Next warning will be issued by 1300 UTC 15 March 2010. WEATHER BRISBANE ========================================================================= HIGH SEAS WEATHER WARNING FOR METAREA 10 ISSUED BY THE AUSTRALIAN BUREAU OF METEOROLOGY, BRISBANE 1317 UTC 15 March 2010 HURRICANE FORCE WIND WARNING FOR NORTH EASTERN AREA SITUATION At 1200 UTC Severe Tropical Cyclone Ului was centred within 30 nautical miles of latitude thirteen decimal one south [13.1S] longitude one hundred and fifty eight decimal seven east [158.7E] Recent movement : west at 5 knots Maximum winds : 90 knots Central pressure: 940 hPa AREA AFFECTED Within 130 nautical miles of the centre. FORECAST Maximum winds to 90 knots near the centre increasing to 115 knots by 1200 UTC 16 March. Winds above 64 knots within 35 nautical miles of centre with phenomenal seas. Winds above 48 knots within 55 nautical miles of centre with high to very high seas. Winds above 34 knots within 130 nautical miles of centre with very rough seas. Forecast positions At 0000 UTC 16 March: Within 60 nautical miles of 13.4 south 158.1 east Central pressure 917 hPa. Winds to 115 knots At 1200 UTC 16 March: Within 90 nautical miles of 13.6 south 157.7 east Central pressure 916 hPa. Winds to 115 knots REMARKS All ships in the area please send weather reports every three hours. Regular weather observing ships use normal channels. Other ships please use either email to [email protected] or fax to +61732398776 or satellite to SAC 1241 through Land Earth Station Perth 212. Next warning will be issued by 1900 UTC 15 March 2010. WEATHER BRISBANE ========================================================================= HIGH SEAS WEATHER WARNING FOR METAREA 10 ISSUED BY THE AUSTRALIAN BUREAU OF METEOROLOGY, BRISBANE 1832 UTC 15 March 2010 HURRICANE FORCE WIND WARNING FOR NORTH EASTERN AREA SITUATION At 1800 UTC Severe Tropical Cyclone Ului was centred within 20 nautical miles of latitude thirteen decimal two south [13.2S] longitude one hundred and fifty eight decimal five east [158.5E] Recent movement : west southwest at 2 knots Maximum winds : 90 knots Central pressure: 945 hPa AREA AFFECTED Within 130 nautical miles of the centre. FORECAST Maximum winds to 90 knots near the centre. Winds above 64 knots within 35 nautical miles of centre with phenomenal seas. Winds above 48 knots within 55 nautical miles of centre with high to very high seas. Winds above 34 knots within 130 nautical miles of centre with very rough seas. Forecast positions At 0600 UTC 16 March: Within 50 nautical miles of 13.7 south 158.1 east Central pressure 950 hPa. Winds to 90 knots At 1800 UTC 16 March: Within 80 nautical miles of 14.0 south 158.0 east Central pressure 944 hPa. Winds to 95 knots REMARKS All ships in the area please send weather reports every three hours. Regular weather observing ships use normal channels. Other ships please use either email to [email protected] or fax to +61732398776 or satellite to SAC 1241 through Land Earth Station Perth 212. Next warning will be issued by 0100 UTC 16 March 2010. WEATHER BRISBANE ========================================================================= HIGH SEAS WEATHER WARNING FOR METAREA 10 ISSUED BY THE AUSTRALIAN BUREAU OF METEOROLOGY, BRISBANE 0059 UTC 16 March 2010 HURRICANE FORCE WIND WARNING FOR NORTH EASTERN AREA SITUATION At 0000 UTC Severe Tropical Cyclone Ului was centred within 20 nautical miles of latitude thirteen decimal two south [13.2S] longitude one hundred and fifty eight decimal two east [158.2E] Recent movement : west southwest at 2 knots Maximum winds : 100 knots Central pressure: 940 hPa AREA AFFECTED Within 130 nautical miles of the centre. FORECAST Maximum winds to 100 knots near the centre increasing to 105 knots by 0000 UTC 17 March. Winds above 64 knots within 35 nautical miles of centre with phenomenal seas. Winds above 48 knots within 55 nautical miles of centre with high to very high seas. Winds above 34 knots within 130 nautical miles of centre with very rough seas. Forecast positions At 1200 UTC 16 March: Within 50 nautical miles of 13.5 south 157.8 east Central pressure 939 hPa. Winds to 100 knots At 0000 UTC 17 March: Within 80 nautical miles of 13.8 south 158.0 east Central pressure 934 hPa. Winds to 105 knots REMARKS All ships in the area please send weather reports every three hours. Regular weather observing ships use normal channels. Other ships please use either email to [email