Tropical Cyclones
Season 1984-1985 Tropical Cyclone EMMA Track Map
Season 1984-1985 Summaries: [BoM-AU] [JTWC-AU] [JTWC-SIO] [JTWC-SPAC] [JTWC-SH]
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Bureau of Meteorology Tropical Cyclone Data

Name: EMMA
Number: 663 / 198485_01

03 Dec 1984 18:00 UTC to 13 Dec 1984 06:00 UTC

    date/time    lat    long    hPa   cat  kts
1984-12-03 18    5.3   102.0   1006         20          
1984-12-04 00    5.3   101.0   1004         20          
1984-12-04 06    5.5   100.0   1003         25          
1984-12-04 12    5.8    99.1   1001         25          
1984-12-04 18    6.2    98.5    999         25          
1984-12-05 00    6.7    98.1    997         30          
1984-12-05 06    7.2    98.0    997         30          
1984-12-05 12    7.5    98.0    996         30          
1984-12-05 18    7.7    98.1    996         30          
1984-12-06 00    8.0    98.2    995    1    30          
1984-12-06 06    8.2    98.3    995    1    30          
1984-12-06 12    8.4    98.6    995    1    30          
1984-12-06 18    8.6    98.9    994    1    35          
1984-12-07 00    8.7    99.1    993    1    35          
1984-12-07 06    8.9    99.3    992    1    40          
1984-12-07 12    9.2    99.6    991    1    40          
1984-12-07 18    9.5    99.9    990    1    40          
1984-12-08 00    9.6   100.1    989    1    40          
1984-12-08 06    9.8   100.4    988    1    40          
1984-12-08 12   10.2   100.8    986    1    45          
1984-12-08 18   10.4   101.5    984    2    50          
1984-12-09 00   10.9   102.1    981    2    50          
1984-12-09 06   11.3   103.1    979    2    50          
1984-12-09 12   11.5   103.6    978    2    50          
1984-12-09 18   11.9   104.2    975    2    55          
1984-12-10 00   12.4   105.0    973    2    60          
1984-12-10 06   13.0   105.8    971    2    60          
1984-12-10 12   13.6   106.6    969    3    65          
1984-12-10 18   14.2   107.5    967    3    65          
1984-12-11 00   14.6   108.3    967    3    65          
1984-12-11 06   15.5   109.3    969    3    65          
1984-12-11 12   16.6   110.7    973    2    60          
1984-12-11 15   17.2   111.6    976    2    60          
1984-12-11 18   17.8   112.2    978    2    55          
1984-12-11 21   18.3   113.3    981    2    55          
1984-12-12 00   19.0   114.3    984    2    50          
1984-12-12 03   19.5   115.1    987    1    45          
1984-12-12 06   20.0   115.8    991    1    40          
1984-12-12 09   20.6   116.1    995    1    30          
1984-12-12 12   21.2   116.8    996         30          
1984-12-12 15   21.6   117.2    996         25          
1984-12-12 18   21.7   117.9    996         25          
1984-12-13 00   21.9   119.8    998         20          
1984-12-13 06   21.9   119.8    998         20          
Winds are 10-min average.

Tropical cyclone tracks developed by Michael Bath using data from the Bureau of Meteorology and Google Maps.

Document: tropical_cyclone_emma.htm
Updated: 20 April 2021
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