protected] or fax to +61732398776 or satellite to SAC 1241 through Land Earth Station Perth 212. Next warning will be issued by 0700 UTC 16 March 2010. WEATHER BRISBANE ========================================================================= HIGH SEAS WEATHER WARNING FOR METAREA 10 ISSUED BY THE AUSTRALIAN BUREAU OF METEOROLOGY, BRISBANE 0708 UTC 16 March 2010 HURRICANE FORCE WIND WARNING FOR NORTH EASTERN AREA SITUATION At 0600 UTC Severe Tropical Cyclone Ului was centred within 20 nautical miles of latitude thirteen decimal five south [13.5S] longitude one hundred and fifty seven decimal eight east [157.8E] Recent movement : west southwest at 4 knots Maximum winds : 100 knots Central pressure: 938 hPa AREA AFFECTED Within 130 nautical miles of the centre. FORECAST Maximum winds to 100 knots near the centre increasing to 110 knots by 0600 UTC 17 March. Winds above 64 knots within 35 nautical miles of centre with phenomenal seas. Winds above 48 knots within 55 nautical miles of centre with high to very high seas. Winds above 34 knots within 130 nautical miles of centre with very rough seas. Forecast positions At 1800 UTC 16 March: Within 50 nautical miles of 13.8 south 157.6 east Central pressure 926 hPa. Winds to 110 knots At 0600 UTC 17 March: Within 80 nautical miles of 14.3 south 157.7 east Central pressure 926 hPa. Winds to 110 knots REMARKS All ships in the area please send weather reports every three hours. Regular weather observing ships use normal channels. Other ships please use either email to [email protected] or fax to +61732398776 or satellite to SAC 1241 through Land Earth Station Perth 212. Next warning will be issued by 1300 UTC 16 March 2010. WEATHER BRISBANE ========================================================================= HIGH SEAS WEATHER WARNING FOR METAREA 10 ISSUED BY THE AUSTRALIAN BUREAU OF METEOROLOGY, BRISBANE 1257 UTC 16 March 2010 HURRICANE FORCE WIND WARNING FOR NORTH EASTERN AREA SITUATION At 1200 UTC Severe Tropical Cyclone Ului was centred within 20 nautical miles of latitude thirteen decimal five south [13.5S] longitude one hundred and fifty seven decimal eight east [157.8E] Recent movement : near stationary Maximum winds : 100 knots Central pressure: 938 hPa AREA AFFECTED Within 160 nautical miles of the centre. FORECAST Maximum winds to 100 knots near the centre. Winds above 64 knots within 45 nautical miles of centre with phenomenal seas. Winds above 48 knots within 90 nautical miles of centre with high to very high seas. Winds above 34 knots within 160 nautical miles of centre with very rough seas. Forecast positions At 0000 UTC 17 March: Within 50 nautical miles of 13.7 south 157.7 east Central pressure 938 hPa. Winds to 100 knots At 1200 UTC 17 March: Within 80 nautical miles of 14.8 south 158.1 east Central pressure 938 hPa. Winds to 100 knots REMARKS All ships in the area please send weather reports every three hours. Regular weather observing ships use normal channels. Other ships please use either email to [email protected] or fax to +61732398776 or satellite to SAC 1241 through Land Earth Station Perth 212. Next warning will be issued by 1900 UTC 16 March 2010. WEATHER BRISBANE ========================================================================= HIGH SEAS WEATHER WARNING FOR METAREA 10 ISSUED BY THE AUSTRALIAN BUREAU OF METEOROLOGY, BRISBANE 1834 UTC 16 March 2010 HURRICANE FORCE WIND WARNING FOR NORTH EASTERN AREA SITUATION At 1800 UTC Severe Tropical Cyclone Ului was centred within 10 nautical miles of latitude thirteen decimal seven south [13.7S] longitude one hundred and fifty seven decimal eight east [157.8E] Recent movement : south at 2 knots Maximum winds : 100 knots Central pressure: 937 hPa AREA AFFECTED Within 180 nautical miles of the centre. FORECAST Maximum winds to 100 knots near the centre. Winds above 64 knots within 45 nautical miles of centre with phenomenal seas. Winds above 48 knots within 85 nautical miles of centre with high to very high seas. Winds above 34 knots within 180 nautical miles of centre with very rough seas. Forecast positions At 0600 UTC 17 March: Within 40 nautical miles of 14.2 south 157.9 east Central pressure 938 hPa. Winds to 100 knots At 1800 UTC 17 March: Within 70 nautical miles of 14.9 south 158.2 east Central pressure 938 hPa. Winds to 100 knots REMARKS All ships in the area please send weather reports every three hours. Regular weather observing ships use normal channels. Other ships please use either email to [email protected] or fax to +61732398776 or satellite to SAC 1241 through Land Earth Station Perth 212. Next warning will be issued by 0100 UTC 17 March 2010. WEATHER BRISBANE ========================================================================= HIGH SEAS WEATHER WARNING FOR METAREA 10 ISSUED BY THE AUSTRALIAN BUREAU OF METEOROLOGY, BRISBANE 0109 UTC 17 March 2010 HURRICANE FORCE WIND WARNING FOR NORTH EASTERN AREA SITUATION At 0000 UTC Severe Tropical Cyclone Ului was centred within 10 nautical miles of latitude thirteen decimal eight south [13.8S] longitude one hundred and fifty seven decimal eight east [157.8E] Recent movement : south southwest at 2 knots Maximum winds : 90 knots Central pressure: 950 hPa AREA AFFECTED Within 140 nautical miles of the centre. FORECAST Maximum winds to 90 knots near the centre. Winds above 64 knots within 40 nautical miles of centre with phenomenal seas. Winds above 48 knots within 60 nautical miles of centre with high to very high seas. Winds above 34 knots within 140 nautical miles of centre with very rough seas. Forecast positions At 1200 UTC 17 March: Within 40 nautical miles of 14.4 south 157.9 east Central pressure 950 hPa. Winds to 90 knots At 0000 UTC 18 March: Within 70 nautical miles of 15.1 south 158.1 east Central pressure 950 hPa. Winds to 90 knots REMARKS All ships in the area please send weather reports every three hours. Regular weather observing ships use normal channels. Other ships please use either email to [email protected] or fax to +61732398776 or satellite to SAC 1241 through Land Earth Station Perth 212. Next warning will be issued by 0700 UTC 17 March 2010. WEATHER BRISBANE ========================================================================= HIGH SEAS WEATHER WARNING FOR METAREA 10 ISSUED BY THE AUSTRALIAN BUREAU OF METEOROLOGY, BRISBANE 0643 UTC 17 March 2010 HURRICANE FORCE WIND WARNING FOR NORTH EASTERN AREA SITUATION At 0600 UTC Severe Tropical Cyclone Ului was centred within 10 nautical miles of latitude fourteen decimal one south [14.1S] longitude one hundred and fifty seven decimal eight east [157.8E] Recent movement : south at 3 knots Maximum winds : 90 knots Central pressure: 950 hPa AREA AFFECTED Within 150 nautical miles of the centre. FORECAST Maximum winds to 90 knots near the centre. Winds above 64 knots within 40 nautical miles of centre with phenomenal seas. Winds above 48 knots within 60 nautical miles of centre with high to very high seas. Winds above 34 knots within 150 nautical miles of centre with very rough seas. Forecast positions At 1800 UTC 17 March: Within 40 nautical miles of 14.7 south 157.9 east Central pressure 950 hPa. Winds to 90 knots At 0600 UTC 18 March: Within 70 nautical miles of 15.9 south 158.0 east Central pressure 950 hPa. Winds to 90 knots REMARKS All ships in the area please send weather reports every three hours. Regular weather observing ships use normal channels. Other ships please use either email to [email protected] or fax to +61732398776 or satellite to SAC 1241 through Land Earth Station Perth 212. Next warning will be issued by 1300 UTC 17 March 2010. WEATHER BRISBANE ========================================================================= HIGH SEAS WEATHER WARNING FOR METAREA 10 ISSUED BY THE AUSTRALIAN BUREAU OF METEOROLOGY, BRISBANE 1243 UTC 17 March 2010 HURRICANE FORCE WIND WARNING FOR NORTH EASTERN AREA SITUATION At 1200 UTC Severe Tropical Cyclone Ului was centred within 10 nautical miles of latitude fourteen decimal four south [14.4S] longitude one hundred and fifty eight decimal zero east [158.0E] Recent movement : south southeast at 3 knots Maximum winds : 90 knots Central pressure: 950 hPa AREA AFFECTED Within 150 nautical miles of the centre. FORECAST Maximum winds to 90 knots near the centre. Winds above 64 knots within 40 nautical miles of centre with phenomenal seas. Winds above 48 knots within 60 nautical miles of centre with high to very high seas. Winds above 34 knots within 150 nautical miles of centre with very rough seas. Forecast positions At 0000 UTC 18 March: Within 45 nautical miles of 15.3 south 158.2 east Central pressure 950 hPa. Winds to 90 knots At 1200 UTC 18 March: Within 70 nautical miles of 16.4 south 158.0 east Central pressure 950 hPa. Winds to 90 knots REMARKS All ships in the area please send weather reports every three hours. Regular weather observing ships use normal channels. Other ships please use either email to [email protected] or fax to +61732398776 or satellite to SAC 1241 through Land Earth Station Perth 212. Next warning will be issued by 1900 UTC 17 March 2010. WEATHER BRISBANE ========================================================================= HIGH SEAS WEATHER WARNING FOR METAREA 10 ISSUED BY THE AUSTRALIAN BUREAU OF METEOROLOGY, BRISBANE 1833 UTC 17 March 2010 HURRICANE FORCE WIND WARNING FOR NORTH EASTERN AREA SITUATION At 1800 UTC Severe Tropical Cyclone Ului was centred within 10 nautical miles of latitude fourteen decimal seven south [14.7S] longitude one hundred and fifty seven decimal eight east [157.8E] Recent movement : south at 3 knots Maximum winds : 85 knots Central pressure: 952 hPa AREA AFFECTED Within 150 nautical miles of the centre. FORECAST Maximum winds to 85 knots near the centre. Winds above 64 knots within 40 nautical miles of centre with phenomenal seas. Winds above 48 knots within 60 nautical miles of centre with high to very high seas. Winds above 34 knots within 150 nautical miles of centre with very rough seas. Forecast positions At 0600 UTC 18 March: Within 40 nautical miles of 15.6 south 157.8 east Central pressure 953 hPa. Winds to 85 knots At 1800 UTC 18 March: Within 70 nautical miles of 16.6 south 157.2 east Central pressure 949 hPa. Winds to 90 knots REMARKS All ships in the area please send weather reports every three hours. Regular weather observing ships use normal channels. Other ships please use either email to [email protected] or fax to +61732398776 or satellite to SAC 1241 through Land Earth Station Perth 212. Next warning will be issued by 0100 UTC 18 March 2010. WEATHER BRISBANE ========================================================================= HIGH SEAS WEATHER WARNING FOR METAREA 10 ISSUED BY THE AUSTRALIAN BUREAU OF METEOROLOGY, BRISBANE 0103 UTC 18 March 2010 HURRICANE FORCE WIND WARNING FOR NORTH EASTERN AREA SITUATION At 0000 UTC Severe Tropical Cyclone Ului was centred within 10 nautical miles of latitude fifteen decimal zero south [15.0S] longitude one hundred and fifty seven decimal eight east [157.8E] Recent movement : south southwest at 3 knots Maximum winds : 80 knots Central pressure: 960 hPa AREA AFFECTED Within 150 nautical miles of the centre. FORECAST Maximum winds to 80 knots near the centre. Winds above 64 knots within 40 nautical miles of centre with phenomenal seas. Winds above 48 knots within 60 nautical miles of centre with high to very high seas. Winds above 34 knots within 150 nautical miles of centre with very rough seas. Forecast positions At 1200 UTC 18 March: Within 40 nautical miles of 15.8 south 157.4 east Central pressure 965 hPa. Winds to 75 knots At 0000 UTC 19 March: Within 70 nautical miles of 17.2 south 156.2 east Central pressure 962 hPa. Winds to 80 knots REMARKS All ships in the area please send weather reports every three hours. Regular weather observing ships use normal channels. Other ships please use either email to [email protected] or fax to +61732398776 or satellite to SAC 1241 through Land Earth Station Perth 212. Next warning will be issued by 0700 UTC 18 March 2010. WEATHER BRISBANE ========================================================================= HIGH SEAS WEATHER WARNING FOR METAREA 10 ISSUED BY THE AUSTRALIAN BUREAU OF METEOROLOGY, BRISBANE 0659 UTC 18 March 2010 HURRICANE FORCE WIND WARNING FOR NORTH EASTERN AREA SITUATION At 0600 UTC Severe Tropical Cyclone Ului was centred within 10 nautical miles of latitude fifteen decimal four south [15.4S] longitude one hundred and fifty seven decimal six east [157.6E] Recent movement : south southwest at 4 knots Maximum winds : 75 knots Central pressure: 965 hPa AREA AFFECTED Within 150 nautical miles of the centre. FORECAST Maximum winds to 75 knots near the centre. Winds above 64 knots within 40 nautical miles of centre with phenomenal seas. Winds above 48 knots within 60 nautical miles of centre with high to very high seas. Winds above 34 knots within 150 nautical miles of centre with very rough seas. Forecast positions At 1800 UTC 18 March: Within 35 nautical miles of 16.4 south 156.9 east Central pressure 965 hPa. Winds to 75 knots At 0600 UTC 19 March: Within 60 nautical miles of 17.7 south 155.7 east Central pressure 965 hPa. Winds to 75 knots REMARKS All ships in the area please send weather reports every three hours. Regular weather observing ships use normal channels. Other ships please use either email to [email protected] or fax to +61732398776 or satellite to SAC 1241 through Land Earth Station Perth 212. Next warning will be issued by 1300 UTC 18 March 2010. WEATHER BRISBANE ========================================================================= HIGH SEAS WEATHER WARNING FOR METAREA 10 ISSUED BY THE AUSTRALIAN BUREAU OF METEOROLOGY, BRISBANE 1240 UTC 18 March 2010 HURRICANE FORCE WIND WARNING FOR NORTH EASTERN AREA SITUATION At 1200 UTC Severe Tropical Cyclone Ului was centred within 10 nautical miles of latitude fifteen decimal seven south [15.7S] longitude one hundred and fifty seven decimal seven east [157.7E] Recent movement : south at 4 knots Maximum winds : 75 knots Central pressure: 970 hPa AREA AFFECTED Within 150 nautical miles of the centre. FORECAST Maximum winds to 75 knots near the centre. Winds above 64 knots within 40 nautical miles of centre with phenomenal seas. Winds above 48 knots within 60 nautical miles of centre with high to very high seas. Winds above 34 knots within 150 nautical miles of centre with very rough seas. Forecast positions At 0000 UTC 19 March: Within 40 nautical miles of 17.0 south 156.8 east Central pressure 968 hPa. Winds to 75 knots At 1200 UTC 19 March: Within 70 nautical miles of 18.2 south 155.2 east Central pressure 970 hPa. Winds to 75 knots REMARKS All ships in the area please send weather reports every three hours. Regular weather observing ships use normal channels. Other ships please use either email to [email protected] or fax to +61732398776 or satellite to SAC 1241 through Land Earth Station Perth 212. Next warning will be issued by 1900 UTC 18 March 2010. WEATHER BRISBANE ========================================================================= HIGH SEAS WEATHER WARNING FOR METAREA 10 ISSUED BY THE AUSTRALIAN BUREAU OF METEOROLOGY, BRISBANE 1855 UTC 18 March 2010 HURRICANE FORCE WIND WARNING FOR NORTH EASTERN AREA SITUATION At 1800 UTC Severe Tropical Cyclone Ului was centred within 10 nautical miles of latitude sixteen decimal seven south [16.7S] longitude one hundred and fifty seven decimal six east [157.6E] Recent movement : south southwest at 7 knots Maximum winds : 65 knots Central pressure: 972 hPa AREA AFFECTED Within 130 nautical miles in northern semicircle and within 160 nautical miles in southern semicircle FORECAST Maximum winds to 65 knots near the centre. Winds above 64 knots within 45 nautical miles of centre with phenomenal seas. Winds above 48 knots within 70 nautical miles of centre with high to very high seas. Winds above 34 knots within 130 nautical miles in northern semicircle and within 160 nautical miles in southern semicircle with very rough seas. Forecast positions At 0600 UTC 19 March: Within 40 nautical miles of 18.1 south 156.4 east Central pressure 969 hPa. Winds to 65 knots At 1800 UTC 19 March: Within 70 nautical miles of 19.1 south 154.4 east Central pressure 961 hPa. Winds to 75 knots REMARKS All ships in the area please send weather reports every three hours. Regular weather observing ships use normal channels. Other ships please use either email to [email protected] or fax to +61732398776 or satellite to SAC 1241 through Land Earth Station Perth 212. Next warning will be issued by 0100 UTC 19 March 2010. WEATHER BRISBANE ========================================================================= 1 CORRECTED HIGH SEAS WEATHER WARNING FOR METAREA 10 ISSUED BY THE AUSTRALIAN BUREAU OF METEOROLOGY, BRISBANE 0121 UTC 19 March 2010 STORM FORCE WIND WARNING FOR NORTH EASTERN AREA SITUATION At 0000 UTC Tropical Cyclone Ului was centred within 15 nautical miles of latitude sixteen decimal seven south [16.7S] longitude one hundred and fifty six decimal nine east [156.9E] Recent movement : southwest at 7 knots Maximum winds : 60 knots Central pressure: 980 hPa AREA AFFECTED Within 70 nautical miles in northern quadrants and within 150 nautical miles in SE quadrant and within 180 nautical miles in SW quadrant FORECAST Maximum winds to 60 knots near the centre. Winds above 48 knots within 30 nautical miles in northern quadrants extending to 60 nautical miles in southern quadrants with high to very high seas. Winds above 34 knots within 70 nautical miles in northern quadrants and within 150 nautical miles in SE quadrant and within 180 nautical miles in SW quadrant with very rough seas. Forecast positions At 1200 UTC 19 March: Within 35 nautical miles of 18.1 south 155.4 east Central pressure 982 hPa. Winds to 55 knots At 0000 UTC 20 March: Within 60 nautical miles of 19.2 south 153.1 east Central pressure 983 hPa. Winds to 55 knots REMARKS All ships in the area please send weather reports every three hours. Regular weather observing ships use normal channels. Other ships please use either email to [email protected] or fax to +61732398776 or satellite to SAC 1241 through Land Earth Station Perth 212. Next warning will be issued by 0700 UTC 19 March 2010. WEATHER BRISBANE ========================================================================= HIGH SEAS WEATHER WARNING FOR METAREA 10 ISSUED BY THE AUSTRALIAN BUREAU OF METEOROLOGY, BRISBANE 0729 UTC 19 March 2010 STORM FORCE WIND WARNING FOR NORTH EASTERN AREA SITUATION At 0600 UTC Tropical Cyclone Ului was centred within 15 nautical miles of latitude seventeen decimal four south [17.4S] longitude one hundred and fifty six decimal two east [156.2E] Recent movement : southwest at 8 knots Maximum winds : 55 knots Central pressure: 984 hPa AREA AFFECTED Within 70 nautical miles in northern quadrants and within 150 to 180 nautical miles in southern quadrants. FORECAST Maximum winds to 55 knots near the centre. Winds above 48 knots within 30 nautical miles in northern quadrants extending to 60 nautical miles in southern quadrants with high to very high seas. Winds above 34 knots within 70 nautical miles in northern quadrants and within 150 to 180 nautical miles in southern quadrants. Forecast positions At 1800 UTC 19 March: Within 45 nautical miles of 18.7 south 154.3 east Central pressure 983 hPa. Winds to 55 knots At 0600 UTC 20 March: Within 75 nautical miles of 19.6 south 151.9 east Central pressure 986 hPa. Winds to 50 knots REMARKS All ships in the area please send weather reports every three hours. Regular weather observing ships use normal channels. Other ships please use either email to [email protected] or fax to +61732398776 or satellite to SAC 1241 through Land Earth Station Perth 212. Next warning will be issued by 1300 UTC 19 March 2010. WEATHER BRISBANE ========================================================================= HIGH SEAS WEATHER WARNING FOR METAREA 10 ISSUED BY THE AUSTRALIAN BUREAU OF METEOROLOGY, BRISBANE 1256 UTC 19 March 2010 STORM FORCE WIND WARNING FOR NORTH EASTERN AREA SITUATION At 1200 UTC Tropical Cyclone Ului was centred within 25 nautical miles of latitude eighteen decimal zero south [18.0S] longitude one hundred and fifty five decimal seven east [155.7E] Recent movement : southwest at 8 knots Maximum winds : 55 knots Central pressure: 983 hPa AREA AFFECTED Within 70 nautical miles in northern quadrants and within 150 nautical miles in SE quadrant and within 180 nautical miles in SW quadrant. FORECAST Maximum winds to 55 knots near the centre. Winds above 48 knots within 30 nautical miles in northern quadrants extending to 60 nautical miles in southern quadrants with high to very high seas. Winds above 34 knots within 70 nautical miles in northern quadrants and within 150 nautical miles in SE quadrant and within 180 nautical miles in SW quadrant. Forecast positions At 0000 UTC 20 March: Within 45 nautical miles of 19.0 south 153.5 east Central pressure 984 hPa. Winds to 55 knots At 1200 UTC 20 March: Within 65 nautical miles of 19.7 south 151.1 east Central pressure 984 hPa. Winds to 55 knots REMARKS All ships in the area please send weather reports every three hours. Regular weather observing ships use normal channels. Other ships please use either email to [email protected] or fax to +61732398776 or satellite to SAC 1241 through Land Earth Station Perth 212. Next warning will be issued by 1900 UTC 19 March 2010. WEATHER BRISBANE ========================================================================= 2 UPDATED HIGH SEAS WEATHER WARNING FOR METAREA 10 ISSUED BY THE AUSTRALIAN BUREAU OF METEOROLOGY, BRISBANE 2254 UTC 19 March 2010 STORM FORCE WIND WARNING FOR NORTH EASTERN AREA SITUATION At 1800 UTC Tropical Cyclone Ului was relocated within 25 nautical miles of latitude eighteen decimal nine south [18.9S] longitude one hundred and fifty four decimal seven east [154.7E] Recent movement : southwest at 12 knots Maximum winds : 55 knots Central pressure: 980 hPa AREA AFFECTED Within 70 nautical miles in northern quadrants and within 150 nautical miles in SE quadrant and within 210 nautical miles in SW quadrant. FORECAST Maximum winds to 55 knots near the centre. Winds above 48 knots within 30 nautical miles in northern quadrants extending to 60 nautical miles in southern quadrants with high to very high seas. Winds above 34 knots within 70 nautical miles in northern quadrants and within 150 nautical miles in SE quadrant and within 210 nautical miles in SW quadrant. Forecast positions At 0600 UTC 20 March: Within 55 nautical miles of 20.0 south 152.4 east Central pressure 980 hPa. Winds to 60 knots At 1800 UTC 20 March: Within 85 nautical miles of 20.5 south 149.4 east Central pressure 984 hPa. Winds to 55 knots REMARKS All ships in the area please send weather reports every three hours. Regular weather observing ships use normal channels. Other ships please use either email to [email protected] or fax to +61732398776 or satellite to SAC 1241 through Land Earth Station Perth 212. Next warning will be issued by 0100 UTC 20 March 2010. WEATHER BRISBANE ========================================================================= HIGH SEAS WEATHER WARNING FOR METAREA 10 ISSUED BY THE AUSTRALIAN BUREAU OF METEOROLOGY, BRISBANE 0115 UTC 20 March 2010 HURRICANE FORCE WIND WARNING FOR NORTH EASTERN AREA SITUATION At 0000 UTC Tropical Cyclone Ului was centred within 20 nautical miles of latitude nineteen decimal six south [19.6S] longitude one hundred and fifty three decimal three east [153.3E] Recent movement : west southwest at 14 knots Maximum winds : 55 knots Central pressure: 978 hPa AREA AFFECTED Within 120 nautical miles in northern quadrants and within 190 nautical miles in southern quadrants. FORECAST Maximum winds to 55 knots near the centre increasing to 65 knots by 1800 UTC 20 March prior to crossing the coast. Winds above 64 knots within 20 nautical miles of centre by 1800 UTC 20 March with very high seas and heavy swell. Winds above 48 knots within 30 nautical miles in northern quadrants extending to 60 nautical miles in southern quadrants with high to very high seas and heavy swell. Winds above 34 knots within 120 nautical miles in northern quadrants and within 190 nautical miles in southern quadrants with very rough seas and moderate to heavy swell. Forecast positions At 1200 UTC 20 March: Within 50 nautical miles of 20.3 south 150.5 east Central pressure 977 hPa. Winds to 60 knots At 0000 UTC 21 March: Within 80 nautical miles of 20.9 south 147.5 east over land. Central pressure 985 hPa. Winds to 50 knots REMARKS All ships in the area please send weather reports every three hours. Regular weather observing ships use normal channels. Other ships please use either email to [email protected] or fax to +61732398776 or satellite to SAC 1241 through Land Earth Station Perth 212. Next warning will be issued by 0700 UTC 20 March 2010. WEATHER BRISBANE ========================================================================= HIGH SEAS WEATHER WARNING FOR METAREA 10 ISSUED BY THE AUSTRALIAN BUREAU OF METEOROLOGY, BRISBANE 0703 UTC 20 March 2010 HURRICANE FORCE WIND WARNING FOR NORTH EASTERN AREA SITUATION At 0600 UTC Severe Tropical Cyclone Ului was centred within 20 nautical miles of latitude nineteen decimal nine south [19.9S] longitude one hundred and fifty one decimal five east [151.5E] Recent movement : west southwest at 15 knots Maximum winds : 65 knots Central pressure: 975 hPa AREA AFFECTED Within 60 nautical miles in northern quadrants and within 140 nautical miles in southern quadrants. FORECAST Maximum winds to 65 knots near the centre. Winds above 64 knots within 20 nautical miles of centre with very high seas and heavy swell. Winds above 48 knots within 30 nautical miles in northern quadrants extending to 70 nautical miles in southern quadrants with high to very high seas and heavy swell. Winds above 34 knots within 60 nautical miles in northern quadrants and within 140 nautical miles in southern quadrants with very rough seas and moderate to heavy swell. Forecast positions At 1800 UTC 20 March: Within 50 nautical miles of 20.4 south 148.4 east Central pressure 975 hPa. Winds to 65 knots At 0600 UTC 21 March: Within 80 nautical miles of 21.0 south 145.4 east over land Central pressure 999 hPa. Winds to 35 knots REMARKS All ships in the area please send weather reports every three hours. Regular weather observing ships use normal channels. Other ships please use either email to [email protected] or fax to +61732398776 or satellite to SAC 1241 through Land Earth Station Perth 212. Next warning will be issued by 1300 UTC 20 March 2010. WEATHER BRISBANE ========================================================================= HIGH SEAS WEATHER WARNING FOR METAREA 10 ISSUED BY THE AUSTRALIAN BUREAU OF METEOROLOGY, BRISBANE 1305 UTC 20 March 2010 HURRICANE FORCE WIND WARNING FOR NORTH EASTERN AREA SITUATION At 1200 UTC Severe Tropical Cyclone Ului was centred within 20 nautical miles of latitude twenty decimal zero south [20.0S] longitude one hundred and forty nine decimal six east [149.6E] Recent movement : west at 18 knots Maximum winds : 80 knots Central pressure: 964 hPa AREA AFFECTED Within 90 nautical miles in northern quadrants and within 140 nautical miles in southern quadrants. FORECAST Maximum winds to 80 knots near the centre. Winds above 64 knots within 40 nautical miles of centre with very high seas and heavy swell. Winds above 48 knots within up to 70 nautical miles in northern quadrants extending up to 80 nautical miles in southern quadrants with high to very high seas and heavy swell. Winds above 34 knots within up to 120 nautical miles in northern quadrants and within up to 140 nautical miles in southern quadrants with very rough seas and moderate to heavy swell. Forecast positions At 0000 UTC 21 March: Within 50 nautical miles of 20.7 south 146.6 east Central pressure 981 hPa. Winds to 50 knots At 1200 UTC 21 March: Within 80 nautical miles of 21.1 south 143.8 east Central pressure 1002 hPa. Winds to 30 knots REMARKS All ships in the area please send weather reports every three hours. Regular weather observing ships use normal channels. Other ships please use either email to [email protected] or fax to +61732398776 or satellite to SAC 1241 through Land Earth Station Perth 212. Next warning will be issued by 1900 UTC 20 March 2010. WEATHER BRISBANE ========================================================================= HIGH SEAS WEATHER WARNING FOR METAREA 10 ISSUED BY THE AUSTRALIAN BUREAU OF METEOROLOGY, BRISBANE 1917 UTC 20 March 2010 STORM FORCE WIND WARNING FOR NORTH EASTERN AREA SITUATION At 1800 UTC Tropical Cyclone Ului was centred overland within 15 nautical miles of latitude twenty decimal four south [20.4S] longitude one hundred and forty eight decimal four east [148.4E] Recent movement : west southwest at 12 knots Maximum winds : 60 knots Central pressure: 975 hPa AREA AFFECTED Within 80 nautical miles in northern quadrants and within 100 nautical miles in southern quadrants. FORECAST Maximum winds to 60 knots near the centre. Winds above 48 knots within up to 20 nautical miles in northern quadrants extending up to 50 nautical miles in southern quadrants with high to very high seas and heavy swell. Winds above 34 knots within up to 120 nautical miles in northern quadrants and within up to 140 nautical miles in southern quadrants with very rough seas and moderate to heavy swell. Forecast positions At 0600 UTC 21 March: Within 45 nautical miles of 21.0 south 146.2 east overland Central pressure 1002 hPa. Winds to 30 knots At 1800 UTC 21 March: Within 75 nautical miles of 20.6 south 143.6 east overland Central pressure 1006 hPa. Winds to 25 knots REMARKS All ships in the area please send weather reports every three hours. Regular weather observing ships use normal channels. Other ships please use either email to [email protected] or fax to +61732398776 or satellite to SAC 1241 through Land Earth Station Perth 212. Next warning will be issued by 0100 UTC 21 March 2010. WEATHER BRISBANE ========================================================================= FINAL HIGH SEAS WEATHER WARNING FOR METAREA 10 ISSUED BY THE AUSTRALIAN BUREAU OF METEOROLOGY, BRISBANE 2202 UTC 20 March 2010 GALE WIND WARNING FOR NORTH EASTERN AREA SITUATION At 2100 UTC Tropical Cyclone Ului, 990 hPa was centred overland near 20.7S 147.3E, moving west southwest at 12 knots and weakening rapidly. Maximum winds near centre 40 knots. AREA AFFECTED Within 80 nautical miles of the cyclone centre. FORECAST Clockwise winds 30/35 knots, easing below 34 knots in the next few hours. Very rough seas and moderate to heavy swell, abating. Forecast positions At 0600 UTC 21 March: 21.0S 146.2E overland Central pressure 1002 hPa. Winds to 30 knots At 1800 UTC 21 March: 20.6S 143.6E overland Central pressure 1006 hPa. Winds to 25 knots REMARKS WEATHER BRISBANE
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Document: tropical_cyclone_ului.htm | Updated: 26 March 2010 |